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Friday, March 14, 2008


Oh man, hohoho...

In one of those "Naked Gun" films, there's a line Leslie Neilson says while Priscilla Presley is up a ladder looking for...a book I think, if memory serves.

"Nice beaver", he deadpans (as only he can do), the obvious connotation being the sexual reference. Then the camera cuts to an actual beaver on top of the shelf.

Hehe heh - funny stuff. Toilet humour I know, but funny nonetheless.

Aaaanyway - in the Daily Rag I came across the following headline:

"Viewers damn the beaver ad"

Kotex, the tampon company has aired this ad where an attractive young woman spends the day traipsing around with her pet beaver (hoho, even as I write...). She (they) goes to lunch, then to the hairdressers to get their nails done, then get gawked at by men on a beach (stupid fuckin paper doesn't clarify whether the men or our stars are on the beach, however...).
The ad concludes with the voice over,

"You've only got one so for the ultimate care, make it U" ("U" must be the product name I suppose). The woman then hands the beaver a packet of tampons as a gift.

LMMFAO!!! Ahahahahaha. Where do I see this ad?

Those with the delicate wittle minds complained. Says Alison Abernathy, ASB (Avertising Standards Board) chief, "A lot of complaints came in over the weekend".
(Shouldn't have a woman in this position for a start - they're too emotional and over-sensitive - and easily offended, thereby negating the objectiveness required for a level view - but that's for another post...
The rag quotes Penny Warneford who apparently is "helping" to run the campaign as saying the product range targeted the 18-24 year olds who often had euphemisms for their genitals (as y'do!).

The whiners want it pulled.

Only in Australia. It used to be America, to which the term was applied; mind you, America's boast was one of having the most freaks (still holds that title I'm sure); Australia's is one of whiners.

The old joke goes:
Q: "How many Australians does it take to dig a hole?
A: "10. One to dig the hole and nine to create a "people against the hole" committee".

And true to form, the complaint lines have been inundated with the aforementioned whiners, bleating on about how offensive the ad is.

Why don't you lot just fuck off and get a life! You make me want to defecate!


Spoony Quine said...

` Haaaa haaa haa haaaa! Both the ad and the joke warranted laughter!
` I think that in America, whiners just get laughed at because freaks are tolerated so well, so it's harder to be a whiner.
` This reminds me, I'm soon to put up a comic I drew on my art blog - it's about these weird commercials involving people dressed up as caterpillars.

` PS I am heavily offended at your comment that women tend to be offended more than men! Lol!

mutters said...

Well they do - typically (and really, what makes women, women) they are emotion-driven. Which isn't a bad thing - in moderation but when one can't separate it from logic and reason (which invented the wheel and discovered worlds), rarely can the right conclusion be drawn.

Anyway...I'll stop in at your blog to see the artwork. I used to know a sensational artist. Was amazing what he could do.

Spoony Quine said...

` I think if you had seen my critical thinking blog, which is gone now, you wouldn't think *I* was so emotion-driven.
` Also, the caterpillar thing is finally up on my art blog now. (Since yesterday.)

Jayne :) said...

I'm offended! (Hi Mutters!)

OK, so now we got that one out the way - how the hell are you? :) Sorry I haven't been around for a while but we are FINALLY into our 'slightly more permanent rental house', at long last connected and now we wait only for a comfortable chair to sit on! Life is getting better!

Speaking of blogs - when are you going to pop into mine again? I feel quite OFFENDED (again!), besides I've put up a fun poem that came to me while staring at the wildlife in my garden. It is a running commentary over a few days and I like to think of it as Reality Poetry. Seriously, would love your opinion :)

Jayne :)

mutters said...

Feel free to defend womankind if you dare, Jayney...

Tired. Spending what little spare time I have on the sofa watchin recorded episodes of NYPD Blue - best cop show on TV in my opinion.
Good to hear from ye; and to hear you're settled in your new place. I am too, I'm pleased to be able to report.
Though not so much "settled" as "in". Got the sofa and TV in and that's about it, oh, and the kettle of course :).

I'll get into your blog asap, I promise.

Take care, Jayne.


mutters said...

Critical thinkin eh, See? Lay it on me, mate...

Spoony Quine said...

` Well, if you go to my blogs, especially the mad science blog, there's some stuff - though my 'introductions' to critical thinking are waaaay back there.
` This is my most recent one.
` This one is my most recent favorite one, and I'm going to make another post about this crazy guy... well, you'll see.
` Also, this one is too funny because it was meant to make fun of this crazy guy who believes he's taken photos of the ghost of Nicole Brown Simpson and bigfoot, even though they're just random blobs in the bushes, and he believed my joke was real!
` Irony!

Spoony Quine said...

` PS I just watched The Naked Gun - actually, she hands the beaver down to him.
` Also, want to see the ad? It's right here!
` My boyfriend is raving about how there's NO WAY a commercial like that could EVER get on the air. You know, that's a good point - perhaps things are so sanitized here in order to PREVENT whining?
` Honestly, I was shocked when Charmin commercials featuring bears in the woods squatting behind trees came on the air. THAT was pretty crazy. I'm sure it got plenty of complaints, but it was apparently so effective that the bears are on the toilet paper packages.

` PPS, just got the internet, and where's the first place I go?

mutters said...

Well well - I'm honoured. (Or stalked ...hoho!)
The whole world's becoming sanitized, See. Life is this facade of desperate hope that everything's as it should be (coupled with brutally draconian legislation to enforce compliance) while in reality it slowly unravels.

Bummer, eh?

So embrace this irreverent humour, See. Grab it with both hands and laugh your heart out. Word of caution though:
Try not to do it in public - you may well be carted away by the men in the white coats...
All for your own good, mind.

Stop that! That's silly! Lmao.

mutters said...

Heh heh...just saw the ad. Hoho - how could I not laugh...

Though I must say the writng's what makes it.

"You only have one" indeed. Ahahahahaha...!

Spoony Quine said...

` Yes! NEVER in America. Them Australians are so bold! And I do manage to hide myself from the men in white coats while I laugh at this insanity.

mutters said...

Well, some of them at least. You have the flannel-shirt wearing Paul Hogan types who are careless of authority (mind you, these are the ones who are afraid of their women) and the David Beckham types who complain endlessly to their girlfriends at the salon while getting their nails done.

Either way - it's no wonder I feel superior.

Spoony Quine said...

` Good for you, man! I guess it's kinda the same way for me - let's just say, I'm the first girlfriend that Lucas has had for over four months (we've been together three years now) because all the rest have been crazy, stupid, or both.
` And I even have issues! HUGE issues spanning the overwhelming bulk of my lifetime, involving torture and abuse. I don't even like having sex, that's how screwed up I am, and he still loves me! It is my intellect and my attitude of not giving up on recovering that seems to have gotten me where I am today.

mutters said...

Tch, don't get me started on nutters - I've had 'em all!

It's good you've got support. We all have our crosses to bear I suppose.

My attitude...? Well, I think it's patently obvious and probably why I'm single hoho.

Couldn't give a fuck. I am what I am - take it or leave it. Makes no difference to me.

Spoony Quine said...

` ...And you're so cute and innocent online! (Not.)

` BTW, seeing the title of this post gives me the urge to say; "Daily On The Rag!"

mutters said...

Oh no - I'm not "cute"! What WILL I do. Boo-hoo. That would be...COZ I'M A MAN!!!!
Heh heh.

Is that a menstruation reference? Woohoo - hang it out, See.

Spoony Quine said...

` May all hell break loose!

mutters said...

Hasn't it already? Didn't it happen about 5 years ago...?

Spoony Quine said...

` Ohhhh, that's right!

mutters said...

Bring it on - sooner the better.

KB said...

Speaking of Beaver...


KB said...

eek, link doesn't work...will send it to ya instead.