Surprise surprise, this is something else I've known for years...
Oh dear. All is not well in the Australian military. It transpires that none of the infantry has been given "offensive" missions, instead such missions are only being given to the special forces (Australian SAS).
The regular soldiers are feeling embarrassed at their non-involvement in the war and the word is they are becoming a laughing stock in the eyes of the other Allied men.
This is probably because, back in OZ, everybody speaks in revered whispers about "our fighting men" and none will agree to them being hurt - hence, they never get sent into danger. Sort of like toy soldiers. They're actual soldiers for God's sake (at least they're meant to be...).
Bottom line? You could remove every Australian soldier from Iraq and Afghanistan and no-one would notice. They are there, simply, as a courtesy, because the US can't (nor ever have been able to) risk losing all the support they can muster in this fight to end all fights (they still think they can win). It's why they (the US) sent someone here to "thank" Australia for their support - to garner it, no more no less.
And being the "little puppy dog", Australia wagged its tail and crowed about its partner in war.
While it mans the control towers at airports, security checkpoints, peacekeeping.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
It turns out several of Sydney's major hospitals are suspending elective surgery during the "pilgrims" visit. One of which is being shut down entirely just in case the wee man in the funny hat takes a turn.
Doctors have been advised to take holidays. The State Opposition claim it's just to save money in the many hospitals that are over budget.
Either way, why don't you fuckin papists just piss off to your own world...I don't know...Rome or somethin'
I'm bloody payin for this, remember.
Doctors have been advised to take holidays. The State Opposition claim it's just to save money in the many hospitals that are over budget.
Either way, why don't you fuckin papists just piss off to your own world...I don't know...Rome or somethin'
I'm bloody payin for this, remember.
Monday, May 26, 2008
I went to the shoppin' centre today where I was nearly crippled - at least temporarily.
I'm a busy man. I work long hours and the Boys just have to wait until I'm finished, but I don't take it lightly and do my best to get back asap to let them out for a leak, stretch their legs etc.
So when in shoppin' centres, I tend to rush through the 'traffic' much in the same way I do when I'm on a motorbike in vehicular traffic. Duckin' and weavin', treating the other people like obstacles around which I need to navigate. Twistin' and bendin'. Stopin and startin, speedin up and slowin it? Good.
For the most part, I'm rather expert at it and can move through the throng with ease. However, there are risks. And these come in the form of women who veritably march with a purpose. And when people march, they swing their arms - also with a purpose. I have no idea why women do it though.
Regardless of my ignorance - they do. And here we get to the crux.
I'm speeding through the crowds of people, shoppin' tolleys, prams, slothful old people, like a whirling dervish, concentrating on a route. Left, duck. Right, twist. Accelerate, brake, stop, turn, accelerate again...
And I come upon a group of girls 'marching'. (Though it's only in hindsight I remember...). No problem to Muttars. I go for the gap and 'BANG!!'
One of the girls' seemingly out of control swinging appendages slams into my groin like the hammer of Thor!
Now, I don't know if women know this but the Big Man in all his wisdom has incorporated a time lag system in a man's nuts. This means, after one has been cracked in them, it takes about 5-10 seconds before the nausea sets in (presumably to give the victim time to go and collapse somewhere...), followed quickly thereafter by the pain. Oh, the pain, the weakness in the legs, the urge to curl up and die.
Anyway, the 'perp' obviously doesn't realise the damage she has done and offers a quick but embarrassed 'sorry'. I know exactly what's coming (pain, nausea etc.) and mumble something like 's'ok, don worry bout it' or something similar and quickly make use of the 5-10 seconds of grace the Almighty has thoughtfully provided (further evidence that God is indeed a man - a woman clearly wouldn't think of such a thing) to swiftly exit the scene to somewhere quiet where I can dissuade my lunch from comin' up while 'gently' rubbing my manhandled (or girl-whalloped in this case) nuts!
Dangerous places these crowded plazas, it seems!
I'm a busy man. I work long hours and the Boys just have to wait until I'm finished, but I don't take it lightly and do my best to get back asap to let them out for a leak, stretch their legs etc.
So when in shoppin' centres, I tend to rush through the 'traffic' much in the same way I do when I'm on a motorbike in vehicular traffic. Duckin' and weavin', treating the other people like obstacles around which I need to navigate. Twistin' and bendin'. Stopin and startin, speedin up and slowin it? Good.
For the most part, I'm rather expert at it and can move through the throng with ease. However, there are risks. And these come in the form of women who veritably march with a purpose. And when people march, they swing their arms - also with a purpose. I have no idea why women do it though.
Regardless of my ignorance - they do. And here we get to the crux.
I'm speeding through the crowds of people, shoppin' tolleys, prams, slothful old people, like a whirling dervish, concentrating on a route. Left, duck. Right, twist. Accelerate, brake, stop, turn, accelerate again...
And I come upon a group of girls 'marching'. (Though it's only in hindsight I remember...). No problem to Muttars. I go for the gap and 'BANG!!'
One of the girls' seemingly out of control swinging appendages slams into my groin like the hammer of Thor!
Now, I don't know if women know this but the Big Man in all his wisdom has incorporated a time lag system in a man's nuts. This means, after one has been cracked in them, it takes about 5-10 seconds before the nausea sets in (presumably to give the victim time to go and collapse somewhere...), followed quickly thereafter by the pain. Oh, the pain, the weakness in the legs, the urge to curl up and die.
Anyway, the 'perp' obviously doesn't realise the damage she has done and offers a quick but embarrassed 'sorry'. I know exactly what's coming (pain, nausea etc.) and mumble something like 's'ok, don worry bout it' or something similar and quickly make use of the 5-10 seconds of grace the Almighty has thoughtfully provided (further evidence that God is indeed a man - a woman clearly wouldn't think of such a thing) to swiftly exit the scene to somewhere quiet where I can dissuade my lunch from comin' up while 'gently' rubbing my manhandled (or girl-whalloped in this case) nuts!
Dangerous places these crowded plazas, it seems!
...So I'm out with the Boys on our nightly walk. It's around 3AM. We're about ten minutes from home on the return journey when up ahead, about 100 yards away, I see a fox dart across the road. It stops in the middle, sees us, and bolts for the safety of the bush.
The Boys at this point haven't noticed as they're busy sniffin' away at somethin' else.
I pause to give the fox a head start, secretly hoping the Boys won't see it. But alas, about 50 yards further on, Scoob picks up the scent (I swear he's got a nose like a bloodhound...).
A couple of circles to lock in the direction, and off he goes, straight into the bush after the fox, with Mutley in close pursuit. Bugger! (I know what's comin' y'see).
Sure enough, about 2-3 minutes later, they start to bark - which slowly escalates into this high pitched...yelping almost, like they've cornered the fox in his hole yet can't get to him.
Nightmare. It gets worse. Their frantic barking alerts a neighbourhood dog which also starts to woof woof. Which starts another...and another...and another, and soon there are about 10 dogs all over the estate goin' off. All with their own individual barks. A real cacophony of yips and woofs and yaps. From every direction.
Remember, it's 3AM and people are asleep.
So I do what any self-respecting shirker of responsibility would do. Bugger off home and leave them to it!
The Boys surfaced about three hours later...
The Boys at this point haven't noticed as they're busy sniffin' away at somethin' else.
I pause to give the fox a head start, secretly hoping the Boys won't see it. But alas, about 50 yards further on, Scoob picks up the scent (I swear he's got a nose like a bloodhound...).
A couple of circles to lock in the direction, and off he goes, straight into the bush after the fox, with Mutley in close pursuit. Bugger! (I know what's comin' y'see).
Sure enough, about 2-3 minutes later, they start to bark - which slowly escalates into this high pitched...yelping almost, like they've cornered the fox in his hole yet can't get to him.
Nightmare. It gets worse. Their frantic barking alerts a neighbourhood dog which also starts to woof woof. Which starts another...and another...and another, and soon there are about 10 dogs all over the estate goin' off. All with their own individual barks. A real cacophony of yips and woofs and yaps. From every direction.
Remember, it's 3AM and people are asleep.
So I do what any self-respecting shirker of responsibility would do. Bugger off home and leave them to it!
The Boys surfaced about three hours later...
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Parents think their children's sex education at primary school is inadequate.
Firstly, sex education at primary school? Far out, I don't remember any education of that sort when I was at primary school.
And secondly. here we go again; bloody parents shirking their responsibility. If you want your kid to learn about such things then just bloody well sit them down and inform them yourself. Stop passing the buck then complaining when that 'buck' isn't handled to your satisfaction.
Firstly, sex education at primary school? Far out, I don't remember any education of that sort when I was at primary school.
And secondly. here we go again; bloody parents shirking their responsibility. If you want your kid to learn about such things then just bloody well sit them down and inform them yourself. Stop passing the buck then complaining when that 'buck' isn't handled to your satisfaction.
...And go into the record book as the first mother/daughter team to do so.
Hang on a second; what's so special about that? Haven't you lot been whining on for ages about how you're 'equal' to men? That being the case then what's the big deal? Men have been ascending the mountain for nigh on decades now.
Can't have it both ways, girls. You're either equal (in which case this record is null and void) or you're not (and you can stop all the nonsensical claims and assume your proper place in life!)
Make up your bloody mind!
Hang on a second; what's so special about that? Haven't you lot been whining on for ages about how you're 'equal' to men? That being the case then what's the big deal? Men have been ascending the mountain for nigh on decades now.
Can't have it both ways, girls. You're either equal (in which case this record is null and void) or you're not (and you can stop all the nonsensical claims and assume your proper place in life!)
Make up your bloody mind!
Unsurprisingly to many, including yours truly, the mighty Crusaders are in the final for the seventh time after trouncing the Hurricanes in a semi-final that was apparently more lop-sided than the 33-22 scoreline would suggest. (It's a poxy Australian rag so the report isn't up to much). The sensational D. Carter's back though and kicked 7 from 7. He's their playmaker also.
What takes up the majority of the page is the Waratah's win against the Sharks from S. Africa which sees them fill the other berth in the final.
Which will be held in Jade Stadium, Christchurch next weekend.
Don't know where the Blues finished, KB...heh heh.
Go the mighty Crusaders!!!!
Unsurprisingly to many, including yours truly, the mighty Crusaders are in the final for the seventh time after trouncing the Hurricanes in a semi-final that was apparently more lop-sided than the 33-22 scoreline would suggest. (It's a poxy Australian rag so the report isn't up to much). The sensational D. Carter's back though and kicked 7 from 7. He's their playmaker also.
What takes up the majority of the page is the Waratah's win against the Sharks from S. Africa which sees them fill the other berth in the final.
Which will be held in Jade Stadium, Christchurch next weekend.
Don't know where the Blues finished, KB...heh heh.
Go the mighty Crusaders!!!!
Seems I’ve been here before, except it was “art…or cruelty”. If it happens again, I should take notice … maybe the bourgeoisey types are taking over.
... ...
In a nutshell: a 13 year old girl is the subject of a photographic exhibit in a Sydney Art Gallery. Oh – and she’s naked.
If you want the drivel that accompanies the facts, read the daily rag.
But for the important stuff:
It has caused quite a stir amongst many:
The authorities have leapt into action, the public joining them in a collaborative voice of condemnation.
The Police have been cajoled by their outraged masters and public opinion into becoming involved, citing an unlawful act as their justification. Except – well, they are as yet unsure as to whom they will charge and what those charges will comprise – just that someone is going to face them. They have seized twenty of the images and closed the exhibition down, just a few hours before it was due to open.
The popinjays who consider it art, have spoken out in defence of it claiming it as ‘just art’ – nothing more. Asserting that they can view the images objectively and not, as is feared, as paedophiles. (No-one is suggesting they are paedophiles, it should be noted, but that such fiends do exist and therefore could and would visit the exhibition. And that, is quite obviously unacceptable to anyone).
The photographer, who has created both the items of outrage and the subsequent furore, hasn’t said anything at all but it has crossed my mind that as enormous a risk it may be, “there’s no such thing as bad publicity”, and this could be a shrewd move on his part. Mind you, twenty of the forty images have been seized so…it could backfire before it gets any momentum).
The authorities, I suppose in an effort to restrict access by paedophiles have also barred the website so I haven’t seen the pictures. Bear in mind there’s a world of difference between “knees four feet apart” porn, and “artistic photography”.
Mweantime, while all this hullabaloo continues, one section of the seemingly wide array of concerned parties who’ve become involved, has been forgotten. All day, the parties have been letting loose statements; the police, the supporters, the condemners. Each individual program on talk radio, has discussed the matter. Television has carried it too. Charges, they claim, will be laid.
Well, as usual, it comes down to Professor Muttars to get to the crux of the matter. That being – the parents.
A 13 year old, be it girl or boy, it’s thought, cannot make that decision, (in all but few cases – none of which are western), therefore it’s incumbent on the parents to do it for her – and of course act in her best interests.
The question … demands more than begs: what parent would permit their thirteen year old to pose naked, no matter how “tasteful” for a public camera? Being that it’s generally believed that any taste there may be in the image of a just naked teenager is all “bad”.
That said… I could care less what the law says. The law as they say is an ass. And more – It’s also corrupt, sanctimonious and politically correct to the point of absurdity. My moral standards stand head and shoulders above anything society has to offer.
Nor do I care a jot about the pompous, disassociated from reality, “artists”. These people will undoubtedly look down on the lesser as they would see them as undignified and ill-educated because they don’t “understand” art.
The photographer himself? Until I learn why he shot the images, I won’t have a singular opinion. Could be a dozens reasons why he did.
I don’t have 13 year old daughter so I have to rely on the hypothetical but to assist me in this I would refer to others I know who do have such children and I like they can’t imagine ever being in a position where I would allow such a thing.
Funnily, all this would have been avoided if the parents had done the, well, the thing that one would expect a parent to do – that is, to deny the participation. But this in itself leads me into yet another area; the powerlessness the average parent feels towards his or her teenager.
But that’s for another time…
... ...
In a nutshell: a 13 year old girl is the subject of a photographic exhibit in a Sydney Art Gallery. Oh – and she’s naked.
If you want the drivel that accompanies the facts, read the daily rag.
But for the important stuff:
It has caused quite a stir amongst many:
The authorities have leapt into action, the public joining them in a collaborative voice of condemnation.
The Police have been cajoled by their outraged masters and public opinion into becoming involved, citing an unlawful act as their justification. Except – well, they are as yet unsure as to whom they will charge and what those charges will comprise – just that someone is going to face them. They have seized twenty of the images and closed the exhibition down, just a few hours before it was due to open.
The popinjays who consider it art, have spoken out in defence of it claiming it as ‘just art’ – nothing more. Asserting that they can view the images objectively and not, as is feared, as paedophiles. (No-one is suggesting they are paedophiles, it should be noted, but that such fiends do exist and therefore could and would visit the exhibition. And that, is quite obviously unacceptable to anyone).
The photographer, who has created both the items of outrage and the subsequent furore, hasn’t said anything at all but it has crossed my mind that as enormous a risk it may be, “there’s no such thing as bad publicity”, and this could be a shrewd move on his part. Mind you, twenty of the forty images have been seized so…it could backfire before it gets any momentum).
The authorities, I suppose in an effort to restrict access by paedophiles have also barred the website so I haven’t seen the pictures. Bear in mind there’s a world of difference between “knees four feet apart” porn, and “artistic photography”.
Mweantime, while all this hullabaloo continues, one section of the seemingly wide array of concerned parties who’ve become involved, has been forgotten. All day, the parties have been letting loose statements; the police, the supporters, the condemners. Each individual program on talk radio, has discussed the matter. Television has carried it too. Charges, they claim, will be laid.
Well, as usual, it comes down to Professor Muttars to get to the crux of the matter. That being – the parents.
A 13 year old, be it girl or boy, it’s thought, cannot make that decision, (in all but few cases – none of which are western), therefore it’s incumbent on the parents to do it for her – and of course act in her best interests.
The question … demands more than begs: what parent would permit their thirteen year old to pose naked, no matter how “tasteful” for a public camera? Being that it’s generally believed that any taste there may be in the image of a just naked teenager is all “bad”.
That said… I could care less what the law says. The law as they say is an ass. And more – It’s also corrupt, sanctimonious and politically correct to the point of absurdity. My moral standards stand head and shoulders above anything society has to offer.
Nor do I care a jot about the pompous, disassociated from reality, “artists”. These people will undoubtedly look down on the lesser as they would see them as undignified and ill-educated because they don’t “understand” art.
The photographer himself? Until I learn why he shot the images, I won’t have a singular opinion. Could be a dozens reasons why he did.
I don’t have 13 year old daughter so I have to rely on the hypothetical but to assist me in this I would refer to others I know who do have such children and I like they can’t imagine ever being in a position where I would allow such a thing.
Funnily, all this would have been avoided if the parents had done the, well, the thing that one would expect a parent to do – that is, to deny the participation. But this in itself leads me into yet another area; the powerlessness the average parent feels towards his or her teenager.
But that’s for another time…
Saturday, May 24, 2008
...So says the small sub title in todays Sydney Morning Herald.
I was going to buy it when I saw it at the counter but decided not to waste my money because:
A. If it's even remotely accurate, it will echo my claims for the past few years.
B. If it's not, it'll then be more "trendy" blether from an editor trying to spark interest with the aim of simply selling copy regardless of gibberish.
Either way - I'm right, I know I'm right and for those ignoramuses who disagree...the penny will drop eventually.
I was going to buy it when I saw it at the counter but decided not to waste my money because:
A. If it's even remotely accurate, it will echo my claims for the past few years.
B. If it's not, it'll then be more "trendy" blether from an editor trying to spark interest with the aim of simply selling copy regardless of gibberish.
Either way - I'm right, I know I'm right and for those ignoramuses who disagree...the penny will drop eventually.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Somewhere in these hallowed epages there's a post entitled "Anatomy of a Heart Attack", in which I describe exactly how one occurs. Basically the artery wall collects more and more "impurities" until the blood, thick and slow moving from years of inactivity, can't pass through the reduced diameter at the increased velocity that comes with physical exertion (and why doctors prescribe apsirin - it thins the blood).
Today on the radio, a doctor was a guest in a segment explaining how the risks of clogged arteries and bad diet (coupled with lack of exercise) leads to a heart attack.
He described virtually word for word what is in the post re: restricted arteries on account of fats (cholesterol).
I also include the only way to avert such an effect (the lifting of one's fat arse off one's sofa).
I'm tellin' ye. You want to know how it is...? Come here. My finger's right on the pulse (no pun intended).
Yours in smug satisfaction,
Today on the radio, a doctor was a guest in a segment explaining how the risks of clogged arteries and bad diet (coupled with lack of exercise) leads to a heart attack.
He described virtually word for word what is in the post re: restricted arteries on account of fats (cholesterol).
I also include the only way to avert such an effect (the lifting of one's fat arse off one's sofa).
I'm tellin' ye. You want to know how it is...? Come here. My finger's right on the pulse (no pun intended).
Yours in smug satisfaction,
Sunday, May 18, 2008
The NSW State Government (remember? Morris 'the fuckwit' Iemma and his band of incompetents?) are investigating speed-limiting devices for vehicles to curb speeding drivers.
The devices can either just warn the driver that they're going to fast (yeah, like that's not going to be ignored) or slow the vehicle down. Great.
The only problem being: what happens when on the occasions when one has to accelerate quickly to avoid a possible collision one finds the vehicle unresponsive.
Is the fuckwit and his cronies going to compensate the potential victims of such a collision? Yeah right, don't hold your breath!
This is just another example of a government of morons completely bereft of ideas and resorting to 'bottom of the barrel' attempts to solve a given problem.
The devices can either just warn the driver that they're going to fast (yeah, like that's not going to be ignored) or slow the vehicle down. Great.
The only problem being: what happens when on the occasions when one has to accelerate quickly to avoid a possible collision one finds the vehicle unresponsive.
Is the fuckwit and his cronies going to compensate the potential victims of such a collision? Yeah right, don't hold your breath!
This is just another example of a government of morons completely bereft of ideas and resorting to 'bottom of the barrel' attempts to solve a given problem.
A controversial new bill that removes the word 'father' from birth certificates in recognition of lesbian couples who have had children through IVF is being put before the NSW Government.
There's a certain amount of to-ing and fro-ing from both sides of the argument. But one irrefutable fact amongst all this discussion seems to have been forgotten.
Life cannot be created without both a male and a female. I.e. whether you're two carpet munchers or not, you need sperm from a male to make it happen. Therefore whether you like it or not, the child still has a father. This is not up for discussion, nor is it avoidable.
And it's further confirmation of my claim that no-one has children for the child's sake. It's the ultimate act of selfishness. "I" want a child. "I" want to be pregnant. I,I,I, it's all about you - never the child.
Moreover, I am sick and tired of you lot whining about being accepted as normal. Newsflash, weirdos - you're not fuckin normal; there's clearly something wrong with you and frankly, as far as I'm concerned, by your selfish actions you're denying a child it's BASIC HUMAN RIGHT. That being, the right to have a mother and father. THAT'S normal. That facilitates the upbringing of a NORMAL child. Of course that's not to say it's guaranteed; some people shouldn't be allowed to breed on general principle, I understand that, but in the current climate of out of control kids, they need all the normality they can get and two mothers or two fathers...ISN'T. End of story.
Munch as many carpets or punch as many turds as you like, but leave innocent children out of it. They're not playthings to show of to your PC associates. They are innocent babies who deserve every chance in life they can get.
Such fun that will be at the PTA when the kid introduces his mummy and mummy or daddy and daddy. Or if he's getting bullied in school will it be, "I'm going to tell my mother's butch lesbian lover on you". Or, "my Daddy's boyfriend?"
PC aside, this is so very wrong, so very, very wrong.
There's a certain amount of to-ing and fro-ing from both sides of the argument. But one irrefutable fact amongst all this discussion seems to have been forgotten.
Life cannot be created without both a male and a female. I.e. whether you're two carpet munchers or not, you need sperm from a male to make it happen. Therefore whether you like it or not, the child still has a father. This is not up for discussion, nor is it avoidable.
And it's further confirmation of my claim that no-one has children for the child's sake. It's the ultimate act of selfishness. "I" want a child. "I" want to be pregnant. I,I,I, it's all about you - never the child.
Moreover, I am sick and tired of you lot whining about being accepted as normal. Newsflash, weirdos - you're not fuckin normal; there's clearly something wrong with you and frankly, as far as I'm concerned, by your selfish actions you're denying a child it's BASIC HUMAN RIGHT. That being, the right to have a mother and father. THAT'S normal. That facilitates the upbringing of a NORMAL child. Of course that's not to say it's guaranteed; some people shouldn't be allowed to breed on general principle, I understand that, but in the current climate of out of control kids, they need all the normality they can get and two mothers or two fathers...ISN'T. End of story.
Munch as many carpets or punch as many turds as you like, but leave innocent children out of it. They're not playthings to show of to your PC associates. They are innocent babies who deserve every chance in life they can get.
Such fun that will be at the PTA when the kid introduces his mummy and mummy or daddy and daddy. Or if he's getting bullied in school will it be, "I'm going to tell my mother's butch lesbian lover on you". Or, "my Daddy's boyfriend?"
PC aside, this is so very wrong, so very, very wrong.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Tregear is a suburb of Sydney. And in short - it's a shithole! Housing junkies and winos; the unemployed and unemployable; serial single mothers with broods of kids, the fathers' of whom are many and unknown. Domestic violaters and thieves.
A modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. And if it was up to me I'd see it receive the same fate - with all in it.
Why am I telling you this?
Well, one such 'Sodomite' gained access to the back yard of another and proceeded to beat their 4 month old Staffordshire Terrier puppy to death. Now people don't do this sort of thing just on the offchance so the perp must've been slighted by the victims owners (I dunno - maybe screwed him over on a drug deal or somethin'...)
The owners (and I'll get to those scum later) returned home to find the little dog dead in a pool of its own blood. The RSPCA and Police claim it's the worst case of cruelty they've ever seen when they were called. They arrived to view the scene to find the Sodomites' other dog (a corgi) cowering under the house in absolute terror having obviously witnessed this extreme act of violence and fearing for its own life.
You may at this point be tempted to think, "oh poor people". Well don't. These assholes left this barely out of the womb dog in their back yard while they sodded off (to sink piss and rut like pigs no doubt). Also of no doubt is that they're one of those types who say, "oh, I don't allow my dog in the house or on the furniture or on the bed. And I don't want it shitting in the house when I'm out".
My parents have always had dogs. I was born into a home with one - and when I left for Oz, there was one. They never bought them as fully grown dogs - always as puppies and when they would go out did they put the dog outside? No. That's not to say they weren't houseproud, of course they were so they would shut the animal in the kitchen so that if it did have an "accident", it would be on the linoleum which would take a matter of seconds to clean up.
So, though I doubt you have the capacity to feel anything other than self pity, I hope some guilt finds you and tortures you for the rest of your days, y'scum.
And if it was up to me I'd remove the remaining dog and forever prohibit you from owning one again.
I would also make it law that all dogs (other than working farm dogs) must be housed with their owners.
And to the creature who committed this heinous act - you better pray to your Dark Lord I never discover who and where you are because as God is my judge, I'll ensure you spend the rest of your life from the confines of a wheelchair drinking your food through a fucking straw!
A modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. And if it was up to me I'd see it receive the same fate - with all in it.
Why am I telling you this?
Well, one such 'Sodomite' gained access to the back yard of another and proceeded to beat their 4 month old Staffordshire Terrier puppy to death. Now people don't do this sort of thing just on the offchance so the perp must've been slighted by the victims owners (I dunno - maybe screwed him over on a drug deal or somethin'...)
The owners (and I'll get to those scum later) returned home to find the little dog dead in a pool of its own blood. The RSPCA and Police claim it's the worst case of cruelty they've ever seen when they were called. They arrived to view the scene to find the Sodomites' other dog (a corgi) cowering under the house in absolute terror having obviously witnessed this extreme act of violence and fearing for its own life.
You may at this point be tempted to think, "oh poor people". Well don't. These assholes left this barely out of the womb dog in their back yard while they sodded off (to sink piss and rut like pigs no doubt). Also of no doubt is that they're one of those types who say, "oh, I don't allow my dog in the house or on the furniture or on the bed. And I don't want it shitting in the house when I'm out".
My parents have always had dogs. I was born into a home with one - and when I left for Oz, there was one. They never bought them as fully grown dogs - always as puppies and when they would go out did they put the dog outside? No. That's not to say they weren't houseproud, of course they were so they would shut the animal in the kitchen so that if it did have an "accident", it would be on the linoleum which would take a matter of seconds to clean up.
So, though I doubt you have the capacity to feel anything other than self pity, I hope some guilt finds you and tortures you for the rest of your days, y'scum.
And if it was up to me I'd remove the remaining dog and forever prohibit you from owning one again.
I would also make it law that all dogs (other than working farm dogs) must be housed with their owners.
And to the creature who committed this heinous act - you better pray to your Dark Lord I never discover who and where you are because as God is my judge, I'll ensure you spend the rest of your life from the confines of a wheelchair drinking your food through a fucking straw!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
As per the title, I have nothing more to say, pro tem, so while I await inspiration (which, really, shouldn't take too long) please enjoy the following images.
Thank you and have a nice day - or not. Whatever.
Till we meet again...
Thank you and have a nice day - or not. Whatever.
Till we meet again...
Though it may at first glance appear that Scoob's viciously attacking his brother, that in fact is not the case. The picture is from about 5 years ago at a time when they often "play fought", an event which would see them open their mouths and show their teeth whilst swaying their heads from side to side. A event replicated by many in the animal kingdom in an effort to avoid confrontation, which, more often that not would result in injury.
The same thing can be seen in human life too, actually; with men it's muscles, women, tits.
Moreover, if he was actually aggressively attacking, the analogue camera I used to capture the image wouldn't have been able to
snap the shot as it didn't have the shutter speed.
Neat pic though don't y'think?
The same thing can be seen in human life too, actually; with men it's muscles, women, tits.
Moreover, if he was actually aggressively attacking, the analogue camera I used to capture the image wouldn't have been able to
snap the shot as it didn't have the shutter speed.
Neat pic though don't y'think?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
The mighty Crusaders are 12 points ahead at the top of the Super 14 table. This probably won't mean anything to anyone but a particular person (You know who you are - heh heh).
The Blues are struggling in 6th.
GO THE MIGHTY CRUSADERS!!! (And a lot of it without the excellent Dan Carter who's suffering some sort of ankle injury but still with Richie the King!).
The Blues are struggling in 6th.
GO THE MIGHTY CRUSADERS!!! (And a lot of it without the excellent Dan Carter who's suffering some sort of ankle injury but still with Richie the King!).
A while back I wrote a piece that in part described how the fairer sex were seemingly doing their all to become not the fairer sex at all, and were increasingly taking part in the sort of vulgar and offensive behaviour previously dominated by the male of the species. Public inebriation, offensive language etc.
Well, the stakes have been raised yet again. Now teenage female gangs are outdoing the male ones. Again, according to the Rag, in Glebe, an inner city suburb of Sydney, a gang of teenage girls is "outdoing the boys". (Bravo girls - you're almost there. As soon as you can find a way to knock someone up and do a runner you'll be set! I was going to say "murder someone" but that, unfortunately, has already occurred - to a taxi driver. Two teenage girls beat him to death and stole his wallet).
Adolescent psychologist, Michael Carr-Gregg says the phenomenon is a result of "appalling parenting". That parents were becoming less and less involved in young peoples lives. (This is no surprise to me - read my articles - over and above this "appalling parenting", ultimately the blame lies with the fucking bleeding hearts and their PC cohorts who whine on about not smacking children. Well, this is the result. Hope you fuckwits are pleased with yourselves!)
The closing paragraphs say: "Teens see antisocial behaviour as a way to win notoriety and approval from their peers. To progress up the hierarchy, the girls had to 'out-bloke the blokes...drink and take drugs and have sex and commit crime'".
Mr Gregg said inappropriate role models offered by TV and music videos fuelled the perception that "guys are attracted to tough chicks".
Not for the first time, I am SO glad I don't have children!
Well, the stakes have been raised yet again. Now teenage female gangs are outdoing the male ones. Again, according to the Rag, in Glebe, an inner city suburb of Sydney, a gang of teenage girls is "outdoing the boys". (Bravo girls - you're almost there. As soon as you can find a way to knock someone up and do a runner you'll be set! I was going to say "murder someone" but that, unfortunately, has already occurred - to a taxi driver. Two teenage girls beat him to death and stole his wallet).
Adolescent psychologist, Michael Carr-Gregg says the phenomenon is a result of "appalling parenting". That parents were becoming less and less involved in young peoples lives. (This is no surprise to me - read my articles - over and above this "appalling parenting", ultimately the blame lies with the fucking bleeding hearts and their PC cohorts who whine on about not smacking children. Well, this is the result. Hope you fuckwits are pleased with yourselves!)
The closing paragraphs say: "Teens see antisocial behaviour as a way to win notoriety and approval from their peers. To progress up the hierarchy, the girls had to 'out-bloke the blokes...drink and take drugs and have sex and commit crime'".
Mr Gregg said inappropriate role models offered by TV and music videos fuelled the perception that "guys are attracted to tough chicks".
Not for the first time, I am SO glad I don't have children!
Or to give them their full title - poker machines. And let's set aside the fact that evil cannot be applied to an inanimate object. It is purely reserved for humankind.
But if ever you wanted a demonstration of the grip such machines have on the citizens of Australia (more specifically NSW which has something like 70% of the country's machines), an article in the Daily Rag should clear any misconceptions up.
It seems that the powers that be have decided in all their wisdom to "educate" the young in such evil. Children as young as 13 years old are battling gambling addiction according to the paper (wanna dispute this, SEE?).
It has become such a problem, it's now considered in the same category as drugs and alcohol. In the article, Gambling Counsellor for Waverly Youth Services's, Madeline Tizcareno, claims, "It's a fun outing (going to the TAB with their father) and they attach happy feelings to it. So then when things get tougher they hold onto those happy feelings and the way gambling makes them feel".
She goes on to say that the problem is so bad that a new program featuring an episode of the Simpsons in which Marg is a pathological gambler, is being used to try and make it fun.
As in all addictions, other than chemical, it belies an underlying dissatisfaction with the victims life forcing them to seek...something, some way of lifting them out of their despair.
Anyway, there y'have it. Evil pokies. My word!
But if ever you wanted a demonstration of the grip such machines have on the citizens of Australia (more specifically NSW which has something like 70% of the country's machines), an article in the Daily Rag should clear any misconceptions up.
It seems that the powers that be have decided in all their wisdom to "educate" the young in such evil. Children as young as 13 years old are battling gambling addiction according to the paper (wanna dispute this, SEE?).
It has become such a problem, it's now considered in the same category as drugs and alcohol. In the article, Gambling Counsellor for Waverly Youth Services's, Madeline Tizcareno, claims, "It's a fun outing (going to the TAB with their father) and they attach happy feelings to it. So then when things get tougher they hold onto those happy feelings and the way gambling makes them feel".
She goes on to say that the problem is so bad that a new program featuring an episode of the Simpsons in which Marg is a pathological gambler, is being used to try and make it fun.
As in all addictions, other than chemical, it belies an underlying dissatisfaction with the victims life forcing them to seek...something, some way of lifting them out of their despair.
Anyway, there y'have it. Evil pokies. My word!
Monday, May 12, 2008
As it seems we typically get off the point on any given subject and contrary to your claim that it is I who was missing said point, observe:
Point one:
My comparison way back when was between the recent event in Burma (the cyclone) and the events in Somalia in 1993 (genocide. 300,000 people dead as a result of fighting factions).
In both these cases, an...authority, we'll call it (the Burmese military in Burma. Mohammed Farrah Aidid in Mogadishu) prevented the aid provided by the outside world in getting to those who needed it. The comparison is patently obvious.
These, my argumentative associates, are facts and therefore irrefutable. "Big words" don't alter these facts. It's transparently a tactic in place of a cogent argument. Moreover, I probably know more big words than you so try again.
Point two:
This, admittedly, is based in opinion. Nevertheless, such opinion is also based on the evidence presented in the form of the image and accompanying text.
The child is obviously in distress; indeed, the very existence of the vulture is proof positive of the kid's suffering and imminent demise. As if the clearly starvation racked and emaciated body isn't enough. Vultures just know; nobody knows how - they just do. And the author of the text obviously concurs.
In reading the various discussions it would seem that the photographer, after taking the shot, chased off the vulture and retired to the shade of a tree to smoke. Where he presumably continued to watch the infant's journey, or death.
Whilst I don't know (and have never claimed to) exactly what happened, a picture speaks a thousand words and a I've previously stated, unless there was a gun pointed at his head, there is really no other excuse for inaction. Especially bearing in mind the food camp was almost literally a stone's throw away.
And certainly, hiding behind the immunity of "journalism" is such a cop out, and perhaps why the man took his own life.
On the other hand, if you can provide evidence that the fellow 'saved the day' and didn't in fact merely observe, then I'll retract my statements and delete the post AND offer my sincere apologies to the chap in...heaven? Hell? Wherever he may be.
Point one:
My comparison way back when was between the recent event in Burma (the cyclone) and the events in Somalia in 1993 (genocide. 300,000 people dead as a result of fighting factions).
In both these cases, an...authority, we'll call it (the Burmese military in Burma. Mohammed Farrah Aidid in Mogadishu) prevented the aid provided by the outside world in getting to those who needed it. The comparison is patently obvious.
These, my argumentative associates, are facts and therefore irrefutable. "Big words" don't alter these facts. It's transparently a tactic in place of a cogent argument. Moreover, I probably know more big words than you so try again.
Point two:
This, admittedly, is based in opinion. Nevertheless, such opinion is also based on the evidence presented in the form of the image and accompanying text.
The child is obviously in distress; indeed, the very existence of the vulture is proof positive of the kid's suffering and imminent demise. As if the clearly starvation racked and emaciated body isn't enough. Vultures just know; nobody knows how - they just do. And the author of the text obviously concurs.
In reading the various discussions it would seem that the photographer, after taking the shot, chased off the vulture and retired to the shade of a tree to smoke. Where he presumably continued to watch the infant's journey, or death.
Whilst I don't know (and have never claimed to) exactly what happened, a picture speaks a thousand words and a I've previously stated, unless there was a gun pointed at his head, there is really no other excuse for inaction. Especially bearing in mind the food camp was almost literally a stone's throw away.
And certainly, hiding behind the immunity of "journalism" is such a cop out, and perhaps why the man took his own life.
On the other hand, if you can provide evidence that the fellow 'saved the day' and didn't in fact merely observe, then I'll retract my statements and delete the post AND offer my sincere apologies to the chap in...heaven? Hell? Wherever he may be.
It's go time. SEE and her poodle are havin a go at me. Hoho. Feel free to join in.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Here in the Antipodes at least...
Frankly, the whole Mother's day thing is just another excuse for the capitalists to persuade the guilty at heart to stick their hands in their pockets for extortionately priced flowers and gifts - not unlike Valentine's Day (which is total wank).
But that aside I would just like to thank my dear aul Ma for being who she is; someone on whom I can depend for unfailing support no matter what.
So if you pop in, Ma, I love you and hope I have made you proud. (I don't know if she does in fact 'pop in' as my profanity and vulgarity is understandably a bit much for her!)
Your number two son (I have a brother obviously).
Frankly, the whole Mother's day thing is just another excuse for the capitalists to persuade the guilty at heart to stick their hands in their pockets for extortionately priced flowers and gifts - not unlike Valentine's Day (which is total wank).
But that aside I would just like to thank my dear aul Ma for being who she is; someone on whom I can depend for unfailing support no matter what.
So if you pop in, Ma, I love you and hope I have made you proud. (I don't know if she does in fact 'pop in' as my profanity and vulgarity is understandably a bit much for her!)
Your number two son (I have a brother obviously).
Go to any school, anywhere on earth at drop off and pick up times and you'll find what's referred to as 'Yummy Mummies'.
These are mothers who have been either blessed with good looks and shapely bodies or have worked to regain them despite having given birth. It's not a new thing and is the subject of many a man's ogles (many a man being me often enough!! Heh heh).
Well now it would seem, men (loosely speaking of course - it's becoming a permanent extension of the word) have also now been granted a similar moniker - "Delicious Dads" apparently.
Dear God!
Apparently, fathers are looking at the likes of Brad Pitt and David Beckham and feeling 'disregarded'. Aw, poor diddums! Is the pretty boy feeling self conscious?
(Mind you, Golden balls and Braddy boy are arguably the most handsome men on earth and have at one time or another held the title of 'sexiest man' so using them as a yardstick is an aspiration few could achieve).
An article in the Daily Rag claims, "society is saying you've got to be the new age guy, you've got to hold the baby and wake up in the middle of the night, plus have your job". Yeah, so? You knocked her up. Shoulda thought of that before you dropped your kaks! It's your kid too, why shouldn't you pull your weight? Doesn't mean you've to behave like a gaylord!
And some wanker by the name of Martin Broome has the final word in the article: He says: "You become more conscious of what you wear and I even", get this, "fix up my hair before I pick up the kids".
Bloody hell! Do you make sure your fuckin pantyhose are on straight as well????
Somebody do somethin, for God's sake!
These are mothers who have been either blessed with good looks and shapely bodies or have worked to regain them despite having given birth. It's not a new thing and is the subject of many a man's ogles (many a man being me often enough!! Heh heh).
Well now it would seem, men (loosely speaking of course - it's becoming a permanent extension of the word) have also now been granted a similar moniker - "Delicious Dads" apparently.
Dear God!
Apparently, fathers are looking at the likes of Brad Pitt and David Beckham and feeling 'disregarded'. Aw, poor diddums! Is the pretty boy feeling self conscious?
(Mind you, Golden balls and Braddy boy are arguably the most handsome men on earth and have at one time or another held the title of 'sexiest man' so using them as a yardstick is an aspiration few could achieve).
An article in the Daily Rag claims, "society is saying you've got to be the new age guy, you've got to hold the baby and wake up in the middle of the night, plus have your job". Yeah, so? You knocked her up. Shoulda thought of that before you dropped your kaks! It's your kid too, why shouldn't you pull your weight? Doesn't mean you've to behave like a gaylord!
And some wanker by the name of Martin Broome has the final word in the article: He says: "You become more conscious of what you wear and I even", get this, "fix up my hair before I pick up the kids".
Bloody hell! Do you make sure your fuckin pantyhose are on straight as well????
Somebody do somethin, for God's sake!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
A Northern Beaches school teacher has recently been dismissed for posing nude with her husband in an issue of Cleo magazine.
Lynne Tziolas, 24, and her husband, Antonios, appeared in the magazine in an article entitled "Buck naked couples talk about their sexlives".
In the article, the pair were asked about how many times a week they had sex and the most risque thing they had done.
"Leaving the blinds up and the lights on all of the time", Mr Tziolas, 45, answered.
In the image the couple are seen standing side on to the camera, as the article heading suggests, "Buck naked". No private parts can be seen but nevertheless, they are indeed clearly naked. (Need I remind you - they are teachers of young children).
A statement released by the Department of Education said Mrs Tziolas had been suspended after the school had received complaints from "several" parents, and who could blame them (the parents complaint OR the school's response).
Mrs Tziolas says she believed one parent had complained and is fighting the suspension.
Now, for a 24 year old female to marry a 45 year old man is worth remarking upon for a start. And the fact that they both appear to have more than their fair share of tats is also a point of consternation in my opinion.
These two are teaching children and we all know how impressionable they can be. To expose themselves in such a way was bound to bring ramifications - they surely must have known this.
They were paid $200 bucks for the shoot (no way would I get my kit off for 200 bucks - add an extra zero and I'd maybe consider it but it would still not be a certainty), so money couldn't have been the motivation. Why then? Why would a teacher, a professional who spends all day with children consider doing such a thing?
Only they would know but it seems to lean towards a certain kind of voyeurism and frankly I stand behind the Education Department response. I most definitely wouldn't want such an individual teaching my child.
Mind you, I'm not to keen on teachers plastering themselves in tats either just quietly. Remember, these people teach our kids! What image is that presenting. What next; nose rings, Mohican haircuts? Why not go the whole nine yards and tattoo your face like those scary as fuck Maoris (Btw, I know lots of Maoris and have a good opinion of them but would we want Jake the Muzz* teaching kids).
And before you complain about me being a prude, don't be ridiculous, anyone who knows me knows full well I'm as "un-prudish" as a man could be but I say again, children are impressionable and what message is that sending? That it's okay to strip for the cameras and discuss your supposedly private sex life in public? That's it's "cool" to paint yourself?
Frankly, and I know of at least one person whose nose I'll put firmly out of joint with the following remark, (like I give a fuck!) people (though predominately men I'd have to say) who feel the need to paint themselves are lacking in...something. Self esteem, confidence? I'm not a professional psychologist but there is clearly more to it than "it looks good". In fact, in the case of the aforementioned Maoris, such paint is solely and purely based in aggression to "scare off" their enemies (a tactic borrowed from many creatures in the animal kingdom) and that intent remains in the modern day. Men, more so than the less aggressive women typically wear tats because it makes them look aggressive or "hard". I know as a young man I tended to keep my distance from such men - and such action was proven to be the correct choice many times.
Anyway, all that aside, I say again, these characters are SCHOOL TEACHERS employed in guiding our young - and that's a tough enough job already in this day and age of "hand-tied" parenting and the associated disrespect it fosters so to the Department I say, Bravo!
The Tziolas's are appealing the decision. I'll be interested in the result.
*Jake the Muzz is that scary fucker from the film "We were warriors" who when full of piss would fight with a phone box.
Lynne Tziolas, 24, and her husband, Antonios, appeared in the magazine in an article entitled "Buck naked couples talk about their sexlives".
In the article, the pair were asked about how many times a week they had sex and the most risque thing they had done.
"Leaving the blinds up and the lights on all of the time", Mr Tziolas, 45, answered.
In the image the couple are seen standing side on to the camera, as the article heading suggests, "Buck naked". No private parts can be seen but nevertheless, they are indeed clearly naked. (Need I remind you - they are teachers of young children).
A statement released by the Department of Education said Mrs Tziolas had been suspended after the school had received complaints from "several" parents, and who could blame them (the parents complaint OR the school's response).
Mrs Tziolas says she believed one parent had complained and is fighting the suspension.
Now, for a 24 year old female to marry a 45 year old man is worth remarking upon for a start. And the fact that they both appear to have more than their fair share of tats is also a point of consternation in my opinion.
These two are teaching children and we all know how impressionable they can be. To expose themselves in such a way was bound to bring ramifications - they surely must have known this.
They were paid $200 bucks for the shoot (no way would I get my kit off for 200 bucks - add an extra zero and I'd maybe consider it but it would still not be a certainty), so money couldn't have been the motivation. Why then? Why would a teacher, a professional who spends all day with children consider doing such a thing?
Only they would know but it seems to lean towards a certain kind of voyeurism and frankly I stand behind the Education Department response. I most definitely wouldn't want such an individual teaching my child.
Mind you, I'm not to keen on teachers plastering themselves in tats either just quietly. Remember, these people teach our kids! What image is that presenting. What next; nose rings, Mohican haircuts? Why not go the whole nine yards and tattoo your face like those scary as fuck Maoris (Btw, I know lots of Maoris and have a good opinion of them but would we want Jake the Muzz* teaching kids).
And before you complain about me being a prude, don't be ridiculous, anyone who knows me knows full well I'm as "un-prudish" as a man could be but I say again, children are impressionable and what message is that sending? That it's okay to strip for the cameras and discuss your supposedly private sex life in public? That's it's "cool" to paint yourself?
Frankly, and I know of at least one person whose nose I'll put firmly out of joint with the following remark, (like I give a fuck!) people (though predominately men I'd have to say) who feel the need to paint themselves are lacking in...something. Self esteem, confidence? I'm not a professional psychologist but there is clearly more to it than "it looks good". In fact, in the case of the aforementioned Maoris, such paint is solely and purely based in aggression to "scare off" their enemies (a tactic borrowed from many creatures in the animal kingdom) and that intent remains in the modern day. Men, more so than the less aggressive women typically wear tats because it makes them look aggressive or "hard". I know as a young man I tended to keep my distance from such men - and such action was proven to be the correct choice many times.
Anyway, all that aside, I say again, these characters are SCHOOL TEACHERS employed in guiding our young - and that's a tough enough job already in this day and age of "hand-tied" parenting and the associated disrespect it fosters so to the Department I say, Bravo!
The Tziolas's are appealing the decision. I'll be interested in the result.
*Jake the Muzz is that scary fucker from the film "We were warriors" who when full of piss would fight with a phone box.
Well, it transpires that the dog wasn't as horrendously treated as I at first believed. That is a huge relief for me.
However, it doesn't alter the fact that we as the 'master race' repeatedly treat every other living thing on earth with a certain contempt - like it's there for our own personal amusement.
So my disgust is still warranted!
However, it doesn't alter the fact that we as the 'master race' repeatedly treat every other living thing on earth with a certain contempt - like it's there for our own personal amusement.
So my disgust is still warranted!
Funniest thing since the Bundys.
Nuff said.
Funniest thing since the Bundys.
Nuff said.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
I received this from another friend - and she lived in Zimbabwe so she'd probably know...
I reckon that these are the last days of TKM and ZPF. The darkest hour is always before dawn.
We are all terrified at what they are going to destroy next........I mean they are actually ploughing down brick and mortar houses and one white family with twin boys of 10 had no chance of salvaging anything when100 riot police came in with AK47's and bulldozers and demolished their beautiful house - 5 bedrooms and pine ceilings - because it was "too close to the airport", so we are feeling extremely insecure right now.
You know - I am aware that this does not help you sleep at night, but if you do not know - how can you help? Even if you put us in your own mental ring of light and send your guardian angels to be with us - that is a help - but I feel so cut off from you all knowing I cannot tell you what's going on here simply because you will feel uncomfortable. There is no ways we can leave here so that is not an option.
I ask that you all pray for us in the way that you know how, and let me know that you are thinking of us and sending out positive vibes... that's all. You can't just be in denial and pretend/believe it's not going on.
To be frank with you, it's genocide in the making and if you do not believe me, read the Genocide Report by Amnesty International which says we are - IN level 7 - (level 8 is after it's happened and everyone is in
If you don't want me to tell you these things-how bad it is—then it means you have not dealt with your own fear, but it does not help me to think you are turning your back on our situation. We need you, please, to get the news OUT that we are all in a fearfully dangerous situation here. Too many people turn their backs and say - oh well, that's what happens in Africa. This Government has GONE MAD and you need to help us publicize our plight--- or how can we be rescued? It's a reality! The petrol queues are a reality, the pall of smoke all around our city is a reality, the thousands of homeless people sleeping outside in 0 Celsius with no food, water, shelter and bedding are a reality. Today a family approached me, brother of the gardener's wife with two small children. Their home was trashed and they will have to sleep
outside. We already support 8 adult people and a child on this property, and electricity is going up next month by 250% as is water.
How can I take on another family of 4 -----and yet how can I turn them away to sleep out in the open?
I am not asking you for money or a ticket out of here - I am asking you to FACE the fact that we are in deep and terrible danger and want you please to pass on our news and pictures. So PLEASE don't just press the delete button! Help best in the way that you know how.
Do face the reality of what is going on here and help us SEND OUT THE WORD.. The more people who know about it, the more chance we have of the United Nations coming to our aid. Please don't ignore or deny what's happening. Some would like to be protected from the truth BUT then, if we are eliminated, how would you feel? "If only we knew how bad it really was we could have helped in some way".
[I know we chose to stay here and that some feel we deserve what's coming to us]
For now,--- we ourselves have food, shelter, a little fuel and a bit of money for the next meal - but what is going to happen next? Will they start on our houses? All property is going to belong to the State now. I want to send out my Title Deeds to one of you because if they get a hold of those, I can't fight for my rights.
Censorship!----We no longer have SW radio [which told us everything that was happening] because the Government jammed it out of existence – we don't have any reporters, and no one is allowed to photograph. If we had reporters here, they would have an absolute field day. Even the pro-Government Herald has written that people are shocked, stunned, bewildered and blown mindless by the wanton destruction of many folks homes, which are supposed to be 'illegal' but for which a huge percentage actually do have licenses.
Please! - do have some compassion and HELP by sending out the articles and personal reports so that something can/may be done. "I am one. I cannot do everything, ---but I can do something.. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do, I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God, I will do." - Edward Everett Hale
Again, my cynicism prevails that it'll not do much good but if we don't try...
Thank you.
I reckon that these are the last days of TKM and ZPF. The darkest hour is always before dawn.
We are all terrified at what they are going to destroy next........I mean they are actually ploughing down brick and mortar houses and one white family with twin boys of 10 had no chance of salvaging anything when100 riot police came in with AK47's and bulldozers and demolished their beautiful house - 5 bedrooms and pine ceilings - because it was "too close to the airport", so we are feeling extremely insecure right now.
You know - I am aware that this does not help you sleep at night, but if you do not know - how can you help? Even if you put us in your own mental ring of light and send your guardian angels to be with us - that is a help - but I feel so cut off from you all knowing I cannot tell you what's going on here simply because you will feel uncomfortable. There is no ways we can leave here so that is not an option.
I ask that you all pray for us in the way that you know how, and let me know that you are thinking of us and sending out positive vibes... that's all. You can't just be in denial and pretend/believe it's not going on.
To be frank with you, it's genocide in the making and if you do not believe me, read the Genocide Report by Amnesty International which says we are - IN level 7 - (level 8 is after it's happened and everyone is in
If you don't want me to tell you these things-how bad it is—then it means you have not dealt with your own fear, but it does not help me to think you are turning your back on our situation. We need you, please, to get the news OUT that we are all in a fearfully dangerous situation here. Too many people turn their backs and say - oh well, that's what happens in Africa. This Government has GONE MAD and you need to help us publicize our plight--- or how can we be rescued? It's a reality! The petrol queues are a reality, the pall of smoke all around our city is a reality, the thousands of homeless people sleeping outside in 0 Celsius with no food, water, shelter and bedding are a reality. Today a family approached me, brother of the gardener's wife with two small children. Their home was trashed and they will have to sleep
outside. We already support 8 adult people and a child on this property, and electricity is going up next month by 250% as is water.
How can I take on another family of 4 -----and yet how can I turn them away to sleep out in the open?
I am not asking you for money or a ticket out of here - I am asking you to FACE the fact that we are in deep and terrible danger and want you please to pass on our news and pictures. So PLEASE don't just press the delete button! Help best in the way that you know how.
Do face the reality of what is going on here and help us SEND OUT THE WORD.. The more people who know about it, the more chance we have of the United Nations coming to our aid. Please don't ignore or deny what's happening. Some would like to be protected from the truth BUT then, if we are eliminated, how would you feel? "If only we knew how bad it really was we could have helped in some way".
[I know we chose to stay here and that some feel we deserve what's coming to us]
For now,--- we ourselves have food, shelter, a little fuel and a bit of money for the next meal - but what is going to happen next? Will they start on our houses? All property is going to belong to the State now. I want to send out my Title Deeds to one of you because if they get a hold of those, I can't fight for my rights.
Censorship!----We no longer have SW radio [which told us everything that was happening] because the Government jammed it out of existence – we don't have any reporters, and no one is allowed to photograph. If we had reporters here, they would have an absolute field day. Even the pro-Government Herald has written that people are shocked, stunned, bewildered and blown mindless by the wanton destruction of many folks homes, which are supposed to be 'illegal' but for which a huge percentage actually do have licenses.
Please! - do have some compassion and HELP by sending out the articles and personal reports so that something can/may be done. "I am one. I cannot do everything, ---but I can do something.. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do, I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God, I will do." - Edward Everett Hale
Again, my cynicism prevails that it'll not do much good but if we don't try...
Thank you.
Yes it is. Granted, at the top level of most business (and power), men still rule but at ground level, down with the common man (loosely speaking of course), you call the shots.
The modern man has devolved into this...well, I think a lyric from one of Pink, the singer's songs says it well. "I want a man by my side; not a boy who runs and hides". That's about the height of it.
I KNOW "men" who have to seek permission from their wives/girlfriends before they can go out.
So I've faced the very real possibility of saying to the wife/girlfriend, "can such and such come out?" It's...really...sad.
This "man's" life is a microcosm of the male life in general in 2008. At least in Australia but I've every reason to believe it's a global phenomenon.
Enter any bar in Australia and you'll find a group of males drinking together. All big stories; f this, f that, willing to fight with their shadow when they get a skinfull. Big tough drinkin blokes.
Insert into the mix, one wife/girlfriend of one of our big boofy blokes and just watch his testicles shrink as he realises 'she who must be obeyed' has arrived. I've seen this too! And it's equally as pathetic.
Not MY man, I've no doubt you'll plead; yes, your man too.
The years of female empowerment has arrived at this - interestingly enough, the occasion would seem to be on par with the apparent lack of 'men' in Sydney. It would appear you've become so equal that you've altered what defines a man. Well done! Now you're fucked - or maybe you're not - and that's the problem.
Advertisers know this - and act accordingly. In fact, car manufacturers have been directing their products' advertisements more and more at women these days. More and more previously male orientated ads are directed at women. There are two laughable ones from a company called Tyrepower which has a woman proudly boasting, "Am I a better driver than my husband - you bet!" She may in fact well be but that speaks more about the soft cock she's married to than any ability she may possess.
For example, there's a reason why women can't ride motorbikes fast - it has to do with testicles! Not simply nerve, or guts, or bravery, all of which women can and do possess. No, it's a ball thing.
The second one is the same woman saying, "I won't drive my husbands car - there's just no grip" (like a. the husband's too stupid to figure it out and b. she has ANY idea what the words on the script she's reading apply to...), "so I told him to say hello to our local Tyrepower pro" . Not asked, not suggested - TOLD. Because the dumb bloke if nothing else, knows better than to disobey.
The "Beaver" ad is another example of such empowerment. Crudity has long been the domain of the male; sex and body parts have been the subject of the male discourse for centuries.
Now this 'new woman' has no qualms about joining in. It seems everything that was once male dominated is now, in the name of equality, fair game. Foul language (which I admit is rich coming frome me but I'm a. an Ulsterman and it's what we do, and b. not a woman), vulgarity, public drunkeness - on occasion, violence. Is this really how you want to behave, girls? Really? So desperate to be accepted as an equal (which you can't, by virtue of mother nature's law) you're prepared to sacrifice the very thing that makes you the fairer sex?
That's quite some sacrifice.
Dear God!
I found this quote recently which sums it up quite well:
Women do not find it difficult nowdays to behave like men, but they often find it extremely difficult to behave like gentlemen
How has this come about...? Can it all be laid at the feet of Germaine Greer and her ilk? In some ways it's market driven - in that it's realistically doubled a previously male-dominated pasttime. The strident need to chase the dollar supersedes all else.
Y'see, some time ago, decent men realised that they were indeed, treating their fair counterparts like sex objects (though really, girls, who amongst you doesn't like to be desired - by many. Be honest... I know this to be a fact - and you know it too, and you now know I know it so don't EVEN try (wee bit of American there).
So anyway, reluctant to give up any of the actual power, they began to employ the "yes dear" tactic, lending the interpreted power to the put upon woman. This worked for quite some time - in fact I myself have occasioned such a tactic. She was empowered - and she nailed me good, woohoo - was great!
But at some point and here I haven't reached a full understanding of its origin, you lot took the reigns (where was I then? Good chance I was screaming round the Ulster countryside on my bike...). But I'd guess it was around the time of Sex in the City. That dire TV show where these vixens, Amazonions of the sexes prowled cities looking for meat. Dumber the better. As long as they could do the job...
...And slowly, inexorably tilted the scales. 'Cause you're a bit sneaky, you lot and while we weren't looking...
Women in the military; women truckers, (and believe me - they are just barely women) builders; even the female tennis players are now being paid the same as the males (despite playing half the games therefore spending half the time on court).
Encroaching evermore on the traditional world of men - all in the name of sexual equality. All of which results in a 'third' sex - this hybrid of she-men and he-women; men who spend more on cosmetics than their female counterparts and women who at a distance would be easily mistaken for men.
Blur wrote a song about it which had the lyric "girls who do girls; boys who do boys"...
The men who instigated this are now all dead or in their twilight years and the shift was apparently so slight, the following generations took their eye off the ball and here we are. A society of David Beckhams. Hybrids who use face cream, have their eyebrows plucked, and get counselling for breaking a nail! A world of boys living with their mummies. Obedient and afraid.
Hardly surprising then I feel superior to most men and seem to get on with most women better. I include 'most' as of course there are exceptions to this rule - but exceptions they are and the norm is as written.
Though it may appear that I'm a chauvinist, I am not - I love women; I don't, however, love feminists who I'm convinced simply need a good dickin' (pardon my vulgarity) to set them straight.
Some of these weirdos even demand they're not referred to as girls, or ladies - it must be woman, as if the word describes this independent, unrequiring of men Black Widow type.
Sacrificing even courtesy for this misplaced independence. "I am woman - I don't need you to hold the door for me. My security as a 'woman' is threatened by your insensitive assumption that I can't open my own door".
I mean, if you don't want me opening a door for you then fine - it's a pleasantry, y'moron - I do it for anyone, male or female, it doesn't matter.
It's called common bloody decency (a trait in ever shortening supply these days). And if you would rather hold it open for me then go right ahead but I'll be damned if when two people enter a room, one of them doesn't hold the door...!
The modern man has devolved into this...well, I think a lyric from one of Pink, the singer's songs says it well. "I want a man by my side; not a boy who runs and hides". That's about the height of it.
I KNOW "men" who have to seek permission from their wives/girlfriends before they can go out.
So I've faced the very real possibility of saying to the wife/girlfriend, "can such and such come out?" It's...really...sad.
This "man's" life is a microcosm of the male life in general in 2008. At least in Australia but I've every reason to believe it's a global phenomenon.
Enter any bar in Australia and you'll find a group of males drinking together. All big stories; f this, f that, willing to fight with their shadow when they get a skinfull. Big tough drinkin blokes.
Insert into the mix, one wife/girlfriend of one of our big boofy blokes and just watch his testicles shrink as he realises 'she who must be obeyed' has arrived. I've seen this too! And it's equally as pathetic.
Not MY man, I've no doubt you'll plead; yes, your man too.
The years of female empowerment has arrived at this - interestingly enough, the occasion would seem to be on par with the apparent lack of 'men' in Sydney. It would appear you've become so equal that you've altered what defines a man. Well done! Now you're fucked - or maybe you're not - and that's the problem.
Advertisers know this - and act accordingly. In fact, car manufacturers have been directing their products' advertisements more and more at women these days. More and more previously male orientated ads are directed at women. There are two laughable ones from a company called Tyrepower which has a woman proudly boasting, "Am I a better driver than my husband - you bet!" She may in fact well be but that speaks more about the soft cock she's married to than any ability she may possess.
For example, there's a reason why women can't ride motorbikes fast - it has to do with testicles! Not simply nerve, or guts, or bravery, all of which women can and do possess. No, it's a ball thing.
The second one is the same woman saying, "I won't drive my husbands car - there's just no grip" (like a. the husband's too stupid to figure it out and b. she has ANY idea what the words on the script she's reading apply to...), "so I told him to say hello to our local Tyrepower pro" . Not asked, not suggested - TOLD. Because the dumb bloke if nothing else, knows better than to disobey.
The "Beaver" ad is another example of such empowerment. Crudity has long been the domain of the male; sex and body parts have been the subject of the male discourse for centuries.
Now this 'new woman' has no qualms about joining in. It seems everything that was once male dominated is now, in the name of equality, fair game. Foul language (which I admit is rich coming frome me but I'm a. an Ulsterman and it's what we do, and b. not a woman), vulgarity, public drunkeness - on occasion, violence. Is this really how you want to behave, girls? Really? So desperate to be accepted as an equal (which you can't, by virtue of mother nature's law) you're prepared to sacrifice the very thing that makes you the fairer sex?
That's quite some sacrifice.
Dear God!
I found this quote recently which sums it up quite well:
Women do not find it difficult nowdays to behave like men, but they often find it extremely difficult to behave like gentlemen
How has this come about...? Can it all be laid at the feet of Germaine Greer and her ilk? In some ways it's market driven - in that it's realistically doubled a previously male-dominated pasttime. The strident need to chase the dollar supersedes all else.
Y'see, some time ago, decent men realised that they were indeed, treating their fair counterparts like sex objects (though really, girls, who amongst you doesn't like to be desired - by many. Be honest... I know this to be a fact - and you know it too, and you now know I know it so don't EVEN try (wee bit of American there).
So anyway, reluctant to give up any of the actual power, they began to employ the "yes dear" tactic, lending the interpreted power to the put upon woman. This worked for quite some time - in fact I myself have occasioned such a tactic. She was empowered - and she nailed me good, woohoo - was great!
But at some point and here I haven't reached a full understanding of its origin, you lot took the reigns (where was I then? Good chance I was screaming round the Ulster countryside on my bike...). But I'd guess it was around the time of Sex in the City. That dire TV show where these vixens, Amazonions of the sexes prowled cities looking for meat. Dumber the better. As long as they could do the job...
...And slowly, inexorably tilted the scales. 'Cause you're a bit sneaky, you lot and while we weren't looking...
Women in the military; women truckers, (and believe me - they are just barely women) builders; even the female tennis players are now being paid the same as the males (despite playing half the games therefore spending half the time on court).
Encroaching evermore on the traditional world of men - all in the name of sexual equality. All of which results in a 'third' sex - this hybrid of she-men and he-women; men who spend more on cosmetics than their female counterparts and women who at a distance would be easily mistaken for men.
Blur wrote a song about it which had the lyric "girls who do girls; boys who do boys"...
The men who instigated this are now all dead or in their twilight years and the shift was apparently so slight, the following generations took their eye off the ball and here we are. A society of David Beckhams. Hybrids who use face cream, have their eyebrows plucked, and get counselling for breaking a nail! A world of boys living with their mummies. Obedient and afraid.
Hardly surprising then I feel superior to most men and seem to get on with most women better. I include 'most' as of course there are exceptions to this rule - but exceptions they are and the norm is as written.
Though it may appear that I'm a chauvinist, I am not - I love women; I don't, however, love feminists who I'm convinced simply need a good dickin' (pardon my vulgarity) to set them straight.
Some of these weirdos even demand they're not referred to as girls, or ladies - it must be woman, as if the word describes this independent, unrequiring of men Black Widow type.
Sacrificing even courtesy for this misplaced independence. "I am woman - I don't need you to hold the door for me. My security as a 'woman' is threatened by your insensitive assumption that I can't open my own door".
I mean, if you don't want me opening a door for you then fine - it's a pleasantry, y'moron - I do it for anyone, male or female, it doesn't matter.
It's called common bloody decency (a trait in ever shortening supply these days). And if you would rather hold it open for me then go right ahead but I'll be damned if when two people enter a room, one of them doesn't hold the door...!
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
"Every country has its heroes", is the ad line for a new show on channel Nine. It refers to a show about firemen, and the associated film clip is of these "heroes" freeing a man's hand from some sort of grill/drain type thing. Is he stuck in a flooded drain like in an early episode of ER, the American TV show? No. He seems to be sitting on a chair in a kitchen, perfectly comfortable with a smile on his face.
And 2 or 3 'heroes' are standing about around him.
Wtf's heroic about that??? God! It's such a load of wank!!
And 2 or 3 'heroes' are standing about around him.
Wtf's heroic about that??? God! It's such a load of wank!!
Seventy days to go, the sign on the M4 motorway tells us. Seventy days until around 200,000 'pilgrims' descend on Sydney's Royal Randwick racecourse. (They're calling themselves pilgrims but let's call a spade a spade - they're catholics okay!)
The course will be completely destroyed by 200,000 feet traipsing all over it and will have to be repaired at considerable cost before it can be used again.
Hyde park also is being taken over to accommodate these Papists. For toilets and food stalls. And this lovely park will have to be repaired too - at another significant cost.
And the initial cost of hosting this day, before any repairs...? Wait for it, 85 million, that's right, million dollars. Of taxpayers money, whether they're of that particular faith or not.
Nobody asked me if they could use that money - MY, (and the rest of NSW's taxpayer's) money. And considering that the catholic church has untold billions of dollars, I'm forced to ask - why the hell should I pay for it? (Of course, due to having to pay out 600 million dollars in the US to compensate the victims of its paedophillic priests, their coffers are a little reduced!)
The wee man in the funny hat's coming too and on that subject, I have yet another question...How does a member of Hitler's Nazi Youth get to become Pope? Yep, you heard right, His Holiness was an active member of the Nazi Youth. How does that happen? How does a Nazi become Pope???
And the front page of today's paper has the headline "Pope wants to say sorry". It refers to the Australian victims of his priests. Well mister, you can stick your sorrys in a sack, frankly. I don't want your sorry; nor your compensation. What I want is for you to stop your fucking depraved holy men buggering children to sate their fucking lust. Sick fucks!!
Now, you may think I have a grievance against catholics. I don't. Well, at least not per se. Nor is this apparent aggravation anything to do with the fact the Fenians have spent the last thirty years maiming and murdering as they blew apart Ulster (my homeland) in the name of so called independence from Britain.
No. It's about the fact that the Catholic faith relies purely on fear and ignorance to corral its followers, what with all the 'confession' and such.
So, first we have the Nobel Peace Prize losing all credibility on account of it being awarded to the Antichrist, Al Gore; then we have the Olympic Games losing ITS credibility because the Chinese have been awarded it (China's human rights record is woeful - think Tibet currently); and now we have a Pope who was a Nazi!
What next? Mugabe of Zimbabwe being given the key to the city???
I tell ye, if they built a fence round these 200,000 and locked them in it would solve a lot of the world's problems.
Tch! Catholicism.
The course will be completely destroyed by 200,000 feet traipsing all over it and will have to be repaired at considerable cost before it can be used again.
Hyde park also is being taken over to accommodate these Papists. For toilets and food stalls. And this lovely park will have to be repaired too - at another significant cost.
And the initial cost of hosting this day, before any repairs...? Wait for it, 85 million, that's right, million dollars. Of taxpayers money, whether they're of that particular faith or not.
Nobody asked me if they could use that money - MY, (and the rest of NSW's taxpayer's) money. And considering that the catholic church has untold billions of dollars, I'm forced to ask - why the hell should I pay for it? (Of course, due to having to pay out 600 million dollars in the US to compensate the victims of its paedophillic priests, their coffers are a little reduced!)
The wee man in the funny hat's coming too and on that subject, I have yet another question...How does a member of Hitler's Nazi Youth get to become Pope? Yep, you heard right, His Holiness was an active member of the Nazi Youth. How does that happen? How does a Nazi become Pope???
And the front page of today's paper has the headline "Pope wants to say sorry". It refers to the Australian victims of his priests. Well mister, you can stick your sorrys in a sack, frankly. I don't want your sorry; nor your compensation. What I want is for you to stop your fucking depraved holy men buggering children to sate their fucking lust. Sick fucks!!
Now, you may think I have a grievance against catholics. I don't. Well, at least not per se. Nor is this apparent aggravation anything to do with the fact the Fenians have spent the last thirty years maiming and murdering as they blew apart Ulster (my homeland) in the name of so called independence from Britain.
No. It's about the fact that the Catholic faith relies purely on fear and ignorance to corral its followers, what with all the 'confession' and such.
So, first we have the Nobel Peace Prize losing all credibility on account of it being awarded to the Antichrist, Al Gore; then we have the Olympic Games losing ITS credibility because the Chinese have been awarded it (China's human rights record is woeful - think Tibet currently); and now we have a Pope who was a Nazi!
What next? Mugabe of Zimbabwe being given the key to the city???
I tell ye, if they built a fence round these 200,000 and locked them in it would solve a lot of the world's problems.
Tch! Catholicism.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
So says the headline.
What follows is a lot of blether about...don't know, it's blether. Blah blah expert this...blah blah expert that. I wonder does this "expert" actually have any children of his own...
Anyway, fast forward to the list of dos and don'ts.
1. Ask your child to repeat a set of supermarket behaviour rules before entering the store. (Yeah, that's right - talk to it like it's an adult - like it can understand. I've news for ye - as soon as you enter the shop, once it sees all that's on offer you may well have spoken Chinese!)
2. Praise good behaviour and give them a treat and the end of each tantrum-free shopping trip. (Maybe a pat on the head and a belly scratch! Roll over boy).
3. Have your child help with retrieving items or hold the shopping list at the supermarket. (Be prepared for it bringing back everything shiny that appeals to it).
4. Reward your child with a sticker once each supermarket aisle is completed if they haven't misbehaved. (A sticker? Pulease!)
5. Take regular shopping trips with your child to teach them how to behave.
There is one vital action that seems to have been forgotten here. We'll call it 6.
Give the wee bastard a whallop!!! A whack speaks a thousand words. Trust me - I know!
Of course, if you're a nurse of some twenty years experience and you smack an unruly child in your emergency dept, then you can expect suspension and an investigation by both the police and DOCS (Dept of Children's Services) as happened to Jeanette Stewart in an Australian hospital. (Same paper - a few pages before the "Tantrum" piece).
Y'know, I remember the time when the police, teachers, and your average sister(nurse) often gave out a whallop to kids who were getting out of control. And it did the kid in question not a bit of harm. Quite the contrary actually, it taught the wee bastard some manners.
And I ask it any wonder kids have zero respect nowdays? Simply because the bleeding hearts refuse to allow the sort of chastisement that in my day brought them into line and taught them that there were just some things that weren't acceptable.
Jesus is still weeping!
What follows is a lot of blether about...don't know, it's blether. Blah blah expert this...blah blah expert that. I wonder does this "expert" actually have any children of his own...
Anyway, fast forward to the list of dos and don'ts.
1. Ask your child to repeat a set of supermarket behaviour rules before entering the store. (Yeah, that's right - talk to it like it's an adult - like it can understand. I've news for ye - as soon as you enter the shop, once it sees all that's on offer you may well have spoken Chinese!)
2. Praise good behaviour and give them a treat and the end of each tantrum-free shopping trip. (Maybe a pat on the head and a belly scratch! Roll over boy).
3. Have your child help with retrieving items or hold the shopping list at the supermarket. (Be prepared for it bringing back everything shiny that appeals to it).
4. Reward your child with a sticker once each supermarket aisle is completed if they haven't misbehaved. (A sticker? Pulease!)
5. Take regular shopping trips with your child to teach them how to behave.
There is one vital action that seems to have been forgotten here. We'll call it 6.
Give the wee bastard a whallop!!! A whack speaks a thousand words. Trust me - I know!
Of course, if you're a nurse of some twenty years experience and you smack an unruly child in your emergency dept, then you can expect suspension and an investigation by both the police and DOCS (Dept of Children's Services) as happened to Jeanette Stewart in an Australian hospital. (Same paper - a few pages before the "Tantrum" piece).
Y'know, I remember the time when the police, teachers, and your average sister(nurse) often gave out a whallop to kids who were getting out of control. And it did the kid in question not a bit of harm. Quite the contrary actually, it taught the wee bastard some manners.
And I ask it any wonder kids have zero respect nowdays? Simply because the bleeding hearts refuse to allow the sort of chastisement that in my day brought them into line and taught them that there were just some things that weren't acceptable.
Jesus is still weeping!
Saturday, May 03, 2008
There’s an advertisement for a fashion show on currently, and in advertising this event, we the viewers are presented with a pair of juggling tits! Of course they’re wrapped in a (green I think, or blue - there was a pattern I'm sure) bikini but believe me, it takes second stage to the juggling, and oh so perfect, mammaries. (Juggling because the model is ster-RUTTing her arse with purpose down the runway with the obligatory detached yet defiant scowl – not that we get to see much of the scowl because the camera veritably zooms into the rather animated breasts).
Such places are for the rich - except on TV.
In the very next ad a large “store” is the subject – its specific ware, some kind of woman’s top – for mother’s day, no less. (…Isn’t that, like, blasphemy or something…?) In this we’re offered a young woman fair bounding with glee at her…well, great life I suppose. (Great, am happy for her). Through the French doors she comes, onto the fashionable sofa, sunlight enlightening her surrounds, all creams and bright colours. Laughing and smiling as they do. (Ya! I get it, can we move on…?).
She’s wearing the top in question. And ensheathed, gloriously, in this top is the most spectacular breast(s) I’ve seen in many a year – complete with visible nipple. (It’s all about the nipple, we know this already, right?). I say breast (singular) cause although they both are spectacular only one has the visible…protuberance and thus commands the lion's share of attention. Note: This is no mistake – no oversight; the producers know exactly what they’re doing. (...Wonder was it luck or was there any...manipulation...? Call it insurance. I'LL have that job!)
And I, in the name of science of course, am an expert on breasts and what constitutes such expertise (firmness, symmetry etc.).
So I ask – towards whom is the ad directed? Bear in mind, 65% or so of Australian women are considered overweight or obese (higher for men).
The, realistically, 10% who could actually pull it off without major surgery? Okay. Not much of a market though.
Or maybe the bush pig, with tits like John Wayne’s saddlebags.Though it’ll take a bit more than a cotton top and erect nipple to withhold these bad boys I’d wager…more like a horse sling!
So I fail to see how that would persuade those individuals to buy one. Unless of course they’re disillusioned bushpigs, which most are, now you mention it… but surely not, “hey, if I buy that top, my hooters, which are currently resting on my knees like bunker sandbags’ll look like that”.
Or maybe it’s directed at the beer-swilling, tattooed and thong-wearing* slob husband who thinks that purchasing this top will magically transform his heap of flesh into something NOT resembling the aforementioned bacon sandwich. But that idiot’ll do as he’s told whether he likes it or not, so…
Nah, this is pure, unadulterated titillation, arguably bordering on soft porn.
...So it must be directed at yours truly then!
To conclude:
If you are going to employ such blatant titillation, then you lose all rights to any objection if I respond lecherously! I’m a man. This is what I want. God made me this way.
*Type of 'footwear' in Oz
Such places are for the rich - except on TV.
In the very next ad a large “store” is the subject – its specific ware, some kind of woman’s top – for mother’s day, no less. (…Isn’t that, like, blasphemy or something…?) In this we’re offered a young woman fair bounding with glee at her…well, great life I suppose. (Great, am happy for her). Through the French doors she comes, onto the fashionable sofa, sunlight enlightening her surrounds, all creams and bright colours. Laughing and smiling as they do. (Ya! I get it, can we move on…?).
She’s wearing the top in question. And ensheathed, gloriously, in this top is the most spectacular breast(s) I’ve seen in many a year – complete with visible nipple. (It’s all about the nipple, we know this already, right?). I say breast (singular) cause although they both are spectacular only one has the visible…protuberance and thus commands the lion's share of attention. Note: This is no mistake – no oversight; the producers know exactly what they’re doing. (...Wonder was it luck or was there any...manipulation...? Call it insurance. I'LL have that job!)
And I, in the name of science of course, am an expert on breasts and what constitutes such expertise (firmness, symmetry etc.).
So I ask – towards whom is the ad directed? Bear in mind, 65% or so of Australian women are considered overweight or obese (higher for men).
The, realistically, 10% who could actually pull it off without major surgery? Okay. Not much of a market though.
Or maybe the bush pig, with tits like John Wayne’s saddlebags.Though it’ll take a bit more than a cotton top and erect nipple to withhold these bad boys I’d wager…more like a horse sling!
So I fail to see how that would persuade those individuals to buy one. Unless of course they’re disillusioned bushpigs, which most are, now you mention it… but surely not, “hey, if I buy that top, my hooters, which are currently resting on my knees like bunker sandbags’ll look like that”.
Or maybe it’s directed at the beer-swilling, tattooed and thong-wearing* slob husband who thinks that purchasing this top will magically transform his heap of flesh into something NOT resembling the aforementioned bacon sandwich. But that idiot’ll do as he’s told whether he likes it or not, so…
Nah, this is pure, unadulterated titillation, arguably bordering on soft porn.
...So it must be directed at yours truly then!
To conclude:
If you are going to employ such blatant titillation, then you lose all rights to any objection if I respond lecherously! I’m a man. This is what I want. God made me this way.
*Type of 'footwear' in Oz
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