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Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Surprise surprise, this is something else I've known for years...

Oh dear. All is not well in the Australian military. It transpires that none of the infantry has been given "offensive" missions, instead such missions are only being given to the special forces (Australian SAS).

The regular soldiers are feeling embarrassed at their non-involvement in the war and the word is they are becoming a laughing stock in the eyes of the other Allied men.

This is probably because, back in OZ, everybody speaks in revered whispers about "our fighting men" and none will agree to them being hurt - hence, they never get sent into danger. Sort of like toy soldiers. They're actual soldiers for God's sake (at least they're meant to be...).

Bottom line? You could remove every Australian soldier from Iraq and Afghanistan and no-one would notice. They are there, simply, as a courtesy, because the US can't (nor ever have been able to) risk losing all the support they can muster in this fight to end all fights (they still think they can win). It's why they (the US) sent someone here to "thank" Australia for their support - to garner it, no more no less.
And being the "little puppy dog", Australia wagged its tail and crowed about its partner in war.

While it mans the control towers at airports, security checkpoints, peacekeeping.


KB said...

I was sure a post re Super 14 would await me.

MB team announced today, have a feeling it will be mainly Crews players.

mutters said...

It patiently awaits your attention on your blog.

International season starts on the 14th of June.
