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Thursday, May 08, 2008


Yes it is. Granted, at the top level of most business (and power), men still rule but at ground level, down with the common man (loosely speaking of course), you call the shots.
The modern man has devolved into this...well, I think a lyric from one of Pink, the singer's songs says it well. "I want a man by my side; not a boy who runs and hides". That's about the height of it.
I KNOW "men" who have to seek permission from their wives/girlfriends before they can go out.
So I've faced the very real possibility of saying to the wife/girlfriend, "can such and such come out?" It's...really...sad.
This "man's" life is a microcosm of the male life in general in 2008. At least in Australia but I've every reason to believe it's a global phenomenon.

Enter any bar in Australia and you'll find a group of males drinking together. All big stories; f this, f that, willing to fight with their shadow when they get a skinfull. Big tough drinkin blokes.
Insert into the mix, one wife/girlfriend of one of our big boofy blokes and just watch his testicles shrink as he realises 'she who must be obeyed' has arrived. I've seen this too! And it's equally as pathetic.

Not MY man, I've no doubt you'll plead; yes, your man too.

The years of female empowerment has arrived at this - interestingly enough, the occasion would seem to be on par with the apparent lack of 'men' in Sydney. It would appear you've become so equal that you've altered what defines a man. Well done! Now you're fucked - or maybe you're not - and that's the problem.

Advertisers know this - and act accordingly. In fact, car manufacturers have been directing their products' advertisements more and more at women these days. More and more previously male orientated ads are directed at women. There are two laughable ones from a company called Tyrepower which has a woman proudly boasting, "Am I a better driver than my husband - you bet!" She may in fact well be but that speaks more about the soft cock she's married to than any ability she may possess.
For example, there's a reason why women can't ride motorbikes fast - it has to do with testicles! Not simply nerve, or guts, or bravery, all of which women can and do possess. No, it's a ball thing.

The second one is the same woman saying, "I won't drive my husbands car - there's just no grip" (like a. the husband's too stupid to figure it out and b. she has ANY idea what the words on the script she's reading apply to...), "so I told him to say hello to our local Tyrepower pro" . Not asked, not suggested - TOLD. Because the dumb bloke if nothing else, knows better than to disobey.

The "Beaver" ad is another example of such empowerment. Crudity has long been the domain of the male; sex and body parts have been the subject of the male discourse for centuries.
Now this 'new woman' has no qualms about joining in. It seems everything that was once male dominated is now, in the name of equality, fair game. Foul language (which I admit is rich coming frome me but I'm a. an Ulsterman and it's what we do, and b. not a woman), vulgarity, public drunkeness - on occasion, violence. Is this really how you want to behave, girls? Really? So desperate to be accepted as an equal (which you can't, by virtue of mother nature's law) you're prepared to sacrifice the very thing that makes you the fairer sex?

That's quite some sacrifice.

Dear God!

I found this quote recently which sums it up quite well:

Women do not find it difficult nowdays to behave like men, but they often find it extremely difficult to behave like gentlemen

How has this come about...? Can it all be laid at the feet of Germaine Greer and her ilk? In some ways it's market driven - in that it's realistically doubled a previously male-dominated pasttime. The strident need to chase the dollar supersedes all else.

Y'see, some time ago, decent men realised that they were indeed, treating their fair counterparts like sex objects (though really, girls, who amongst you doesn't like to be desired - by many. Be honest... I know this to be a fact - and you know it too, and you now know I know it so don't EVEN try (wee bit of American there).
So anyway, reluctant to give up any of the actual power, they began to employ the "yes dear" tactic, lending the interpreted power to the put upon woman. This worked for quite some time - in fact I myself have occasioned such a tactic. She was empowered - and she nailed me good, woohoo - was great!

But at some point and here I haven't reached a full understanding of its origin, you lot took the reigns (where was I then? Good chance I was screaming round the Ulster countryside on my bike...). But I'd guess it was around the time of Sex in the City. That dire TV show where these vixens, Amazonions of the sexes prowled cities looking for meat. Dumber the better. As long as they could do the job...
...And slowly, inexorably tilted the scales. 'Cause you're a bit sneaky, you lot and while we weren't looking...

Women in the military; women truckers, (and believe me - they are just barely women) builders; even the female tennis players are now being paid the same as the males (despite playing half the games therefore spending half the time on court).
Encroaching evermore on the traditional world of men - all in the name of sexual equality. All of which results in a 'third' sex - this hybrid of she-men and he-women; men who spend more on cosmetics than their female counterparts and women who at a distance would be easily mistaken for men.
Blur wrote a song about it which had the lyric "girls who do girls; boys who do boys"...

The men who instigated this are now all dead or in their twilight years and the shift was apparently so slight, the following generations took their eye off the ball and here we are. A society of David Beckhams. Hybrids who use face cream, have their eyebrows plucked, and get counselling for breaking a nail! A world of boys living with their mummies. Obedient and afraid.
Hardly surprising then I feel superior to most men and seem to get on with most women better. I include 'most' as of course there are exceptions to this rule - but exceptions they are and the norm is as written.

Though it may appear that I'm a chauvinist, I am not - I love women; I don't, however, love feminists who I'm convinced simply need a good dickin' (pardon my vulgarity) to set them straight.
Some of these weirdos even demand they're not referred to as girls, or ladies - it must be woman, as if the word describes this independent, unrequiring of men Black Widow type.
Sacrificing even courtesy for this misplaced independence. "I am woman - I don't need you to hold the door for me. My security as a 'woman' is threatened by your insensitive assumption that I can't open my own door".

I mean, if you don't want me opening a door for you then fine - it's a pleasantry, y'moron - I do it for anyone, male or female, it doesn't matter.
It's called common bloody decency (a trait in ever shortening supply these days). And if you would rather hold it open for me then go right ahead but I'll be damned if when two people enter a room, one of them doesn't hold the door...!

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