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Tuesday, May 27, 2008


It turns out several of Sydney's major hospitals are suspending elective surgery during the "pilgrims" visit. One of which is being shut down entirely just in case the wee man in the funny hat takes a turn.

Doctors have been advised to take holidays. The State Opposition claim it's just to save money in the many hospitals that are over budget.

Either way, why don't you fuckin papists just piss off to your own world...I don't know...Rome or somethin'

I'm bloody payin for this, remember.


KB said...


mutters said...

Yep - completely absurd. Bloody Papists, KB - led, may I remind you, by an ex-Nazi!

A faith ruled by fear and ignorance. Whose 'pilgrims' are easily led and afraid to face life without a crutch.
I might go to the city while it's on to see if I can bag me a rebel. Heh heh.

KB said...

I await the video footage.

mutters said...

Might have to get me a dog collar hoho.
Confess my child (in this back, it's okay, the Pope said you don't need underwear to confess!) and you will be forgiven.