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Thursday, May 08, 2008


I received this from another friend - and she lived in Zimbabwe so she'd probably know...


I reckon that these are the last days of TKM and ZPF. The darkest hour is always before dawn.

We are all terrified at what they are going to destroy next........I mean they are actually ploughing down brick and mortar houses and one white family with twin boys of 10 had no chance of salvaging anything when100 riot police came in with AK47's and bulldozers and demolished their beautiful house - 5 bedrooms and pine ceilings - because it was "too close to the airport", so we are feeling extremely insecure right now.

You know - I am aware that this does not help you sleep at night, but if you do not know - how can you help? Even if you put us in your own mental ring of light and send your guardian angels to be with us - that is a help - but I feel so cut off from you all knowing I cannot tell you what's going on here simply because you will feel uncomfortable. There is no ways we can leave here so that is not an option.

I ask that you all pray for us in the way that you know how, and let me know that you are thinking of us and sending out positive vibes... that's all. You can't just be in denial and pretend/believe it's not going on.

To be frank with you, it's genocide in the making and if you do not believe me, read the Genocide Report by Amnesty International which says we are - IN level 7 - (level 8 is after it's happened and everyone is in


If you don't want me to tell you these things-how bad it is—then it means you have not dealt with your own fear, but it does not help me to think you are turning your back on our situation. We need you, please, to get the news OUT that we are all in a fearfully dangerous situation here. Too many people turn their backs and say - oh well, that's what happens in Africa. This Government has GONE MAD and you need to help us publicize our plight--- or how can we be rescued? It's a reality! The petrol queues are a reality, the pall of smoke all around our city is a reality, the thousands of homeless people sleeping outside in 0 Celsius with no food, water, shelter and bedding are a reality. Today a family approached me, brother of the gardener's wife with two small children. Their home was trashed and they will have to sleep

outside. We already support 8 adult people and a child on this property, and electricity is going up next month by 250% as is water.

How can I take on another family of 4 -----and yet how can I turn them away to sleep out in the open?

I am not asking you for money or a ticket out of here - I am asking you to FACE the fact that we are in deep and terrible danger and want you please to pass on our news and pictures. So PLEASE don't just press the delete button! Help best in the way that you know how.

Do face the reality of what is going on here and help us SEND OUT THE WORD.. The more people who know about it, the more chance we have of the United Nations coming to our aid. Please don't ignore or deny what's happening. Some would like to be protected from the truth BUT then, if we are eliminated, how would you feel? "If only we knew how bad it really was we could have helped in some way".

[I know we chose to stay here and that some feel we deserve what's coming to us]

For now,--- we ourselves have food, shelter, a little fuel and a bit of money for the next meal - but what is going to happen next? Will they start on our houses? All property is going to belong to the State now. I want to send out my Title Deeds to one of you because if they get a hold of those, I can't fight for my rights.

Censorship!----We no longer have SW radio [which told us everything that was happening] because the Government jammed it out of existence – we don't have any reporters, and no one is allowed to photograph. If we had reporters here, they would have an absolute field day. Even the pro-Government Herald has written that people are shocked, stunned, bewildered and blown mindless by the wanton destruction of many folks homes, which are supposed to be 'illegal' but for which a huge percentage actually do have licenses.

Please! - do have some compassion and HELP by sending out the articles and personal reports so that something can/may be done. "I am one. I cannot do everything, ---but I can do something.. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do, I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God, I will do." - Edward Everett Hale


Again, my cynicism prevails that it'll not do much good but if we don't try...

Thank you.


KB said...

Sometimes, I get so wrapped up in events happening in NZ, I forget the hardships other people around the world suffer. Pieces like this remind me how lucky I am. Thanks for sharing.

mutters said...

Yeah...thankful for small mercies.


Spoony Quine said...

` You know, if journalists were allowed in there, they'd probably be shot if they tried to help people - probably that was the case with that guy who photographed the starving child and the vulture. That's probably why he killed himself.

` Right now in Burma (or whatever it's called nowadays) the military government is causing everyone to die after the cyclone destroyed everything they had. There's tons of foreign aid standing by to help get them food and medical help, but they will be shot if they try to get in and save anyone's lives.

mutters said...

You're saying then, that there were men with weapons nearby? That they ordered the photographer not to help? That's a stretch, See. That's a huge stretch. I can't believe that...but I wasn't there and only he (who's know deceased), can say so...
I would certainly like to think if it was I, I would have carried the child regardless. Or sought help from the food camp which, remember, was in sight.

On the Burma matter (yes, it's still Burma), this can be compared with Mogadishu, Somalia in '93. Then, the warlord, Aidid did exactly the same thing with the UN food supplies, forcing the Americans to send in the Rangers, who consequently took a serious beating when set upon by thousands of armed Somalis, the story of which is told in the book, Black Hawk Down.
An excellent read - and film too.

And a situation from which TRUE heroes emerged. In this case, Randy Shughart and Gary Gordon. Not, as the TV would have us believe in a desperate attempt to get ratings, firemen or doctors or Christ help me – bloody sportsmen/women!!

Anonymous said...

I hate it when I accidentally get involved in a discussion on blogs, I tell SEEQUINE to hide all that from me. But now that I am here. Mutters, your little Somolia/Blackhawk Down reference betrays your ultr-thin understanding of the events. I will say no more about that, but I will say: if journalists made it into Zimbabwe, do you expect them to protect the victimized people or take pictures and write stories. If a bunch of journalists went to Zimbabwe, and weren't immediately killed, they would certainly be killed if they tried to "help." For that matter, if U.N. peace keeping forces went to Zimbabwe and interviewed people and wrote stories, not much would get done except some bad journalism. Frankly, you need to get a mirror out, and give yourself a quick check, 'cause that ain't no hole in the ground, it's your ass hanging out. BTW, as far s the late Pulitzer prize winning picture taker, he is an easy target for ridicule, being dead and all. Lucas
P.S. Don't hate SEEQUINE cause of me, ass.

Spoony Quine said...

` Whoa, you got Lucas really riled up this time!
` In fact, he was just ranting about how Geraldo Rivera was being made fun of because he actually saved this woman's life in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Apparently, lots of people thought he was pulling a publicity stunt.

P.S. I suggest you actually watch Black Hawk Down before you reference it.

mutters said...

A. You're an idiot and should really engage your brain before opening that hole under your nose.

B. I have watched it AND read the book - multiple times and my references are deadly accurate.

C. Accidentally? Okay. How does one 'accidentally' access a blog, type a reply and then post it. Sleep posting perhaps?
D. You're an idiot. Fuck off!

I'll respond more succinctly when I can be arsed.

mutters said...

'Picture taker?' Don't you mean photographer.

E. You're an idiot!

F. And a wanker!

Spoony Quine said...

` He 'accidentally' got pulled in because he was looking over my shoulder. Seriously, he doesn't actively seek out blogs.

` We are laughing at the fact that you did not address either of his points, instead choosing to insult him for things that have nothing to do with what he actually said.
` Do you really think that's an acceptable way to make an argument?

mutters said...

I expect any MAN (which you clearly aren't) to stand up and be counted when faced with the distress of an innocent child, not hide behind a camera.
You're one of those aren't ye, Lucas? A little man who talks big from the comfort of his armchair? What's the matter? Didn't daddy love you enough? Trying to make a name for yourself with your keen observations no matter how asinine they may be.
Have I called you an idiot yet?

P.s. You don't need to add your name at the end. It's at the start of the post already, knucklhead.

mutters said...

So saith the exhibitionist on behalf of her yappy little pet!

Taken any naked pictures of yourself lately, nutbag?

You're an idiot and so's your little dog!

I'm right re: Black Hawk Down. You're wrong. Accept it and move on.

Anonymous said...

It's Lucas. Obviously, I won that argument. SEEQUINE is feeling better, I'll stop doting on her now, and therefor I'll not notice the presumptuous blog comments on her computer screen, and promptly forget this ever happened, or at least try. Though, I, Lucas, aka Lou Ryan, could not help but notice that, for the second time, you did not comment on the subject matter we were discussing, but rather, resorted to insulting me. You need to keep insults tasteful and funny, and have them after your side of the argument, not instead of your argument. I'm outta here. Lucas
P.S. I love being right, and making people resort to insults since they know they are so wrong.
P.P.S. This has been Lucas

Anonymous said...

I'm also known as Lou Ryan.

mutters said...

Before you write a word, your name is announced. Specifically, "Lucas said". But still with the sign-off.

Look man, if you're a slow learner I'll adjust my responses.

Now...I'll...speak...slowly (actually I won't - it takes too long. Just get someone to explain it to you if you can't keep up!).

According to reports, the Burmese military is preventing the aid getting to the affected parties (only they know why).
This is EXACTLY what Aidid did in Somalia, though he took it a bit further and murdered some of the UN soldiers too. It is probably this more than the stolen supplies that forced America's hand. This is and was my claim.
And I explained about the "picture taker'.
You need to READ what I say and not just go off on a tangent. (I feel like I want to call you an idiot again!)

Hey, keep handing me ammunition and I'll keep using it!

Oh wait - that's right, it was an... accident that you posted - like your hand is autonomous, seemingly with rather more intelligence than your brain it has to be said.

mutters said...

So you'd be the boyfriend then?

Anonymous said...

Hey, It's me, Lucas, again. This blogging stuff is kind of fun. Let ME conduct the review: we were discussing two topics, the moral shortcomings of a late photographer and the general idea of journalists "helping" as well as covering the story. My position is "you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground." The reason I hold that position is threefold:
1. You really have no clue as to the real circumstances of the famed picture of the girl and the vulture. You are passing moral judgment on a dead man, on an event you really know nothing about, on a picture which mobilized the hearts and minds of the world...even won a prize for it.
2. You don't seem to have a realistic view of what a nerdy American photographer (any picture taker, not just the picture taker in question) can accomplish while on assignment in a foreign country. For that matter, you under-value the danger involved and immense power a journalist or photographer can wield with their camera or pen.
3. Your tendencies to insult and degradation INSTEAD if arguing, not as a COMPLEMENT to arguing indicate you really don't have a basis for your moral rantings. Further more, it reinforces my belief that there is not a lot of value in blog discussions. You should use your internet savy to research (key word here) Flaws With Group Decision Making, because most blog discussions are like a worst-case-scenario group decision making process.

Now, back to my tactful, constructive and witty insulting: you are ignorant. It's been fun, Lucas.
P.S. yeah, it has been me, Lucas.

Anonymous said...

I lied, buddy, blogging isn't fun, but making fun of you is, post after post, laughing about how you might actually think I don't know my name appears before the post, and other silly stuff, like all the insults...what a hoot. I really do hate blogging, and, buddy of buddies, you really are so silly that you are funny. But, it is beddy-bye time...yes, indeed, the very bed a nail SEEQUINE in. Say "hi" to rosie and her sisters for me...genius. Lucas
P.S. so, do you REALLY know who left this post if I don't sign my name? ...or not? Sincerely, Lucas

Anonymous said...

It's Lucas again, a correction here: I meant to say "the very bed I nail SEEQUINE in" Thanks again, Lucas

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna pee and brush my teeth, I hope you respond before then, or I'll never know how neurotic I've made you by now.

Anonymous said...

Thought so!
No wonder Aussie chicks go for American guys. My best friend snagged one. Granted, you have a much nicer country, which explains why they live there. Of course he doesn't have to deal with sorry blokes like you, he teaches college math. Of course, every one knows that Australia is the SECOND best country to flee the U.S. to, the best being New Zealand, of course. Go Kiwis! Love, Luke the Puke

Anonymous said...

Oh, never mind, it was just 4:20 down there, of course you were toking up instead of responding to my posts. Mucous.

Spoony Quine said...

` This is why I love this man. So, even if he doesn't have a foreskin, I still enjoy keeping him from having to be a wanker.

S E E Quine

mutters said...

"In which I nail SEE", actually, or is it just another adjustment you crazy Yanks have made to the English language just for the hell of it.

Ooh - a Jew. Fantastic.

I remember a short film from way back where the masters of comedy, Laurel and Hardy, attempted to get this piano up this enormous flight of steps only for it to keep rolling back down again time after time.
Funny as it was to watch - and L&H are geniuses when it comes to makin people laugh - the frustration in H's face as every time they nearly got it there, for it to roll back down again, was evident.
I'm feeling that way a bit now - only I can't figure out whether you're the piano or the steps! Or indeed the funny duo.
Anyway, you nail 'er good, Lucas - and don't forget the cup and sponge!

Spoony Quine said...

` Actually, Lucas was born to good-for-nothing Christians, who are even more into wee-wee chopping than Jews. I mean, in America anyway. As you should know by now.

` And as for comedy, Lucas read your comment and laughed his ass off! You know, because you're continuing to insult us as before.

` What I'm trying to say is that INSULTS ARE NOT ARGUMENTS. That's why we think you're funny.

` Instead of saying something rational that makes sense, all you're doing is making fun of us.

` So... YOU"RE NOT ARGUING AND HAVEN"T BEEN ARGUING THE ENTIRE TIME! So how could you possibly have won?

mutters said...

FYI, just in case there was any offence, I wasn't being insulting toward Jews, any more than I am toward anyone.

That said, I have elucidated my initial point several times now. Both you and the poodle (can't help it) have repeatedly avoided addressing them, instead employing the 'big word' response which apart from anything else is completely irrelevant.

You tell me where my inaccuracies re: Black Hawk Down/Somalia lie and I'll discuss. Except you won't find such inaccuracies because there aren't any - because it's been thoroughly researched.

Nor have I mentioned winning or losing. I DID, admittedly, say I was right and you were wrong. That still stands. If it means I 'win' then so be it. You said it not I.

KB said...

Hey, lucas insulted me on my blog too. Woohoo!!!! So, according to SEE's response above...I win. What were we talking about again?

mutters said...

Callin him an idiot and tellin him to fuck off seems to elicit a verbose yet irrelevant response - thus opening the door to more abuse.
