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Sunday, May 11, 2008


Here in the Antipodes at least...

Frankly, the whole Mother's day thing is just another excuse for the capitalists to persuade the guilty at heart to stick their hands in their pockets for extortionately priced flowers and gifts - not unlike Valentine's Day (which is total wank).

But that aside I would just like to thank my dear aul Ma for being who she is; someone on whom I can depend for unfailing support no matter what.

So if you pop in, Ma, I love you and hope I have made you proud. (I don't know if she does in fact 'pop in' as my profanity and vulgarity is understandably a bit much for her!)

Your number two son (I have a brother obviously).


KB said...

Happy Mother's Day Muttars' Ma.

Hey M, I left ya a comment about the moderation thingy


mutters said...

Yeah, saw that and replied in my own succinct way.

KB said...

Yeah, I responded. I was dissapointed because of the lack of profanity *sigh*

KB said...

And obviously I still can't spell

mutters said...


Better now??

KB said...

Once more with feeling

mutters said...

FO.FROTBATYLDWY - (with feeling!)

KB said...

Now ya talkin


Night M

Anonymous said...

Re "Caspar" I like the hat--I think I have seen one like that before!!
Re the dogs--beautiful creatures--good teeth.

Re " where have I left my keys?" I think your friend on the quayside may have just found them--or is that you?

I'm sure you're mother would be glad about the commenT re MOTHER'S DAY.

mutters said...

Kings amongst dogs, Gladiola.

Don't know who had them but when I returned the next day to show off, someone had stolen my boat. Tch, y'can't trust anyone these days!

I'm sure she would - but it's no less than she deserves, stalwart that she is.