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Saturday, May 03, 2008


There’s an advertisement for a fashion show on currently, and in advertising this event, we the viewers are presented with a pair of juggling tits! Of course they’re wrapped in a (green I think, or blue - there was a pattern I'm sure) bikini but believe me, it takes second stage to the juggling, and oh so perfect, mammaries. (Juggling because the model is ster-RUTTing her arse with purpose down the runway with the obligatory detached yet defiant scowl – not that we get to see much of the scowl because the camera veritably zooms into the rather animated breasts).
Such places are for the rich - except on TV.
In the very next ad a large “store” is the subject – its specific ware, some kind of woman’s top – for mother’s day, no less. (…Isn’t that, like, blasphemy or something…?) In this we’re offered a young woman fair bounding with glee at her…well, great life I suppose. (Great, am happy for her). Through the French doors she comes, onto the fashionable sofa, sunlight enlightening her surrounds, all creams and bright colours. Laughing and smiling as they do. (Ya! I get it, can we move on…?).
She’s wearing the top in question. And ensheathed, gloriously, in this top is the most spectacular breast(s) I’ve seen in many a year – complete with visible nipple. (It’s all about the nipple, we know this already, right?). I say breast (singular) cause although they both are spectacular only one has the visible…protuberance and thus commands the lion's share of attention. Note: This is no mistake – no oversight; the producers know exactly what they’re doing. (...Wonder was it luck or was there any...manipulation...? Call it insurance. I'LL have that job!)
And I, in the name of science of course, am an expert on breasts and what constitutes such expertise (firmness, symmetry etc.).
So I ask – towards whom is the ad directed? Bear in mind, 65% or so of Australian women are considered overweight or obese (higher for men).

The, realistically, 10% who could actually pull it off without major surgery? Okay. Not much of a market though.

Or maybe the bush pig, with tits like John Wayne’s saddlebags.Though it’ll take a bit more than a cotton top and erect nipple to withhold these bad boys I’d wager…more like a horse sling!
So I fail to see how that would persuade those individuals to buy one. Unless of course they’re disillusioned bushpigs, which most are, now you mention it… but surely not, “hey, if I buy that top, my hooters, which are currently resting on my knees like bunker sandbags’ll look like that”.

Or maybe it’s directed at the beer-swilling, tattooed and thong-wearing* slob husband who thinks that purchasing this top will magically transform his heap of flesh into something NOT resembling the aforementioned bacon sandwich. But that idiot’ll do as he’s told whether he likes it or not, so…

Nah, this is pure, unadulterated titillation, arguably bordering on soft porn.

...So it must be directed at yours truly then!

To conclude:

If you are going to employ such blatant titillation, then you lose all rights to any objection if I respond lecherously! I’m a man. This is what I want. God made me this way.

*Type of 'footwear' in Oz

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