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Thursday, May 31, 2007

Oh! Hang on ladies, grab the tongs and retrieve your bras from the furnace, for another report has entered the fray.

This one concerns that most common of jousts between the sexes - map reading. It turns out men, despite the standing joke of them NEVER asking for directions so convinced they are of their current position (even if they're lost), actually CAN read maps better than women.

Men are at the top of the list of those tested, women at the bottom, I'm afraid and in between are all the variations of same. I.e. gay men, gay women and bisexuals. No mention of trannies, crossdressers etc (presumably cause it's considered they're already...confused and mapreading might be just too much for their already disturbed minds lol).

So, where to from here then? From my perspective, I have worked as a courier often and can read maps/street directories with ease - while driving, drinking coffee AND rolling a cigarette but then I'm Captain Fantastic so...y'know...

I'm sure there must be SOME women out there can do so as well. I don't actually know any but they MUST be somewhere, right? No?


I find this highly amusing.

I first heard this term on the radio - could have been television, it's been going a while. Then I read it today.

Todays variation was 'your broker'. In an article by someone. He spoke of 'your broker' like it was a consistent in the reader's life. Like we all had these people just loitering ready to respond immediately to our every whim. And with the obnoxious addition of sounding like a wanker as you excuse yourself from company to talk to 'your lifestyle attendant' or some other such nonsense.

Your doctor, another.

Your financial advisor (not hard to do without one of those when you've f**k all money pardon my French!)

Your medical professional. (I wonder could this mean a cleaner who WORKS in a hospital?)

It's a bit like 'your pilot, your chauffeur, your cook.

...your sausage turner, your tongs holder...

My question is - who has such a thing. A 'your professional' as if he's on retainer, just sitting around waiting to do the master's bidding.

I went to A dentist the other day. Unfortunately for me, I had to suit HIS time. Because he's not MY dentist. I did call him and demand he race round to me. He declined. Fifteen calls and a restraining order later, I decided I didn't have a 'your professional'.

Your doctor, your baker, your candlestick maker...

I did have a 'coffee shop girl' for a while, does that count?

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


In an earlier post, the one entitled 'idiot box', I made reference to the hilarious TV show, Married with Children. I expected a roar of disapproval as the hoardes of ladies started screaming as to how it belittled their sisters.

While I wait for such objections, I'd like to mention, perhaps one of the funniest lines from the show, nay perhaps all shows.

The scene is Al Bundy sittting at his table in the kitchen doing what Al typically does - wondering when someone was going to shoot him and put him out of his misery.

Peggy, the redheaded wife, bounces through the door after playing havoc with Al's credit card at the stores, with a light and breezy, 'hey Al, y'miss me?'

Al slowly lifts his head from his hands, slowly turns to Peg and replies, 'with every bullet so far!'

I hope I've done it justice because the actual scene has me in pieces every time. And if I remember rightly, the audience errupted also (though, American show have a thing called canned laughter which isn't necessarily from a given gag, so who knows).

What a sensational retort. I swear, it puts this line into the realms of the greats. Whomever's responsible for penning it should take a bow for it is indeed, priceless.

With every bullet so far. Hohohohoho...classic.
Well ladies, get the bras off and throw them in the fire. Stand atop that mountain and scream at the top of your voices, "I AM WOMAN, HEAR ME ROAR".

Because it turns out, ,an Australian poll just released says 60% of MEN agree with the claim that women are 'tougher' when they are sick; that men by comparison revert to babies.
It further claimed that while men would expect to be looked after by their mummies, oops, I mean wives/girlfriends, the mighty woman would perservere and carry on regardless.

The radio talkshow host who made this revelation, a Steve Price, known for his tiny-ness, objected half-heartedly in the way men have become prone to doing. His guest, Ms Chris Bath, a TV newsreader, replied in a nicely condescending way. I could almost hear her pat the wee man on the head with a calming "there, there, baby, it's alright".

I switched the radio off after that as the male of the species was castrated a little more.

And this isn't chauvinism or anti-feminism; I know strong women, many of them and frankly I don't put much stock in such statistical information. It's really an individual thing, I think. I, for example don't whine when I'm sick - just see it a an excuse to spend the day on the sofa under a blanket, looking after myself. Or, more often, I'll biff some drugs into me and ignore it.

But this weak and pathetic modern man?

Thank GOD I'm not one of them!
My word! Have a go at this.

Reality TV has taken a disturbing turn. In Holland, there is now a show called The Donor show in which contestants vie for a dying woman's bodily organs. The woman will pick one of 3 to get her kidneys.

Condemnation has ensued. From all.

Well, let me put it this way - right or wrong, one thing will decide whether or not the show lasts. Money. If people don't watch, it won't last.

However, people have a morbid curiosity about such matters and I've no doubt many will watch (I would -but I'm no average man, and I've been an embalmer/undertaker so it doesn't really bother me).

And the organs belong to this lady; who am I to say she can't sell them. Or, much like the land beneath one's home, which is goverment owned (after about 5 feet past the foundations), do we not actually have the authority to do what we will with our own bodies?

Hmmm...more Orwellian stuff.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Or is it? The humble television used to be referred to as such but I wonder if it could still be so.
It used to be called this because the programs were quite low quality and viewers just watched without any great deal of emotion, and conversation suffered; much like robots, they just looked on.

But TV has changed. And visual equipment has come into its own as it were, thanks in no small part to a famous naturalist by the name of Sir David Attenborough.

His Life on Earth series, for example; a more spectacular show one would be hard pressed to find. And if it wasn't for TV none of us would see such images. From the mighty killer whales self beaching themselves to catch an unfortunate seal, to the image of Sir David sitting with the gorilla family as they seem totally unfazed by his presence, these images are far from idiotic. Where else are we going to see such a sight? In a zoo? Wildlife Park?

What has appeared to slide into the position of idiot box, however, is the attachment of computer games to the television - when kids spend all day in front of it zapping bugs and living a virtual life instead of being outside running around. Normally stuffing cakes and buns down their willing gullets, and we wonder why we're all so fat?

I love TV, except for the most part Australian free to air TV which is dire and actually DOES deserve the title of idiot box, so full of crap the programming is. DO NOT even get me started on that Big Brother fiasco. Reality TV my arse!

Nope! Modern TV is far from a medium for idiots. It has progressed to an entertaining, educational and informative medium and is almost a staple of most of us. Visual entertainment is a multi-billion dollar industry that has now become interactive.

Idiot box? I think not.

Spitfire ace

There's a show coming to the Discovery channel about the Spitfire pilots during the second World War. (What a cool name for a plane for a start - Spit fire - and so they did).

It got me thinking about these young men, some of whom were just boys. They carried the fate of the free world on their shoulders and fought, outnumbered three to one, against the might of Hitler's Luftwaffe.

Hitler at this point was marching virtually unfettered through Europe nd he knew that Britain was the only thing standing between him and total control of Europe - and then the world so he sent his armada of bombers and fighters to beat the small island into submission. Day after day the planes flew across the channel intent on smashing Britain into surrender.

And day after day, the young pilots of the RAF rose to the occasion, with the odds against them. They fought with their backs to the wall, sometimes flying sortie after sortie, landing just to refuel and rearm. Then they would once again scream into the sky to beat back the hoards. I often wonder how on the ground must have felt as they watched the battles; the sky above buzzing with aircraft, the air thick with exploding planes, the sound of machine gun fire as the various protagonists wheel and spiral as they try to gain advantage over their enemy.

What a sight it surely must have been.

The fact that we now live in relative freedom is down to those young men for if Hitler had invaded Britain then the Americans couldn't have used it as a staging post, therefore couldn't have helped. America was just to far away across an ocean.

After days and weeks of failed attempts to beat the RAF, and suffering terrible losses, Hitler asked Goering, the head of the Luftwaffe - "What do you need to win?" Goering replied, "Spitfires, give me Spitfires". And whilst that epitome of air superiority undoubtedly played a huge part, it was ultimately the brave young pilots who deserved the greatest accolade - which came from the then Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill who said:

"Never in the field of human conflict has so much been owed by so many to so few".

Young men with an unshakeable sense of duty and a determination never to give in in the face of severe onslaught.

I wonder do such men exist today.


An individual seen at road works, this man, (or woman) is tasked with the job of controlling the flow of traffic through said works.

Pretty easy, one would think; turn the sign one way to stop traffic - the other to make it go, yes?
No, the bureaucrats have got involved and there's a little more to it. I can just imagine the interview for such an esteemed position.

"Grab this sign, stand up straight and twist it", the interviewer would say. "On one side there's a 'stop', on the other a 'go'. Y'got that?"

"Now, show me".

The applicant twists the pole this way and that, feeling important at such an honour. He has sat in a room previous to the interview listening to some nob waffling on about how essential a position it is he seeks. To achieve the necessary blue/green/pink with black elephants on it, card. This card means he is a fully trained stop-go man, and authorizes him to control traffic at any road works nationally.

I would have thought the prerequisite for such a position was an operating wrist! But no - the health and safety people are involved to ensure the operator doesn't get rsi or something from all that 'twisting'.
Hoho, the average bloke's wrist gets plenty of exercise what with all the self abuse. Haha - probably the strongest part of him!

Not that I would know anything about that!

Monday, May 28, 2007


My, what big teeth you've got!

Second engine, K


There's a piece in the paper today concerning a new pill to remove women's periods completely. No real need to explain why this is such a ridiculous idea - so I won't.

Instead I'll talk about the second paragraph which says - "weight-loss pills, drugs to stave off ageing (bit off a mouthful - anti-ageing drugs would be better), cosmetic surgery, liposuction, botox. Women can't just be themselves - there's always someone who wants to intervene to enhance them, usually someone out to make money".

Setting aside the author's mediocre writing, I have to ask - who holds a gun to your heads, ladies? Who makes you spend your hard-earned on these products? Don't tell me - men, I suppose!

The fact is, you all seem to be chasing eternal youth and will go to virtual extremes to achieve such. Haven't you heard of 'growing old gracefully'?

Of course, with the advent of the metrosexual man, he now has almost as many beauty product as women nowdays. What with the salons where he can be waxed and plucked; shaved and petticured; and spend the day gossiping with his boyfriends.

Bottom line - no-one makes you buy these products, girls, but you! You read these claims of youthful appearance from the products and immediately think - wow! I'll look younger. And the credit card gets a hammering. You take it home, smear it on and hope. And hope is all you have, frankly; there's only so much creams and applications can do, I'm afraid. The passage of time defeats all. Things sag and droop with age (think your average granny) and vanity is perhaps the most offensive of traits.

Of course we all want to look our best but, really, one can go too far. And there's nothing sadder than a desperate woman trying to hold onto her youth.

Protect our little ones

Here's the result of that bleeding heart protection.

An AVO is an apprehended violence order and is usually taken out between parties when one is in fear for his/her safety from the other. Unsurprisingly, the piss is often a motivating factor.

Well, it turns out that 40 of these orders have been taken out by teaching staff in NSW schools. Your wee babies, so mollycuddled they've been, have reached a point where they have no fear of retribution anymore and feel that they can behave in any way they see fit.
And many teachers, especially female ones, are actually frightened of them now.

Examples include:

* A 12 year old boy who allegedly threatened a teacher - WITH A GUN! (Where a 12 year old GETS a gun in the first place is an indictment in itself).
* Three teachers were forced to get an AVO against a former student who used a baseball bat to smash his way into an office.

The examples go on - physical and verbal assault; threats and physical assault; property damage; harassment; stalking - the list goes on and on.

This is incontrovertibly a result of the nanny state and their 'don't smack you children - it'll turn them into violent offenders' mentality.

Well, I hope you're pleased with yourselves - this is the result.

Well done!
The world superbikes were on TV yesterday. From Silverstone, that famous English ex-airfield, now racing circuit. The weather was wet; raining and a bit windy too. The first race went well, with a few crashes due to the slipperyness of the track from the rain. Troy Bayliss, the reigning world champion took race one, comfortably it has to be said.
And James Toseland, the current series point leader, after losing control with a soft highside, remounted and took eighth. Because whilst the rain makes the occasion of get offs more frequent, they are normally less damaging to the body because they typically happen at slower speeds and the friction with the surface is less.

But as per usual when it's wet, bloody Troy Corser chirps in with his whining about how unsafe it is to race in the wet. What a weenei! He does it all the time. Basically cause he's scared to take any risks. Fine! I say. Don't race - nobody's holding a gun to your head.
However it doesn't end there. No, the weener makes sure that if he doesn't want to race then nobody does. He tours the pits getting as many on side as he can before going to the race director and whining his head off. "Boo-hoo, it's too wet! Boo-hoo it's too dangerous! Boo-hoo, where's my mummy!"
Sod off little man. You're spoiling it for every one else. The privateers want to race in any weather (because the rain is the 'great equalizer' where the power of the factory bikes can't be utilized to the full and rider ability matters more). Even the lesser teams.
But no, just because some pussy is scared of the wet, he spoils it for every one - including the spectators. I was looking forward to the 2nd race, too. Wet races are ace. Coming from Ireland I've some experience in this so I have the authority to comment.

Away home and play with your dollies, wee boy!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

For my mother

When I fall, she catches
When I fail, she soothes
When the load becomes too heavy, she shares
When I feel overwhelmed, she offers succour

When I can't see the way, she shows
When my spirit saps, she offers hers
When I feel alone, she stands with me
And her support through thick and thin is unfailing

For the one who's there no matter what
And on whom I can always depend, I am eternally grateful.

I'm the good man I am because of her guidance.

I love you, Ma.

Llama or Alpaca?

Dangerous dog me arse

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Here's something funny I just heard on the radio.

In the San Fernando Valley in California a train has hit a car. One person injured, one dead. But listen to the details - they made me lol (laugh out loud in chat-speak).

Apparently a man and his significant other were having an argument. It must have been pretty serious as the man drove onto a railway crossing and stopped the vehicle. He then jumped out and ran away leaving the woman still in the car with a train bearing down on it.

Now, here's the funny bit:

The 450 tonne locomtive slammed into the car sending it skywards (as one would imagine) and where did it land? Ho ho - on top of the fleeing man, killing him instantly. Hahaha! Far out - talk about BAD luck!

The unfortunate woman in the car survived.


Okay, I'm going to write this numerically. Are you sitting down?

331,500,000 dollars. In writing? Three hundred million, five hundred thousand dollars!

To host a nonsense where the self-proclaimed important validify their existence.

How many hospitals, schools, infrastructures (that so desperately need it), police on the street, could be funded with such an enormous amount.

MY bloody money, too!




Another funny for you.

If you want to have fun with people when they ask directions?

"Excuse me, could you tell me where such and such is?" the lost person asks. You then proceed as follows:

Okay, see that street there, you go down it to the end, take a left, drive onto the next roundabout...proceed to explain various lefts and rights with certain points along the way. All the while the unfortunate 'victim' is struggling to keep all these details so he won't get lost.

Finish with - "okay, y'got that?"

The man will reply with a nevous yes or I think so.

You then reply - "Well, it's nowhere near there".

Hoho, or should that be heh heh.

Monday, May 21, 2007


Consider a small pipe about the size of a human artery. It's attached to an equally small tap which runs water through it. This water has impurities in it.

The water is running slowly through the pipe - just a trickle. For years it trickles and all the while the impurities are sticking to the wall of the pipe. Smaller and smaller gets the pipes inner diameter as over the years, the impurities stick to the walls.
Eventually the access in the pipe is down to a mere pin prick. For whatever reason the flow is increased; the surge heads to the small access hole but finds its way blocked and with nowhere else to go, it pops the seal in the tap.

Now, substitute the water-filled pipe with an artery filled with blood, and an inactive man, fond of eating burgers, chips, cream buns etc.

The same applies; the years of inactivity, combined with the ingestion of impurities (fats etc) result in the artery's inner diameter becoming smaller as the impurities collect around the sides; fast forward some more years of inaction and over eating and the access is reduced to a mere pinprick.

Then, for whatever reason, (it was the game squash in the 80's which saw many just collapse after pushing their hearts further than they had in years) the heart is forced to beat much, much faster and the blood starts roaring through the arteries and veins. Just as in our friend the pipe's case, when the blood reaches the restriction, it's viscosity from years of inaction prevents it from flowing through the smaller diameter artery.

With nowhere to go...BANG! There's your heart attack!

Fortunately, it can be prevented, but it requires getting of the sofa. You can still actually stuff cakes and buns into you if you want but only if your activity level supports it.

If we return to the 'pipe' above. If, periodically, during the trickle, the flow is increased, it will have the effect of 'washing' the impurities of the walls of the pipe. The extra speed of the flow acting like a 'brush'.

The same applies to the body. If your blood flow is increased regularly, then the impurities won't get a chance to stick to the wall of the artery. Remember, it's not the first few impurities that cause the problem - it's the build up of subsequent ones as the slothfully slow blood flow becomes even slower as it's 'held up' at the beginning of the clot.

The only way to prevent this is to make sure your heart beats hard and fast regularly. The blood fluhes the system, and your pipes remain clear.

So basically - get off your fat arse, you tub of lard!
Oh! This is big news, bigger than you may at first think.

America's greatest ally in the War on Terror, the Brits, once Gordon Brown takes office, are reported to be withdrawing, reports a small piece hidden in the middle of the paper. Whether that's because it's unverifiable or that they don't want to announce such worrying news, they aren't saying but I saw it.

And if you think you should be concerned - you'd be right. The British are THE support for the US and through their experience have been 'holding up their end' since day one. If that support is withdrawn...

The Towelheads can't NOT be rubbing there hands with glee. They know America can't do this on her own. They also know the Brits are carrying virtually half of the load and when they pull up stakes, a corner of the invasion will collapse.

They will then, as any enemy would, apply further pressure, from different directions. Prepare yourselves for vicous suppression (even more then now) as the US struggles against the tide.

She may have to close her borders and withdraw from the world to protect herself, becoming a virtual global prisoner in the mire she created.

This is a disturbing development.
I heard this snippet on the radio today.

It concerned the installation of a new kitchen in Parliament (or some such governmental building - it's not important other than being government)

At a cost of approximately 66 thousand dollars - for which I'm (speaking for 'we') paying. So?...So what? I hear you say, 'the government, any government, has been living it up off our backs forever. We know that', they say with a most disturbingly defeatist attitude. Perhaps so, I see no other way but to agree.

But in the case of this installation of a shiny new kitchen for the trough-hoggers, there's a 'double-whammy' in effect here. It transpires that some of the items making up the kitchen were the wrong size - a too large fridge was mentioned. A minister, under questioning replied that there was 'a communication problem'. (Here's where the soundbite ended).

I'm left thinking - is that it? Some twat screwed up, it cost me (us) more than we had already paid, and apparently, the minister said oops and we moved on.

Hang on! Just a second. Why should I pay for his mistake (and furthermore, how many of these 'mistakes litter the halls of power and at what cost?). I have to pay for MY mistakes. I'm sick and tired of incompetents consistently failing in their duties (while lining their pockets) and walking away scot free.

Identify this twat who caused the error, make HIM pay out of HIS pocket, and sack the dickhead!
The oceans' king of creatures is being hunted again. By the Japs. In the Great Southern Ocean, an Australian territory.
Greenpeace and co are screaming for the government to do something and, to be fair to it, it has responded well. The government says it's going to dispatch Navy patrol boats with the power to board any offending vessels, in an attempt to stop this slaughter.
The Japs say it's for scientific purposes but that's just a ruse; a ruse that we all KNOW is a ruse. They do it for money (what else?)

However, Malcolm Turnbull has come out saying that if they do intervene, they will bring on the wrath of the Japenese. I at first thought it was just Turnbull turning tail and running, demostrating how weak Australia has become as a nation, so dependent it is on America for defense.
But then it struck me - what Turnbull alludes to is the financial ramifications of upsetting the Japs.

I don't know what sickens me more - spinelessness in the face of potential agression, or the sacrifice of these majestic creatures to help add to the ecomony's coffers.

Give me a patrol boat and I'll ensure the wee bastards don't kill any more whales!
A headline in a paper says:


The story goes on to describe Hicks's veritable comfort as he was flown from Guantanamo (where he's spent the last 5 1/2 years in virtual solitary confinement - without charge, remember) to Australia (where he'll spend a further 6 months in an Adelaide jail).

The bill of $500,000 is quoted along with the obligatory outrage as the media, (to sell papers) attempt to stir up the masses. The fact that the Americans wouldn't allow Hicks even to 'be' in the States to refuell etc, and that alone is the reason for the Gulfstream, seems to have been conveniently forgotten in this little editorial.

The piece ends with the assertion, "Most will never have the opportunity to travel on a private Lear jet; (n.b the paper used a full colon here - I disagree) many will struggle to access the same educational opportunities as he will be afforded. As the Hicks case proves, crime may not pay (an allusion to the prohibition of Hicks making any money from his 'crime' - a book for example), but it can often provide its own range of privileges".

Most WILL probably not, Mr newspaper, feel the comfort of a private jet, granted, but if you were to offer a flight TO Cuba on such a jet, with the stipulation that 5 years of solitary confinement without charge was the price, methinks you'd not get many volunteers.
As for the 'educational opportunities' and 'privileges'? Well, most crims come out of jail smarter than when they entered, idiot. And privileges? A ride on a private jet after 5 1/2 years of solitary, without charge, which eventuated as the rather weak 'supporter of terrorism' because there was no evidence he actually killed anyone?

And to live the rest of his life under the perpetual scrutiny of the jittery government?

I'd pass on that kind of privilege, thanks!
Leo DiCaprio has come out fighting in defence of Al Gore, calling for his (Gore's) critics to 'lay off' him.

"We're all doing the best we can", he said. You don't seem to understand that even if he had the will, man's best will never be enough, Leo.

Moreover, in the words of Connery's character in the movie, The Rock - "doing your best?", he says, contemptibly to Nick Cage's character, "losers always whine about 'doing their best'. Winners go home and f**k the prom queen".

Leo continues - "Attacks on Al Gore are misdirected. Don't shoot the messenger. If you're going to attack somebody on the way they conduct their life, let's talk about the big picture, let's see what the big oil companies are doing".

The big picture's all well and good, Leo, my diminutive movie star, and the leviathans that are oil companies are well-known for their might and greed (demonstrating succintly man's nature) but in terms of ME, Gore's travel in his polluting jets and his outrageously wasteful home, is a big picture.
Between his jetting around the glole, selling his story to the dull and ignorant, from whom he takes considerable funds, and the aforementioned 'McMansion and its energy-wasting (as opposed to 'saving') ways, Mr Gore causes more damage to the very earth he claims to be defending, in a year than I or most ordinary citizens do in our insignificant lifetimes.

And you, Leo, aren't an ordinary citizen. You're much more in Gore's class. So spare me the "Gore's a saint' nonsense and stick to making movies, little fella!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

I've just watched the 125cc Grand Prix race from Le Mans in France, 250's next then the mighty motoGP machines (that aren't actually as mighty as they once were, though faster, 800cc down from 1000. The powers that be citing safety as the motivator; which is funny really as the 800 machines have broken the lap record set by the 1000's at virtually every circuit so far).
But, y'know, the big boys do love their rules.

Anyway, the point of this post was to mention the third place getter in the 125's. A young fellow by the name of Bradley Smith from England. And what was so remarkable about the young lad was just HOW young he looked. He's apparently 16 years old, but upon seeing him in the interviews (top 3) he actually looks somewhere around 12, a fact attested to by the presenter of the show, David Murdoch. He, as I, also alluded to it behind a chuckle.

Good God, I feel ancient!
Well, Scoob's been at it again - making me laugh. Yesterday he misjudged the window seat and near lost his knackers (if they weren't already gone) leaving him sprawled in a most ungainly position.

Today, while out walking over some uneven landscaped ground, he tripped with his front paws and went face first into the dirt. With a gutteral 'grunt'.

More hearty laughter from yours truly. Hoho

Attaboy Scoob!
Further to my previous post regarding underage drinking and the 'drink parties' in parks, the head of a drug hotline has warned that there will be an 'epidemic' of alcoholics in the next decade unless measures are taken immediately to curb the rise of such.

This report is on page 39; avert one's eyes just a degree or so to page38, and one's faced with a FULL page advertisement for guess what? That's right - piss. All sorts of it, all being offered at low prices. Wine, beer, vodka, whiskey, bourbon - it goes on and on. And they wonder why they have a drink problem.

The old Australian paradox again. Drinking as an almost rite of passage against society's attempts to reduce the prevalence of alcohol fuelled incidents.

Hey, good luck with THAT one!

And as you may be expecting, at least they're...Heh heh
A visiting food author from America has been slammed by dieticians who say her advice flys in the face of contemporary health guidlines (and we know what a success THEY'VE been!)

The author, Sally Fallon, basically advises eating all the foods that kept our previous generations healthy such as beef, butter (full fat dairy), full milk, eggs, cream etc. All the things that made Johnny from the 60's grow into a healthy strong man.

The dieticians responded by first almost having kittens (cause they're worried about peoples' health or the loss of the multi-billion dollar diet franchise that sucks so many low-esteemed people in, they're not saying), then resorting to abuse of Ms Fallon.

I eat what Ms Fallon suggests - not because she suggests it (I've been eating the same thing since I was a boy), but because it's tasty - and whether the diet freaks want to admit it or not, it's full of vitamins, nutrients and essential goodness. But here's the thing. If I was to eat steaks for example 4 times a day, every day of the week, of course it wouldn't be the best thing for me.
As in everything, it's moderation that counts; a BALANCED diet, means items from all food groups, not just the socially acceptable 'green' foods.

At the end of the day, diets are useless unless combined with exercise - ie, get your fat, lazy arse of the sofa and move...anywhere, just activate.

Simple equation:

Calories in --calories out. The former number, if kept lower than the latter will see ANYONE, guaranteed, lose weight. And as sitting on the sofa burns, what, about 100 calories an hour, and a sticky bun adds about a thousand, the simple answer is - in order to eat what you want, in fact, anything you MUST exercise.

APEC developments

Remember APEC? The men who run the planet (badly) coming to Sydney?

And the subsequent changes of law and suppression of freedom? Well, page four of a paper reports that, quote, demonstrators and anyone under suspicion can be arrested and held without bail under unprecedented (Brownshirt), I mean police powers being brought in for the APEC summit in Sydney, end quote.

So that I suppose would mean if I was to stand at a barrier and call Bush a wanker I could be locked up, under the suspicion of being a terrorist (read - anyone who disagrees with the establishment).

Yep, freedom's alive and well Down Under (as long as we toe the line!)


Yep, it's in the forefront again (a full page three of another paper).

Well, where to begin? What can I say that I haven't already said ad nauseum? Not much really, let me just grab my anti-sickness pills!

In the article some dickhead politician has called for a national debate, (no doubt to be held in a swish hotel) to discuss the escalating problem. God, how do we get these people to shut the hell up?
What follows is blah, blah, blah, same old, same old...
In the subtext we're treated to a side piece entitled "What do parents really think?"

Five are quoted; four of whom agree with smacking (with the obligatory assertion of smacking being 'a tap', or 'mild' afraid as they are of being vilified as 'bad parents'). What point in physically punishing a child at all if you do it with a feather. A good hiding's what's required here, (isn't that right, Ma, just in case she stops by. I still remember some 35 years later THAT day. Hoho. Whatever it was I did to deserve it, cause I never got whalloped for nothing, I never repeated!)

The fifth quote is from an idiot who says, "they probably haven't thought it through enough". F**k off dickhead, you're an idiot!

And the piece concludes with a quote from Joe Tucci, head of the Australian childhood foundation (which as it happens receives 2.5 million from the federal govt to run good parenting ads carrying an anti-smacking message - wonder how much of it finds its way into his greedy pockets?)

"It is a sad indictment that we can't find politicians with the strength of character to even support an enquiry that looks into this issue".

Poilticians? Strength of character? Isn't it a prerequisite of politics that such strength isn't allowed? It's removed with an op or something, right?
Okay, time for the regular Sunday papers spot again.

Let's see...

Okay, the front page headline deals with Eddie Maguire, a big shot media chap and president or somethin (who cares?) of Collingwood AFL club. 'Rivals attack weak Eddie'. Not particularly interested frankly. Snore snore, zzzzzz...

Page 3 deals with a claim that whatever's in a woman's handbag indicates her personality. Man, not for the first time I'm left wondering where the hell I get a job like this? Dreamin up nonsense! (More to say in it's own post, later).

Page 4 has a story concerning 'unlawful police searches'. (See earlier post and 'brownshirts/schutzstaffel' reference). A particular bugbear of mine and one that will almost certainly be revisited - more then once.

Page 7 reports of the previously written of mother who 'abandoned' her newborn; apparently she's made contact through a third party.

Page 9: Water's in the news again with an average of 10 pools per day being filled in Sydney. Hmmm...I'll come back to that.

Next few pages are uninteresting until page 19, where there's a piece regarding police dogs and the new stab-proof vests. The article comes with a picture of an alsation modelling one such vest while he clamps onto his trainers thickly padded practice sheath over his arm.
Excellent, was my first response. The vests have been introduce after the killing of 'Titan' the police dog killed while on duty at a seige in Sydney.
Another example of a dog's courage and devotion to its master. (More on this later, too).

Clover Moore, Syney's Lord Mayoress (and the most hideous woman I've seen in some time) is trying to introduce more scooters into Sydney in an attempt to solve the city's ever growing traffic problems. The pretty metrosexuals must be verily hopping with glee as they can't wait for their pink scooters. Me? I'm a man; no 'man' would be seen dead on one of those., to quote Janice from the TV show, Friends. The humble cuppa (tea)has come under the gaze of the trendy's (seeing a previously untapped market). Apparently, emerging from the US (Christ! Where else?) is a new breed of cafe - tea 'lounges'. Hoho...I already have a tea lounge - it's called my front room! The new lounges, however, in order to cover costs and exploit stupid rich people, charge extortionate prices (to $500 a kilo) for their 'tea'. God help me! There's an accompanying picture of two girls holding cups (I say cups, but they're really small glass containers) of some exotic, brewed in the deep South American jungle, 'high end' tea.
I'm not sure where to go with this. But I know there's fun to be had with it so stay tuned.

Kids literacy problems are in the news again - so what else is new? This time it's the father's fault. A small sidebar deals with 'our'kids' (Christ, I DETEST that term) being anxious, depressed and notably - obese (which would facilitate the former).
Boo-hoo, our poor wittle kiddies! Let's sooth their sorrowed brows. Aaargh!

Oh, wait - missed a bit. Page 31. Poor people who keep racking up fines for fare evasion on trains etc. are being 'let off' simply because they have no means of paying. Great, one might think, it's mostly revenue collection anyway. Until one sees the accompanying picture - of a woman with SEVEN, that's right, seven, kids. It's no bloody wonder you can't pay your way, love. And it brings me back to my oft repeated assertion. Who, in the name of Jehovah, needs seven bloody kids? Unless they're intention is to live of the state on the benefits that 7 children receive. My f**kin money - that I bust my balls to earn, just being handed out to whatever baby-machine sticks her graspin hand out JESUS!!!

That's about it from the Daily Rag

I'll conclude with a reminder that the little girl, Maddy, still has yet to be located. If you're a believer and you pray, I'd suggest you get to it! And while you pray for the little one's salvation from this horror, also pray for the eternal damnation of the MF who did this. I wonder would Jesus himself forgive.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Funny story, this time involving Scoob, one of my boys.

I was sitting in my lounge this morning with the boys when all of a sudden they heard something. Must have been with their super duper hearing cause I didn't hear a thing. Nevertheless, THEY did, and reacted as they normally do - with an explosion of activity. Mutley headed for the front door to investigate and Scoob, knowing there was little chance of fitting beside his brother at the front door, immediately leapt for the bay window for his prime seat.

These windows have the obligatory 'seat'; storage space underneath with an MDF sheet covering. MDF for those not in the know, is very smooth therefore slippery. Scoob, apparently, is one such dog and as he landed on the foam covering with his front legs, they completely left him, sending him into a sprawl.

Funny enough in itself but there's more; his rear left leg missed the seat completely, instead stretching down the side of the wall leaving the dog virtually spreadeagled half on half off the window seat.

It's just as well the big fella had been neutered, coz he'd be very sore now if they'd still been there!

Man, I tell ye, I laughed so hard.

Dogs! Loyal, friendly, courageous - and wholly entertaining at times. Ho ho.

There are two types of people with regard to the climate change issue.

The Ostriches and the Goreites:

1. The Ostriches: This group comprises those who naively believe there's something they can do about it and show great concern while in denial of the alternative, and,
2. The Goreites: Those who see it as an opportunity to exploit group 1.

And there's me!

And what do you believe I hear you ask? (probably with a slight scoff as you're one of the above two groups - actually the scoff'll come from group 1. Group 2 will be frantically whispering 'shut up! shut up! Before you give us away', cause it's a 'nice little earner' to quote cockney slang). a nutshell...I believe there's nothing we can do about it - even if we were inclined - which we aren't, (at least not the people with the power) and it doesn't cause me any real concern!

It's refreshingly liberating actually!
David Hicks, 'the convicted terrorist' is being flown back to Australia sometime soon. Where he'll serve out the rest of his sentence in the comparable comfort of an Australian gaol.

The Americans (as vicious as any a race), not content with keeping the man locked in virtual solitary confinement, without charge for 5 years, (flaunting the most basic rule of law) and secure in the knowledge that the 'convicted terrorist' will remain incarcerated for several more in a 'normal' prison, are transporting him like he was Osama himself, the security fierce and intentionally deliberate uncooperation laced with the odour of bitter revenge.

The media has jumped in too (surprise, surprise) - with that most detested human flaw of mine - raging sanctimony (again...sur...). Gasp! He's being transported at taxpayers cost, they say, hoping, and invariably persuading, the dopey public to ring in the station and whine - or not, there are SOME who seem to be not so thick - not THAT many, however!

Oh! their chests almost puff with smuggness (think 'smuggery' is a good new word for this).

But at its heart, this medium is motivated by nothing but the bottom line and to employ sanctimony as a means to profit as they so regularly do is infinitely more heinous than some unfortunate fellow who's only provable crime was to be in the wrong place with a gun - which he didn't fire - and with which he didn't kill anyone.

Whether you write off the supporters of this man as nutters or not the fact remains that there exists enough of them to (apparently) have a voice and the powerful are simply exerting their greater power arbitrarily over the relative masses.

(Note to Americans; why don't you just arrest them all for sedition? Lock em up! Throw away the key!)

Moreover, whether this emergent explosion of suppression is because of the terrorist threat or simply the nature of man, who knows but you can be sure they'll (terrorists) be taking full advantage of the propoganda victory, in this war in which propoganda is becoming so important. And insofar that life as we knew it has forever changed, they've already won.

Somebody wants to inform that idiot, Bush!

P.S. News just in: it's now 'self-confessed convicted terrorist'. That's what's called covering all bases. We say your guilty; you say you're guilty. Must be guilty!

Friday, May 18, 2007

If ever you want to know what my problem is, read on:-

The fine and demerit system has been updated yet again. And from a government (and its almost military-like RTA 'wing') completely bereft of any ideas on how to slow drivers down outside school zones where 40kph speed limits apply during school times, come these almost draconian in their viciousness, increases.

For breaking the painfully slow it has to be said 40 kilometres per hour, one receives 4 points and a fine of 308 dollars (up from 1 and 77 respectively). The rest of the traffic offences such as stopping at bus stops or schools have risen with equal sadistic viciousness.

(It should be noted that a licence only has 12 points. And the near 300 percent increase in the fine is almost half of the average 'battler's' weekly income. I'll repeat what I've asserted before - I don't drive on the footpath, keep your bloody offspring under control and stop them running out onto the road. Maybe make them wait for their parents within the school grounds - in rank and file - and quiet would be nice! Pesky kids.)

And so a lot people are going to lose their licences (not a difficult thing to do in this age of tyranny). What then? What when we reach a zenith and we have so many suspended drivers, they begin to ignore the punishment and drive regardless? This is demonstrated with alarming regularity even now; often rewarded with a last resort short of corporal punishment incarceration.

So we continue to lock them up? Be prepared then, for a lot of full jails, very soon.

This is tyrannical behaviour, no question, from the unanswerable RTA. An obedient Schutzstaffel enthuiastically following its masters orders without question and with a keeness that's disturbing.
All with the total concurrence and outrageous greed of the incumbent goverment, for it's they who receive the veritable bounty.

Add to this disproportionate and excessive response, the APEC palava where the powerful enforce their arbitration with an almost military fervour in shutting down lines of communication and conducting body searches like the Brownshirts of old, and you have a society that's beginning to replace freedom with suppression.

THIS... violation... is my problem and with the audacity of authority evolving exponentially, I wonder where it will end.

And actually - it's not just my problem. It's everybody's problem - or should be!

Freedoms are at stake here.
It has rained in NSW. The drought has broken they say. What 'they' say in fact, doesn't much concern me as 'they' are predominantly liars and cheats and often 'say' what'll cost them the least hassle from...well, anyone really.

From my perspective it has rained virtually every other day for about the last 4-5 months. Sometimes heavy, other times just showers or sprinkles. But it's rained.

And it's just as well with the clots at Sydney water wasting it like it 'fell from the sky" Hoho.
96 litres of water, per person per day, are being lost through the negligence of Sydney Water. The system's pipes are in disrepair in many cases and this precious resource, the absense of which has been sending various interested parties into near apoplexy, is just gushing out into the bush.
Here is another example of supposed experts failing miserably in their duties. A supposed team of professionals all the way up to the ridiculously paid CEO and they can't fix a leaky bloody pipe!
Papers and radios report almost daily of the state of the system yet these fat cats just procrastinate and misdirect (that sound familiar - our old friend the wanker - I mean, politician) and continue to get rich off everyone else while allowing the system they're paid to run collapse.

What's their answer? Put the prices up! Tell me I can't wash my car; have to take shorter showers; don't leave the tap running as I clean my teeth. Meanwhile back at Sydney Water, they count their money.

Aaargh! Is it any wonder I feel rage??
With the recent opening of the third Spiderman movie, this is particularly apt.

I was walking my boys yesterday in an area of open ground I discovered a while back (ground that has since been subject to some landscaping so inevitably I'll be moved on yet again after it's 'prettied up for the public and I no longer am permitted to let my boys run free).

After we visited the three Llamas penned in an enclosure, which were full of curiousity for the two strange black and white animals that barked and were otherwise fascinated with them, we started back to the ute.

On the way I walked straight into a strand of spiders silk (and here we get to the point of the post). I, (we all, no doubt) have walked through spiders webs before and usually, if not always, one can hardly feel the gossamer touch of the finely spun silk. Just a trace and it's gone.

But not this thread. No, this one, I suspect was spun by Spiderman himself, so tough it was. Allow me to explain:

As I've said, typically, a weightless strand of silk will just break, with just the slightest touch to indicate it had even been there, but in the case of this 'supersilk' as it were, it actually strained before snapping with an audible 'tick'.

I walked into the thread and immediately felt it caress my forehead from top right, running down to bottom left, breaking contact with my forehead just above the left eyebrow. I kept walking.

On the second step, I felt the strand stretch as it bit deeper into my head, still stubbornly refusing to break.

And on the third I heard it snap with the aforementioned 'tick'.

Let's put this in perspective:

This is spider's silk spun by a creature weighing a fraction of an ounce. I'm a 190lb man in motion. This thread protested my motion, and put up a fight before eventually giving in. Remarkable. Got me to thinking a. what sort of spider spun such strong silk? And b. what was different about this particular type that provided such strength?

Some scientist somewhere must be able to manipulate this...anomaly, and exploit it to the benefit of man. (Cause that's what we do, isn't it?
Yesterday, there was reported another example of man's best friend doing what they do. The man in question was lying in his house unconcious while a fire burned around him. The dog (interestingly, one of the much maligned breed that carriers the brunt of accusation with regard to attacks on humans), was outside and raised the alarm by running frantically between the yard fence and the door of the house, behind which lay the man (in mortal danger as it happens).

The firemen arrived to find the dog almost hysterical and on forcing open the door, found the man in a burning room. They rescued him and it all ended well. (Well, except for the marijuana plants discovered by the police - oops!)

But once again, these wonderful animals have proven their devotion to their masters.

And still, often, we treat them like shit.

It maddens me.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The APEC conference is being held in Sydney later this year. Virtually everyone who's anyone (the who's who of world leaders) is going to be there.

Security has been stepped up, perhaps understandably as potential terrorists may see this as an opportunity to big to miss.

So the whole city's to be locked down for the duration. Of course, no-one has told the city traders yet. They are all still in the dark in terms of road closures and opening/closing times for their businesses.

And in another security measure, mobile phone signals will be blocked during Bush's visit to Sydney to prevent any bombs being set off remotely. This raises an issue.

What if someone needs to contact emergency medical services and they're in an area where public booths aren't immediately accessible? If someone has a heart attack for example. The time it takes to find a public booth and call for help may be all it takes to see the victim run out of time.
As opposed to having a mobile phone present with which the emergency services can be contacted immediately.

Why do you think ambulances have lights and sirens and race through red lights and such? Because sometimes seconds make the difference between life and death.

But no, in order to protect the glorious president, the ordinary man has to settle for second best and trust to luck. His life, potentially, is being sacrificed to protect the life of someone considered more important. That this person of importance is waging war on whomever he chooses, we'll just forget for the moment.

And as further protection for 'Der Fuhrer', there is now legislation to be passed allowing body searches to be employed on persons within a certain 'zone'. Whether this comprises 'pat downs' as in airports or full 'empty out the pockets', hasn't yet been clarified.
My first response to this, and perhaps no surprise to those who know me, was get fucked, pal, you're not searching me like I'm some sort of criminal. On further reflection though, I reconsidered airports and found that the priniciple of pat downs as a security measure wasn't actually offensive to me.
However, what IS, is that this new law (a new law, for God's sake) is at the bequest of George Dubya.
And that, dear readers, is what returns me to my intial reaction and the one I shall embrace while the big nobs are in town. I'll do a few nights in lock up before I'll let someone search ME!!
What's more disturbing is that I, and probably many more people, am not surprised at this.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

*Sound of trumpets*

Well, this is the hundredth post. I feel like I should make it special in some way; mark the occasion as it were. Hmmm...

I know - a nice story.

I was driving down the road the other day when I happened across a crested cockatoo sitting in the fast lane in obvious stunned distress. I supposed it had been winged by a car as it had its right wing lying loosely on the road. As I pulled over and the traffic roared past I watched the bird sway under the wash and knew the stricken animal's days were very shortly numbered.

So out into the traffic I raced, waving at the drivers to slow down while I rescued the unfortunate cockatoo.
Which wasn't happy and started squawking like it was being murdered as I lifted it and started back to my car, dodging horn blaring irate drivers (I so wanted to give them 'the bird' but my hands were full so I just yelled obsenities). Reaching the car, I must have looked a sight trying to hold onto this panicked bird as it frantically beat its (rather large actually this close) wings in a desperate attempt at flight. Several times in the subsequent seconds I took a full wing to the face. Then, discovering it couldn't flee, it turned on the offensive and clamped its beak round a finger. I was thinking right about now that it might just do having the damn thing for dinner.
Opening the door with one hand while attempting to control the freaked bird with the other wasn't easy I can tell you as the feathered one went totally apeshit when I held it tight to my chest while I opened the door.
All the while - SQUAAWK, SQUAAWK, SQUAAWK!!!
But, I managed and got the door open and proceeded to set the bird on the seat. Charlie, as I named him/her/it, (I'm not sure, we weren't THAT close) was still attached to my finger and with me spitting feathers. The only way I could get the vice-like grip off was to force open the jaws with my other hand amid screeching that would do your average aviary proud.

Anyway, I managed to get Charlie back home where I called WIRES, an Aussie wildlife rescue service. They told me to take it to a prearranged vets the next morning. Okay said I and left the, now calmer, bird in the car for the night and retired to see to my wounds.

Next morning, I opened the doors to find him down in the footwell. Next thing he jumped onto the seat and just sat (and crapped actually - luckily there was a paper there - one of those times my general untidyness worked for me!). Seemingly, despite freedom being a mere step (or flap) away, uninterested in leaving.

So I just observed for a while, wondering if I should 'shoo' him or what. I just decided to leave him there by the open door and let him go when it suited him. The closing of the other door decided it. With a flap of his (now rested and strong enough again) wings he was off.

Watched by yours truly with admiration at the ease with which he just flapped and rose into the sky.

Fly Charlie, fly and be free (We'll not mention the bite - our little secret).

Lord Protector of God's creatures, that's me.
This isn't a new occurence.

Another infant has been left at a hospital by a new mother who just couldn't cope with the enormity of it all.

What drove this girl to abandon her child (assuming it was hers) I can't know but it must have been a terribly hard decision.
However, the fact that she left the child at a hospital, beyond any doubt a location where the infant would be taken care off with all science's benefits shows she didn't actually just ABANDON the baby per se. More, left it with someone who could look after the child better than she.

Enter the 'Daily Rag', aka, the Daily Telegraph, Australia's premier tabloid, with a headline so saturated in nauseating sanctimony it sent me straight for the bucket.

"How could you do this?" or something similar, it screamed. I didn't read the report, even in the name of research - the headline was enough for me, but I can just imagine how it went. Shame, shame, shame etc!

Well, I'll tell you something, if this public shame tips the already mentally anguished young girl over the edge, it's all on you, David Pemberthy, as editor of this toilet paper!
But ironically, nothwithstanding the outrageous, self serving santimony, this paper, and all papers who indulge in the same insidious practice, is guilty of much more malignant a sin. That being - the motivation for this offensive headline is financial; the desire to sell more papers - to increase bottom line - to make SOME fat cat (and shareholders), money.

N.B, The PM came out and defended the rag, remarking, it was just business and that "if you were to ask people on the street, they would say the same thing". That would be all fine and dandy if not for the fact I happen to know the man on the street, as he puts it, is a moron whose led around by the nose. So that doesn't hold much water, frankly.

Further evidence confirming my decision to desist buying that rag!
Sly was prosecuted today. On the radio the newsreader reported (with noticeable, though misplaced pride)that he hed been " given a criminal record and fined 20,000 dollars"

Oh no! Poor old Sly'll have to file for bankruptcy.

First, what's he worth? How many millions (and US millions for that matter)? 100? 75 even? Do I need to compare his net worth and 20,000 Australian?

And second. Having a criminal record in Australia for a high profile American film star is akin to being awarded Australia's highest honour. People will still watch his films (if they're any good, obviously, although 'good's relative!), a 'record' won't change that.

So, what we have here is a small in stature country trying to appear strong in its laws by imposing punishment on a celebrity who couldn't care less and who, most probably, is having a good old chuckle at all of this as he pays the pittance from his fortune (and probably writes it off as a tax break) and carries on making films that people are going to watch.

Sly 1: Australia 0

secret to life #1


Specifically, new - shoes, and the breaking in thereof.

We've all felt the pain; on the heels and toes. The bad news is that you'll never NOT feel that pain from new shoes but there is a way to make it bearable.

Double socks, or for ladies, just socks, though for street cred's sake, it's not advisable to be seen in public in heels and socks! Though we're talking about fashion here so...well, just look at some of it! (How does this self proclaimed 'man' know so much about women's fashion? - *reader*). (Just another insight into what is Mutters inc - Ed.)

It has a two fold effect. The first, most obvious, (and arguably ultimate) is the cushioning benefit on the feet but second to that is the effect of stretching the shoe, therefore ensuring a more comfortable and spacious second fit.

Next time you have on a new pair of shoes and don't take this sage advice, please get in touch so I can laugh.

Ravings of a Mutter

Monday, May 14, 2007

This kidnapping in Portugal is a disturbing event. This young girl was kidnapped from her bed as her parents ate dinner not 100 feet from where their infant daughter lay.

The young girl's photograph has been plastered everywhere in the hope of pricking someone's memory. So far it's been unsuccessful. The picture shows a very pretty young girl who would be prime fodder for the types of scum who would perpetrate such an act.

Sir Richard Branson, and in an indication of the huge success of her 'Potter' novels, J K Rowling, have offered large sums of reward to anyone with information leading to the girls rescue.

The most recognizable face in football, David Beckham has also joined in, appearing on TV with a picture of the girl, and pleading for anyone with any information to go to the police. Even a biker group has got involved, riding all over the country with the picture of Madeline stuck over their bikes. The kidnapping seems to have galvinized the world.

And rightly so, it has to be said. I can only imagine how the parents must feel as every nightmare scenario they can imagine runs through their already tortured minds.

How the person responsible for this heinous act, when he's caught, won't be executed is another beggaring belief.
And in another example of anti-dog behaviour, Baulkham Hills Shire Council has recommended banning dogs from 4 parks and bushland areas. A council spokeswoman said the proposal was an effort to stop the growing problems between dog owners and people in public spaces.

In the six months to December 06, the council received 36 complaints about dogs, 9 of which related to 'attacks'. (Attacks, it has to be said can be anything from the dog sticking its snout in one's groin to a full fledged mauling - the report doesn't specify - my, my, there's a surprise.)

What happened to man's best friend? This courageous beast that stands by man, with loyalty and love? The humble doggie serves man (and has done for many centuries) in many fields, in war and peace; from being his eyes, his nose and his ears.
From putting itself in harms way to protect us; providing us with comfort in times of lonliness. Putting smiles on the faces of sick children.
Our furry friend has surely earned better treatment than this.

Yet just because of a weak council combined with the narky and poor of spirit individual, our friends are being denied access to the ares they love so much - outside, sniffing and running and otherwise living it up. As they should.

I would offer, too, that most if not all the complainants are cat owners. Says it all really.
Page 5 of a Sunday newspaper has the headline "Kids log on to grog on". Hoho, how witty I'm sure.

The article beneath reports how young girls (I am woman, hear me roar) have now become the new face of underage drinking. Through the all-powerful and far-reaching internet and phone text, kids are rounding up their peers to meet in parks and beaches, where they drink the night away.
Hospitals are reporting a significant increase in the amount of young girls presenting to emergency departments with the problems that come with over drinking.

It has become and ever more so, a huge problem for society. It is thought this underage drinking reaches a point where, in adulthood, the habit continues and is thus passed down to their kids, perpetuating the cycle.


We turn to page 32/33 of the same paper and what do we see? A double page spread advertising all sorts of booze for very little money, some of which is clearly aimed at young people. (Passion pop. 3 for 10 bucks). It's not clear whether these kiddie labelled drinks are alcoholic or not but their very existence along side actual alcoholic drinks is reason enough to be mildly concerned.
And then on page 38 and 39, yet another double page ad for more booze, this time the hard stuff, whiskey and vodka. With more wine for an incredible 3 dollars. Three bucks! Is it any wonder there's an alcohol problem here?

Yep! The Australian drinking culture - gotta love it.

How you expect to curb underage drinking while agressively promoting the product almost as a right of passage is beyond me (and most others it would seem).

Friday, May 11, 2007

Well, you pissheads should be worried. In an effort to curb the rising alcohol related violence, public bars in Newcastle (2HRS North of Sydney) have banned high alcohol drinks such as tequila etc. And you will no longer be able to buy double shots of anything.

People in their 30's have been ringing radio stations declaring their horror at this imposition on their freedom of choice. And I can sympathize with that - it is a typical reponse to most problems nowdays. Just stamp on it and set the bar to catch the lowest denominator and to hell with those who are responsible.

It's exactly the same approach as used when drawing up the road rules handbook. Such rules are for the complete idiot - the sort of bonehead who shouldn't be allowed out on his/her own - period, never mind in (alleged) control of a vehicle.
And the competent are treated likewise.

It's the same paradox again, on the one hand we have a society where drinking is considered a way of life, where it's considered a given that one sees 'a beer at the end of the day' as an obligation almost (then they'll go on to cite Slim Dusty or someone equally high-esteemed as the typical hard working 'sup at the end of the day' type of Aussie); on the other, new legislation controlling just HOW much we're allowed to drink.

There is a certain type of young men who when full of drink quickly resort to violence. It has always been that way and banning double shots isn't going to stop drunkeness. For a start, how do you stop someone ordering 2 singles and downing them one after another? Or tipping them into the same glass? Or slamming an extra 5 pints down?
Just another desperate grasp of thin air from a society bereft of any real answer.

Anyway, at least they're...(you know what comes next)
Ho ho, check this out if y'fancy a laugh:

In this, the 11th day of May in the year of our Lord, 2007, New Yorkers (who else Hoho) have instigated the occurence of...canine testicular replacement... is a nice way of putting it.

It seems the ultra-rich, (because, really, who else would be carrying on like this), after castrating their male four-legged friend, have taken to replacing the removed items with, well, prosthetic ones. Apparently, they 'look and feel just like the real thing'. My first thought was - how does one qualify for that particular quality control position? Experts on canine genitilia must be scarce one would imagine.

Of their dog, a Rottweiler named Truman (after Harry S. I suspect), the owners remarked - "we feel the replacement of the testicles with artificial ones gives him a sense of pride, it's good for his phsycological well-being".

Sounds like Truman's feeling a bit less than a real dog. Butch (WITH the testicles) must be the big dog of the neighbourhood now.

Hey lady, why stop there?

Are we looking at a potential statement of status when some socialite decides to, in an attempt to outdo her competing socialites, to colour the nads - maybe pays a reknowned artist to 'customize' them, hang trinkets off them.

Hey, look at the balls on MY dog! Ho ho ho! Absurd? you betcha. Getting carried away? more than likely. But I'm not the one attaching fake nuts to my dog because it increases his sense of self worth.

Moreover, I think his 'phsycological well-being' was shot to hell when you cut off the originals, lady (has to be a lady saying this - or a metrosexual, no 'man' could possibly condone such a act without some regret and I can't believe he would consider this wacky idea).
And a couple of replacement marbles isn't going to cut it.

Truman was unavailable for comment, though his best friend, Buck, was reported to be less than impressed with the new appendages.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

In another demonstration of how the mollycuddling of our kids has gone to far (and how in a fashion typical of man, someone has leapt to exploit the niche), there now plays on national radio, a commercial where the orator attempts to persuade the parent (read 'customer') that homework, utilizing this system 'can be fun'.

Well, two things:

* a. When did homework become fun (when I was a boy it was nothing but a chore!)
* b. Has our nauseating, almost whispered in hushed tones, kid gloves approach to our 'little ones' (God, how I despise that term) become so infected with sensitivity, that we have now lost all trace of authority, instead resorting to the expedience of covert persuasion.

"Shut up, sit down, and do your homework!" "You finished your homework yet?" "Why haven't you done your homework?"
These and many more where barked at me as a boy.

What we have here is another microcosm of the bigger picture concerning the young and the protection society has foolishly given them through various governments' acquiescence to the bleeding hearts and tree-hugger types.
All, ultimately, for votes, for votes make money and money leads to power, and power is what man seeks more than anything else. That's the tragedy of it all.

Homework's not meant to be fun, but it IS an essential part of education and to remove it from curriclae, I fear will just hasten the advance of the ignorant.

Watch out for pass marks being lowered again to compensate.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Young Casey Stoner, the 21 year old Aussie, currently leading the MotoGP World Championship ahead of the 'Doctor', Valentino Rossi, has come out to ask people to stop comparing him to Mick Doohan and Wayne Gardner. (Mighty Mick - because he probably feels slightly embarrassed to be compared to a legend, and Gardner, because he's crap).

Very commendable. And he does seem like a personable young fella, despite the slight wobbler he threw when remarking that some overtaking moves were a little harsh. I thought at the time he was going to be one of 'those' types. Constantly looking for excuses as to why he didn't perform.

Because in racing, especially two-wheeled, sometimes the only way past is to shove your machine in someone's face, even forcing them out of the way. Think Rossi and Gibernau a few years back (Gibernau cried like a baby too - Rossi laughed).

It's a tough game and nobody's going to hand you a win - you have to take it. If that means getting a bit physical then so be it. It is a man's sport after all.
Today was just like any other day really - doin m'thing, listenin to the radio as the fodder ring in to air their views. Thrilling stuff!

The program started off with a segment on child abuse, and as is the normal reaction, it was unsurprisingly disturbing.

This led to a mother calling in to describe how her 16 year old son's female school teacher had 'abused' him. Also known as, 'having a sexual relationship with', in deference to the fact that it's only barely abuse and only within the terms of the law.

My first thought was - lucky, lucky bastard!!

And it reminded me of the case some time ago in America when the pretty blonde teacher was jailed for having a sexual relationship with one of her students - a 16 year old also.

Maybe the young lad was warned not to showboat under the threat of some kind of prosecution or some other such order, and that's why he remained quiet and silent throughout but let me tell you something, on the sly - he was 'high-fiving' every one of his (jealous) peers. "Heyyyy, look what I was nailin".

When you're 16, bedding an older woman is the thing fantasies are made of.

Now if this was inverted and it was a male teacher with a female student, then all hell'd break loose as he would be classed almost a peadophile. And nobody would have a problem with that; it just illustrates a point I've been attempting to convince women of for years.

Fundamentally, the male is seen as the aggressor. And the female, slightly subservient - passive even. This is, always has been and always will be, the fundamental difference between the sexes.

I didn't make it like that - it just is.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Well, it's in the news again. And again it's the poor Staffy that's getting the abuse.
This time some dopey bint got her face nearly ripped off after putting it in harm's way.

On the Central Coast, just north of Sydney, the attack occurred. It turns out, according to reports, that she intruded in the animals space, DESPITE WARNINGS TO STAY AWAY (from whom or what isn't clear - only that she was warned in some unmistakeable fashion).

The dog was a 12 month old Staffordshire terrier, sitting in a basket with her pups. It's reported that the dog growled at the woman when presumably came to close. The owner of the dog too, voiced a warning

But here's the bottom line: if ever one enters a house with a dog one should always ask the owner about the animal's temperament It's simple common sense. And if that wasn't enough, then study the animal - it's not hard, there are many signs to indicate the general mood of a dog.

And a growl isn't a good one.

But still, this buffoon dropped to the dog's level, presumably to pet the puppies as cute as they are at that age, and the mother saw this as a threat and reacted as mothers do. Idiot. It's like...putting your hand into a lions cage and wondering why you lose it. (Unbelieveably and quite incredibly, some knuckleheads have ACTUALLY done such a moronic thing - several somebodies, as a matter of fact!)

And now? Well, you KNOW what - the dog's been executed. All cause some f**kwit couldn't read the signs. Hope it hurts love, hope you learned a lesson cause for damn sure the dog did!

Monday, May 07, 2007

And in another screaming example of the degradation of the English language, and similar to the 'vor' pronuciation of 'voir', the latest offering from the dull, lazy, and ignorant is, wait for it...amb-bul-ance.

Yep, the articulation of the 'u' (phonetically, 'ewe') has been reduced to the rather brutish and mongol-like 'uh'. So amb-uh-lance. The same way Americans now refer to the big cat as a 'pooma' instead of 'pyooma'.

Is it just me? Tell me it isn't - please. This dull-witted utterance I heard on national bloody radio from someone who really SHOULD know better - a newsreader for God's sake!

Far out! I mean, far FAR out!!
There was a story late last week concerning a woman and her raucous child in a charity shop. Apparently the woman was asked to leave because the racket from the wailing child was disturbing the patrons.

So she left - and seemingly called a radio station almost direct to sound off her story in the hope of sympathy.

And it worked. The show host couldn't have been more sympathetic and berated, on national radio, those who would voice a complaint about this lady and her child.

But let's just consider this for a moment. There are few things more ear-shattering than a wailing baby and I for one am right with the other shoppers who thought it selfish that the woman stayed for - AN HOUR - while the child wailed on and on.

Is it asking to much to have a little peace while we shop? I don't think so.

And let me put it this way - if one was in the same shop and had, say, a small dog - a Jack Russel maybe, that was 'yipping' constantly, how long do you think THAT particular woman would bear the racket before complaining with much vehemence? Not long at all, I'd hazard a guess!

This woman stayed in the shop in question for an hour - the whole time the kid was going off. Didn't she think that just maybe, it would be irritating for others? Didn't she once think maybe she should leave, settle her kid, and then return when all was quiet?

No, she didn't. Apparently this woman believes she has the right by virtue of having a 'golden child', to just impose such shattering noise on anyone and everyone.

But that's life and the whole 'we've got to look after the children' mentality. Look, it's like this - if I happen to be out at a shop or restaurant or wherever, I don't think it's too much to ask ro not have a wailing kid giving me a sore head. I don't impose my life on you - I thank you to extend me the same courtesy.

Much as with a dog, if you can't control your brat, leave it at home, or make other arrangements. I didn't put a gun to you head to get knocked up. And if you can't manage your child without forcing its out of control behaviour on others - DON'T BLOODY HAVE ONE!!!

Sunday, May 06, 2007

The Bureau of Statistics has released its annual MAP report (Measures of Australia's Progress). Apparently:

We're getting healthier
We're better educated
We're comfortable at home
More of us are working - and for longer
We help each other
We're more egalitarian

(Of course, I say 'we', but not actually me, I'm an Irishman).

If I can draw your attention the second in the above list - better educated. The claim is that 59 percent of 'us' now hold an after-school qualification such as a diploma/degree etc, compared with 48 percent in 1995.

Notwithstanding that one can almost achieve a diploma in 'sitting on your arse on the sofa', and various other trivial past-times, the important point that's been conveniently forgotten is the lowering of pass marks required to achieve such a diploma.

And letting loose on society a generation of sub-educated idiots, some of whom pass their low standards onto the young, therefore perpetuating the rot.

And as far as the first on the list - getting healthier? I...don't...think so, Mr Bureau. Sixty percent of the Australian population (70 male, 50-female) are classed as obese.
Her Majesty's over in the States currently, celebrating the settlement of the first English in Jamestown, Virginia.
The first time in 400 years since a British Queen (any monarch actually) has set foot on the Land of the free.

And the Bushes are holding a white-tie dinner in her honour. A bit of class for the Yanks - do them good. George dubya's never been too impressed with fancy dinners and this will be only the fifth in six years. This will also be the most elaborate, due to its 'white tie' tag.

Men in 3/4 length coats; women in evening gowns. How very proper, m'dear.

It's funny actually as the Americans hate partaking in anything 'non-American' and especially anything British as they see them as stuffy and stiff, in stark contrast to the raucous and lax way they themselves approach life.

But with the Iraq situation still very much in the forefront of international concerns, ole George doesn't have a choice. If ever he needed the support, it's now. So much so that he sent Chaney Down Under recently to inform the Australians how very appreciative the US is of their support. And that was just of the moral kind.
Scanning through another paper, I came across this article:

It concerns primary school kids' ballooning weight and the creation of a new size. Get this - it used to be s/m/l/xl and somethimes xxl, now it has spiked to an enormous xxxxxl (man, I had to chech the report again, thinking I'd added one too many ex's - but no, unbelieveably, that's the correct amount!)

That equates to a massive 122cm chest and 130 cm waist - an INcredible 52 inches). A 52inch waist on an adult MAN would be considered quite large. We're talking about school children here.

And that's added to the bigger seats required on all forms of public transport, and the larger ambulances and helicopters to carry the Fatties to and from their hospitals where they attempt to fight their gluttonous and sloth-like ways.

Simple extrapolation paints a worrying future for us as a species.
And that's pretty much it as far as comment goes in this weekend's edition of The Daily Rag.

Tune in next week for more pearls!
Hmmm...this is interesting...

44 percent of US combat troops condone torture as a means of obtaining information from an insurgent.

A study by a mental health advisory revealed this disturbing thought. It further claimed that soldiers were constantly fighting against bad morale and that acute mental health issues were increasingly prevalent.

War is hell! These troops have seen some disturbing things and in a country where potentially around every corner is your killer, it's perhaps unsurprising that they should feel this way.

Hoowever, what's more disturbing is the article's assertion that although the report was completed in November 06, the results were only released now - and in censored form.

Looks like even this medical report is being used in this war where propoganda is nearly as vital as the fighting itself.
Gun crime's up in the city of Sydney again.

I'm not really sure what to say to that. I could I suppose, complain about there not being enough police on the beat (I think there are enough - however the majority seem to be sitting at the sides of roads with their hair dryers or slowly cruising the highways like sharks looking for prey), and I could accuse the Pollies of mismanagement (of which they are unquestionably guilty, but hey - fair's fair, with one's nose in the trough, one can't be expected to keep an eye on things!)

But unfortunately it's a problem not easily fixed and it began with the invention of the firearm. That there are almost as many weapons as people in the civilized world, is the guarantee that they will continue to be used illegally in robberies and assaults.

I have always said to those espousing man's greatness at inventing benign weapons in the fight against illness - we also invented the gun!
Hahaha - this is class.

The Fatties (I give this a capital because they are now an oft-alluded to group), are getting it in the neck again. This time researchers have concluded that there's a link between waist size and the dreaded cancer.

A Cancer Council sturdy involving 40,000 Australians has revealed a waist size of more than 100cm for men and 85cm for women "can significantly increase the risk of cancer".
By 13 percent it claims.

I wonder, firstly, if this isn't just more scare tactics based on VERY remotely linked evidence. Because remember, it costs a virtual King's ransom to treat the Fatties nowdays, and as we all know - money talks.

Then I think, again, 'well, at least they're leaving the smokers alone for a change'. Hoho.
Tucked away at the bottom of page 18 of the "Daily Rag", as I've come to to name it, is this morsel of vital significance:


This little piece reports of a new 'men-only' hairdresser. For the moment, we'll forget that any man proud of being a man, wouldn't be seen dead in a 'hairdressers'.

This 'salon' boasts 'the Ferrari of hairdressing chairs' and vibrating massage lounges. It's a place where 'cool guys can go for a haircut, have a beer and just chill out', (presumably with their metrosexual boyfriends with whom they can gossip and compare hairstlyes).
The owner of this moneyspinner states - "it's not so poofy for men to look after themselves any more". Well, if by 'looking after oneself', you mean manicures, petticures, eyebrow plucks, and 'hairdressing' etc, then yes, Mr Hairdresser - it is.

I don't care whether you're sporting a beer, a handsaw or a power tool. If you have cotton wool between your toes, you're no man I want to know.
And in another equally as blatant bribe, Peter Costello has offered families eight grand from the budget to 'reduce the cost of childcare'.

Yep, he's using MY money to bribe voters. Just buy the support, that's the way.
I thought there were important issues around - well not if you're Australia's Daily Telegraph editor. No, if you're he, a drunken proposition from an MP is what tops the list of grievances concerning our society today.

"RUDD MP ASKED DRIVER FOR SEX", the headline screams. The article goes on to, in not much detail I'd have to say, describe loosely, the events; the obligatory sanctimony laces the article's proponents' remarks.

My question is - with all that's really going on, from the climate change argument (argument, because it's been in no way proven that we, in fact are, causing the predominant damage) to the child abuse problem to the war in Iraq (and the plethora of other issues), why is it considered important to print some MP's inebriated amourous antics across the front page.

The answer, of course, is point scoring due to the upcoming federal election, a mere five months away. Here we see the politicians at their manipulative best as they creepily attempt to gain public favour with their slippery smiles while knifing their opponents with a false sincerity-cloaked vehemence. All the while the smile never fades.
But does having this reason justify a front page? I think not - not in my house of morals and ethics. Course, we're talking about politicians here, to whom the aforementioned standards are an expedient sacrifice. Politics, as is beautifully demostrated by the local rag, is a dirty game.

And in my opinion, this blatant exploitation of a woman's alcohol-fuelled utterance (that I'm sure, the next morning in the cold, sober light of day, she regretted terribly - after all, who amongst us HASN'T regretted our actions the 'day after the night before' as it were), sinks the Telegraph into the relams of that most tabloid of tabloids, the British comic, "The Sun". (At least the Sun had the decency to offer up scantily clad young women to compensate for their gutter reporting).

Why not just go with the 'fart' jokes? At least we'd all get a laugh.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Further to the previous post:

And in fact, the piss has been responsible for thuggish drunken behaviour (specifically assault) for a long time. I can remember as a young man two decades ago witnessing such thuggery often.
It became a night's entertainment, actually, when we (the non-drunks) would park near an intersection where the outflow from bars would meet, to watch the festivities. Young men with a skinfull would stuff some food into them and proceed to beat the shit out of each other. Like a gladitorial arena.

Every weekend.

But for the main, the only weapons were fists - and sometimes feet, never did I see a weapon of any kind.
But in modern times, the predeliction towards the use of knives and other such tools (machetes, hatchets etc.) has become disturbing. However this can't be attributed to just alcohol. No, the apparent increase in the viciousness of attacks in the modern day is motivated by a much more malignant inspiration. This betrays an underlying feeling of apathy with life, probably brought on by the ever increasing drift toward dissatisfaction, and rebellion.
And to that, the emergence of the seemingly (and if so - frighteningly) powerful PC lobby and we have a recipe for disaster.
Do what you want, get a slap on the wrists, and do it again.

This much is obvious and the authorities, too late, are cracking the whip in a desperate, but futile, attempt to control the situation. Heavier sentences are imposed on the violent and CCTV watches us from everywhere. It's interesting that the cameras seem to be the busiest as they record the assaults regardless of their very precence.

The screaming irony is, that it is all self imposed. Bad decisions made by governments quite some time ago (under the accusation of discrimination) have led us to this place.

No, cracking down on binge drinking, while it will probably have AN effect) won't solve the problem, it runs much deeper than that.

But at least the smokers are being left alone!
Binge drinking's in the news again and this time the financial cost is being cited as the latest fear.
Haha - it makes me laugh actually as the much-maligned tobacco has slid to third place now, behind obesity and now, binge-drinking.

And I really have to wonder at the paradox that is Australian drinking culture. The nation embraces alcohol, in fact one is considered to have something wrong with him/her if they don't join in such an acceptance.
And of course, let's not forget the ourageous amounts of cash that flow through the system. From taxes to political donations, the money flows from one fat cat to another. Yeah, right, like THAT'S going to be given up just cause a few youngsters are getting ripped!
Paris Hilton's just been locked up for violation of her sentence after being caught drink-driving.

"So?" is the first thing springs to mind.

When you're as rich as Ms Hilton, jail isn't jail - at least not for a penny-ante DUI charge. A month (forty-five days to be precise) in some country club, with resources that can buy all types of friends...?

And she turned up at the court 'fashionably' ten minutes late, striding in, shaking her booty, just knowing that it was all a game.

Shit, I could do with being locked up myself!