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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

*Sound of trumpets*

Well, this is the hundredth post. I feel like I should make it special in some way; mark the occasion as it were. Hmmm...

I know - a nice story.

I was driving down the road the other day when I happened across a crested cockatoo sitting in the fast lane in obvious stunned distress. I supposed it had been winged by a car as it had its right wing lying loosely on the road. As I pulled over and the traffic roared past I watched the bird sway under the wash and knew the stricken animal's days were very shortly numbered.

So out into the traffic I raced, waving at the drivers to slow down while I rescued the unfortunate cockatoo.
Which wasn't happy and started squawking like it was being murdered as I lifted it and started back to my car, dodging horn blaring irate drivers (I so wanted to give them 'the bird' but my hands were full so I just yelled obsenities). Reaching the car, I must have looked a sight trying to hold onto this panicked bird as it frantically beat its (rather large actually this close) wings in a desperate attempt at flight. Several times in the subsequent seconds I took a full wing to the face. Then, discovering it couldn't flee, it turned on the offensive and clamped its beak round a finger. I was thinking right about now that it might just do having the damn thing for dinner.
Opening the door with one hand while attempting to control the freaked bird with the other wasn't easy I can tell you as the feathered one went totally apeshit when I held it tight to my chest while I opened the door.
All the while - SQUAAWK, SQUAAWK, SQUAAWK!!!
But, I managed and got the door open and proceeded to set the bird on the seat. Charlie, as I named him/her/it, (I'm not sure, we weren't THAT close) was still attached to my finger and with me spitting feathers. The only way I could get the vice-like grip off was to force open the jaws with my other hand amid screeching that would do your average aviary proud.

Anyway, I managed to get Charlie back home where I called WIRES, an Aussie wildlife rescue service. They told me to take it to a prearranged vets the next morning. Okay said I and left the, now calmer, bird in the car for the night and retired to see to my wounds.

Next morning, I opened the doors to find him down in the footwell. Next thing he jumped onto the seat and just sat (and crapped actually - luckily there was a paper there - one of those times my general untidyness worked for me!). Seemingly, despite freedom being a mere step (or flap) away, uninterested in leaving.

So I just observed for a while, wondering if I should 'shoo' him or what. I just decided to leave him there by the open door and let him go when it suited him. The closing of the other door decided it. With a flap of his (now rested and strong enough again) wings he was off.

Watched by yours truly with admiration at the ease with which he just flapped and rose into the sky.

Fly Charlie, fly and be free (We'll not mention the bite - our little secret).

Lord Protector of God's creatures, that's me.


morgetron said...

Congratulations on the 100th post and on behalf of Charlie, thanks for being a friend of the creatures of the world.

Did you read the thread "death by shovel" in the Helium cafe? This post reminds me of the flipside of that post.

morgetron said...

See: "Death by Shovel"

mutters said...

Thank you, J. Sfunny, I never thought I'd get this far. Am thinkin of linkin it to a website (if I knew how to set one up :))

And thanks for stoppin by again. Do call again.

I'll go and check out the 'shovel' post.

mutters said...

Read it; not impressed. Fear and ignorance once again taken out on an innocent.
And before you criticize - we have snakes here Down Under. Matter of fact, the Red Bellied Black snake is amongst the most dangerous on earth. And the brown more poisonous again so...
And we'll not even mention the Red Back spider - or the Funnelweb.
Crocodiles, snakes, spiders - Jeez, makes you wonder why I'm here. :)

But the worst - the absolute worst - killer Koalas. Wow!

Jayne :) said...

Great Blog! Glad I stopped by to have a look.

Congrats on your 100th post - I shall have to get more proactive on mine, you make me feel guilty!

Don't worry about the snakes, think the perps are feeling bad about it already, they're on to spider bashing now!

Jayne :)

mutters said...

Hey Jayney,

Nice to see ye here in Mutters Inc. As you've probably noticed I haven't been in Helium lately. Been busy updating the world (cause this is where you'll hear it as it really is, Jayney).
Feel free to remark in any way you feel necessary cause freedom of speech reigns here in MUtters Inc. But bear in mind if y'say somethin stupid (but I'm sure YOU won't) you'll almost certainly be caustically vilified (or called an idiot) :))
Do call again, Jayney.

CrystalDawn said...

I just love the way you express the obvious, Mutters! I commend your humane endeavor in taking the cockatoo's life into your hands, which I'm sure you'll recall fondly each time you look down at your finger...