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Sunday, May 06, 2007

Hahaha - this is class.

The Fatties (I give this a capital because they are now an oft-alluded to group), are getting it in the neck again. This time researchers have concluded that there's a link between waist size and the dreaded cancer.

A Cancer Council sturdy involving 40,000 Australians has revealed a waist size of more than 100cm for men and 85cm for women "can significantly increase the risk of cancer".
By 13 percent it claims.

I wonder, firstly, if this isn't just more scare tactics based on VERY remotely linked evidence. Because remember, it costs a virtual King's ransom to treat the Fatties nowdays, and as we all know - money talks.

Then I think, again, 'well, at least they're leaving the smokers alone for a change'. Hoho.

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