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Monday, May 28, 2007

Protect our little ones

Here's the result of that bleeding heart protection.

An AVO is an apprehended violence order and is usually taken out between parties when one is in fear for his/her safety from the other. Unsurprisingly, the piss is often a motivating factor.

Well, it turns out that 40 of these orders have been taken out by teaching staff in NSW schools. Your wee babies, so mollycuddled they've been, have reached a point where they have no fear of retribution anymore and feel that they can behave in any way they see fit.
And many teachers, especially female ones, are actually frightened of them now.

Examples include:

* A 12 year old boy who allegedly threatened a teacher - WITH A GUN! (Where a 12 year old GETS a gun in the first place is an indictment in itself).
* Three teachers were forced to get an AVO against a former student who used a baseball bat to smash his way into an office.

The examples go on - physical and verbal assault; threats and physical assault; property damage; harassment; stalking - the list goes on and on.

This is incontrovertibly a result of the nanny state and their 'don't smack you children - it'll turn them into violent offenders' mentality.

Well, I hope you're pleased with yourselves - this is the result.

Well done!


Jayne :) said...

So the bottom line is - beat your children every day! LOL

Seriously, it is a disgrace when teachers live in feaer of a 12 year old! It isn't just the nanny state though Mutters, it is also the parents who seem to think their little darling can do no wrong and don't support school discipline.

fangers said...

Jayne, I think it is the nanny state that has put many parents in fear of disciplining their children.

If you discipline, you get government bureaucrats visiting your house to ensure that you are not "abusing" your children. If they even SUSPECT that you are, the children are taken from you, and placed in "protective care" until a judge decides whether you were really abusing them or not.

Even the ASSERTION of abuse is sufficient cause, thus, parents have lost many of their traditional methods of discipline as there are too many bleeding heart idiots (forgive me) who believe that a swat on the butt is abuse.

mutters said...

Sign of the times, people, sign of the times. :(

Deirdre said...

Hey M, it is indeed a sad sign of the times. I am not for beating a kid into submission, but when a good crack on the but is given, usually a child straightens up real quick. If a child doesnt get real discipline at home, school,then we might as well set all the zoo animals free, they would probably show us more respect,than the unruly brats of today. deirdre.