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Monday, May 21, 2007

Oh! This is big news, bigger than you may at first think.

America's greatest ally in the War on Terror, the Brits, once Gordon Brown takes office, are reported to be withdrawing, reports a small piece hidden in the middle of the paper. Whether that's because it's unverifiable or that they don't want to announce such worrying news, they aren't saying but I saw it.

And if you think you should be concerned - you'd be right. The British are THE support for the US and through their experience have been 'holding up their end' since day one. If that support is withdrawn...

The Towelheads can't NOT be rubbing there hands with glee. They know America can't do this on her own. They also know the Brits are carrying virtually half of the load and when they pull up stakes, a corner of the invasion will collapse.

They will then, as any enemy would, apply further pressure, from different directions. Prepare yourselves for vicous suppression (even more then now) as the US struggles against the tide.

She may have to close her borders and withdraw from the world to protect herself, becoming a virtual global prisoner in the mire she created.

This is a disturbing development.


mutters said...

Hey, it may be the only way out if this Orwellian-like circumstance eventuates. Watch this space - I'll give ye fair warning as to when to flee.

mutters said...

Sure we can all hide in here; we'll hook wires direct to our brains and live an electronic existence. After we destroy the world it very well may be all that's left.