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Monday, May 21, 2007

Leo DiCaprio has come out fighting in defence of Al Gore, calling for his (Gore's) critics to 'lay off' him.

"We're all doing the best we can", he said. You don't seem to understand that even if he had the will, man's best will never be enough, Leo.

Moreover, in the words of Connery's character in the movie, The Rock - "doing your best?", he says, contemptibly to Nick Cage's character, "losers always whine about 'doing their best'. Winners go home and f**k the prom queen".

Leo continues - "Attacks on Al Gore are misdirected. Don't shoot the messenger. If you're going to attack somebody on the way they conduct their life, let's talk about the big picture, let's see what the big oil companies are doing".

The big picture's all well and good, Leo, my diminutive movie star, and the leviathans that are oil companies are well-known for their might and greed (demonstrating succintly man's nature) but in terms of ME, Gore's travel in his polluting jets and his outrageously wasteful home, is a big picture.
Between his jetting around the glole, selling his story to the dull and ignorant, from whom he takes considerable funds, and the aforementioned 'McMansion and its energy-wasting (as opposed to 'saving') ways, Mr Gore causes more damage to the very earth he claims to be defending, in a year than I or most ordinary citizens do in our insignificant lifetimes.

And you, Leo, aren't an ordinary citizen. You're much more in Gore's class. So spare me the "Gore's a saint' nonsense and stick to making movies, little fella!


Anonymous said...

World affairs boyo lol.....Roflmao

mutters said...

Bloody Leo and his privileged mates, eh?
Sfunny, too, I like a lot of his films, 2 in particular - Blood Diamond and The Departed (which isn't actually his film per se, but he's in it prominently so...).

But like I say - stick to makin movies wee lad.