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Monday, May 28, 2007

There's a piece in the paper today concerning a new pill to remove women's periods completely. No real need to explain why this is such a ridiculous idea - so I won't.

Instead I'll talk about the second paragraph which says - "weight-loss pills, drugs to stave off ageing (bit off a mouthful - anti-ageing drugs would be better), cosmetic surgery, liposuction, botox. Women can't just be themselves - there's always someone who wants to intervene to enhance them, usually someone out to make money".

Setting aside the author's mediocre writing, I have to ask - who holds a gun to your heads, ladies? Who makes you spend your hard-earned on these products? Don't tell me - men, I suppose!

The fact is, you all seem to be chasing eternal youth and will go to virtual extremes to achieve such. Haven't you heard of 'growing old gracefully'?

Of course, with the advent of the metrosexual man, he now has almost as many beauty product as women nowdays. What with the salons where he can be waxed and plucked; shaved and petticured; and spend the day gossiping with his boyfriends.

Bottom line - no-one makes you buy these products, girls, but you! You read these claims of youthful appearance from the products and immediately think - wow! I'll look younger. And the credit card gets a hammering. You take it home, smear it on and hope. And hope is all you have, frankly; there's only so much creams and applications can do, I'm afraid. The passage of time defeats all. Things sag and droop with age (think your average granny) and vanity is perhaps the most offensive of traits.

Of course we all want to look our best but, really, one can go too far. And there's nothing sadder than a desperate woman trying to hold onto her youth.


Jayne :) said...

That's why we have PLASTIC SURGERY Mutters! Jeesh, where you been the last century?


fangers said...

Metrosexual male... just the name makes me want to rush out to the store and get a bottle of peto bismol....

To thine own self be true!

Jayne :) said...

Metrosexual? Never heard of it! But it is nice when a man makes a bit of effort too.

And all very well for you to mutter Mutters but, it's the men that make women feel the need to keep the youthful look - so many of them go find younger less wrinkly mates when the one that they promised to love and cherish 'till death do us part' gets that wrinkly, streched look!

So, of course, it's all your fault!!

Unknown said...

Mutters, Mutters, Mutters, the things that he utters! I thinks you make me wants to stutters. The mere thought of growing old makes me fins shudders!

Of course I've heard of growing old gracefully. Growing old gracefully is gonna cost ya.

~drinks her Geritol~

morgetron said...

I like oldness. The older I get the happier I am.

Unknown said...

That's because you are only 33 Morgy.

mutters said...

31, I thought; either way, you're just a pup, Morgy. Give it another 10 years...pass the face cream!

Stop blamin others, ladies; you and you alone choose to buy those products. It's true you may be coerced to a degree by your men but bearin in mind the average man nowdays is weak and subservient to the woman, do as Missy does and slap them 'upside the head'.

Metrosexuals eh?!!

mutters said...

Jayney, check out the post entitled - God Almighty - what has happened to men?

It's in January's posts. It describes what a metrosexual is.

Jayne :) said...

It's called compromise Mutters :) And I wouldn't dream of slapping anyone upside the head - esp not my hubby!

Actually I agree about the creams and potions - mostly just an expensive con, but we have to try :) I can't afford plastic surgery and am too much of a woos anyway! Tell me, why does grey hair make a man look distinguished but a woman just look old? :(

mutters said...

What, putting cream on your face as a man, is called compromise?
I don't think so, Jayney - it's called being gay.
Grey hair. I don't think it applies just to men, Jayney. I think grey hair makes anyone look distinguished.

Jayne :) said...

I expect it's just as much about how we perceive ourselves as it is about we THINK people see when they look at us.

I blame the glossy magazine - it portrays women in such an unrealistic way, that we think men think (oops, sorry, oxymoron!) that we should look like that too. :)

morgetron said...


Is that picture of you in a beret and mirrored sunglasses?


mutters said...

A. They're not mirrored and,
B. It not a beret, it a black woolly hat (what Aussies call a beanie - whatever the f**k that is).

Beret? What, do y think I'm French or somethin? :)

morgetron said...

I'll post a response when I'm not on a school-owned computer.


mutters said...

Oh oh...she's goin t'swear. Heh heh.