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Friday, May 18, 2007

If ever you want to know what my problem is, read on:-

The fine and demerit system has been updated yet again. And from a government (and its almost military-like RTA 'wing') completely bereft of any ideas on how to slow drivers down outside school zones where 40kph speed limits apply during school times, come these almost draconian in their viciousness, increases.

For breaking the painfully slow it has to be said 40 kilometres per hour, one receives 4 points and a fine of 308 dollars (up from 1 and 77 respectively). The rest of the traffic offences such as stopping at bus stops or schools have risen with equal sadistic viciousness.

(It should be noted that a licence only has 12 points. And the near 300 percent increase in the fine is almost half of the average 'battler's' weekly income. I'll repeat what I've asserted before - I don't drive on the footpath, keep your bloody offspring under control and stop them running out onto the road. Maybe make them wait for their parents within the school grounds - in rank and file - and quiet would be nice! Pesky kids.)

And so a lot people are going to lose their licences (not a difficult thing to do in this age of tyranny). What then? What when we reach a zenith and we have so many suspended drivers, they begin to ignore the punishment and drive regardless? This is demonstrated with alarming regularity even now; often rewarded with a last resort short of corporal punishment incarceration.

So we continue to lock them up? Be prepared then, for a lot of full jails, very soon.

This is tyrannical behaviour, no question, from the unanswerable RTA. An obedient Schutzstaffel enthuiastically following its masters orders without question and with a keeness that's disturbing.
All with the total concurrence and outrageous greed of the incumbent goverment, for it's they who receive the veritable bounty.

Add to this disproportionate and excessive response, the APEC palava where the powerful enforce their arbitration with an almost military fervour in shutting down lines of communication and conducting body searches like the Brownshirts of old, and you have a society that's beginning to replace freedom with suppression.

THIS... violation... is my problem and with the audacity of authority evolving exponentially, I wonder where it will end.

And actually - it's not just my problem. It's everybody's problem - or should be!

Freedoms are at stake here.


Unknown said...

Mutters--- you are such a prolific writer that I cannot keep up with your articles. You are very forthright in your comments re. local issues-- and very outspoken.

I may not always agree with you but I defend to the death your right to say it --(who said that?)

You are obviously an animal lover --I loved the one about Charlie the cockatoo --- and the faithfulness
of our canine friends is legendary.

As for politicians -- they are the same the world over --- only out for the main chance!

George Orwell was correct when he wrote "1984" --- and big brother is alive and well --- privacy seems to be a thing of the past.
I worry about the problems the younger generation will face.

Enoch Powell was also correct in his comments about immigration --
and he was villified for those.

I really enjoy your blog but ease up for awhile and give me time to
energise my brain.

Good work.

mutters said...

The whole world's a sham, G, And I for one am sick of it. I have often remarked to people that given a chance to live in any time, anywhere (real or imagined) I would choose Middle Earth. A place of honour and loyalty; of truth and love - real love, not what modern popstars call it.
I'd face the Nazgul over man's deceitful and exploitative ways anyday.
I AM an animal lover and consider them to be the true innocents of the world, perpetually at the demand of man's often trivial whims.
Politicians? Aargh! They DISgust me!
You're right to worry, G. be afraid - be very afraid!

Thanks for droppin in.

Anonymous said...

Mutter's dear I am an American and it's okay to be upset with us, several of us are upset with us lol.. All I can do is shrug my shoulders and hope for world wide peace.


mutters said...

Well, y'can hope, I suppose. Good luck with it!