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Sunday, May 20, 2007

Okay, time for the regular Sunday papers spot again.

Let's see...

Okay, the front page headline deals with Eddie Maguire, a big shot media chap and president or somethin (who cares?) of Collingwood AFL club. 'Rivals attack weak Eddie'. Not particularly interested frankly. Snore snore, zzzzzz...

Page 3 deals with a claim that whatever's in a woman's handbag indicates her personality. Man, not for the first time I'm left wondering where the hell I get a job like this? Dreamin up nonsense! (More to say in it's own post, later).

Page 4 has a story concerning 'unlawful police searches'. (See earlier post and 'brownshirts/schutzstaffel' reference). A particular bugbear of mine and one that will almost certainly be revisited - more then once.

Page 7 reports of the previously written of mother who 'abandoned' her newborn; apparently she's made contact through a third party.

Page 9: Water's in the news again with an average of 10 pools per day being filled in Sydney. Hmmm...I'll come back to that.

Next few pages are uninteresting until page 19, where there's a piece regarding police dogs and the new stab-proof vests. The article comes with a picture of an alsation modelling one such vest while he clamps onto his trainers thickly padded practice sheath over his arm.
Excellent, was my first response. The vests have been introduce after the killing of 'Titan' the police dog killed while on duty at a seige in Sydney.
Another example of a dog's courage and devotion to its master. (More on this later, too).

Clover Moore, Syney's Lord Mayoress (and the most hideous woman I've seen in some time) is trying to introduce more scooters into Sydney in an attempt to solve the city's ever growing traffic problems. The pretty metrosexuals must be verily hopping with glee as they can't wait for their pink scooters. Me? I'm a man; no 'man' would be seen dead on one of those., to quote Janice from the TV show, Friends. The humble cuppa (tea)has come under the gaze of the trendy's (seeing a previously untapped market). Apparently, emerging from the US (Christ! Where else?) is a new breed of cafe - tea 'lounges'. Hoho...I already have a tea lounge - it's called my front room! The new lounges, however, in order to cover costs and exploit stupid rich people, charge extortionate prices (to $500 a kilo) for their 'tea'. God help me! There's an accompanying picture of two girls holding cups (I say cups, but they're really small glass containers) of some exotic, brewed in the deep South American jungle, 'high end' tea.
I'm not sure where to go with this. But I know there's fun to be had with it so stay tuned.

Kids literacy problems are in the news again - so what else is new? This time it's the father's fault. A small sidebar deals with 'our'kids' (Christ, I DETEST that term) being anxious, depressed and notably - obese (which would facilitate the former).
Boo-hoo, our poor wittle kiddies! Let's sooth their sorrowed brows. Aaargh!

Oh, wait - missed a bit. Page 31. Poor people who keep racking up fines for fare evasion on trains etc. are being 'let off' simply because they have no means of paying. Great, one might think, it's mostly revenue collection anyway. Until one sees the accompanying picture - of a woman with SEVEN, that's right, seven, kids. It's no bloody wonder you can't pay your way, love. And it brings me back to my oft repeated assertion. Who, in the name of Jehovah, needs seven bloody kids? Unless they're intention is to live of the state on the benefits that 7 children receive. My f**kin money - that I bust my balls to earn, just being handed out to whatever baby-machine sticks her graspin hand out JESUS!!!

That's about it from the Daily Rag

I'll conclude with a reminder that the little girl, Maddy, still has yet to be located. If you're a believer and you pray, I'd suggest you get to it! And while you pray for the little one's salvation from this horror, also pray for the eternal damnation of the MF who did this. I wonder would Jesus himself forgive.

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