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Sunday, May 06, 2007

Scanning through another paper, I came across this article:

It concerns primary school kids' ballooning weight and the creation of a new size. Get this - it used to be s/m/l/xl and somethimes xxl, now it has spiked to an enormous xxxxxl (man, I had to chech the report again, thinking I'd added one too many ex's - but no, unbelieveably, that's the correct amount!)

That equates to a massive 122cm chest and 130 cm waist - an INcredible 52 inches). A 52inch waist on an adult MAN would be considered quite large. We're talking about school children here.

And that's added to the bigger seats required on all forms of public transport, and the larger ambulances and helicopters to carry the Fatties to and from their hospitals where they attempt to fight their gluttonous and sloth-like ways.

Simple extrapolation paints a worrying future for us as a species.

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