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Friday, May 11, 2007

Well, you pissheads should be worried. In an effort to curb the rising alcohol related violence, public bars in Newcastle (2HRS North of Sydney) have banned high alcohol drinks such as tequila etc. And you will no longer be able to buy double shots of anything.

People in their 30's have been ringing radio stations declaring their horror at this imposition on their freedom of choice. And I can sympathize with that - it is a typical reponse to most problems nowdays. Just stamp on it and set the bar to catch the lowest denominator and to hell with those who are responsible.

It's exactly the same approach as used when drawing up the road rules handbook. Such rules are for the complete idiot - the sort of bonehead who shouldn't be allowed out on his/her own - period, never mind in (alleged) control of a vehicle.
And the competent are treated likewise.

It's the same paradox again, on the one hand we have a society where drinking is considered a way of life, where it's considered a given that one sees 'a beer at the end of the day' as an obligation almost (then they'll go on to cite Slim Dusty or someone equally high-esteemed as the typical hard working 'sup at the end of the day' type of Aussie); on the other, new legislation controlling just HOW much we're allowed to drink.

There is a certain type of young men who when full of drink quickly resort to violence. It has always been that way and banning double shots isn't going to stop drunkeness. For a start, how do you stop someone ordering 2 singles and downing them one after another? Or tipping them into the same glass? Or slamming an extra 5 pints down?
Just another desperate grasp of thin air from a society bereft of any real answer.

Anyway, at least they're...(you know what comes next)

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