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Monday, May 07, 2007

There was a story late last week concerning a woman and her raucous child in a charity shop. Apparently the woman was asked to leave because the racket from the wailing child was disturbing the patrons.

So she left - and seemingly called a radio station almost direct to sound off her story in the hope of sympathy.

And it worked. The show host couldn't have been more sympathetic and berated, on national radio, those who would voice a complaint about this lady and her child.

But let's just consider this for a moment. There are few things more ear-shattering than a wailing baby and I for one am right with the other shoppers who thought it selfish that the woman stayed for - AN HOUR - while the child wailed on and on.

Is it asking to much to have a little peace while we shop? I don't think so.

And let me put it this way - if one was in the same shop and had, say, a small dog - a Jack Russel maybe, that was 'yipping' constantly, how long do you think THAT particular woman would bear the racket before complaining with much vehemence? Not long at all, I'd hazard a guess!

This woman stayed in the shop in question for an hour - the whole time the kid was going off. Didn't she think that just maybe, it would be irritating for others? Didn't she once think maybe she should leave, settle her kid, and then return when all was quiet?

No, she didn't. Apparently this woman believes she has the right by virtue of having a 'golden child', to just impose such shattering noise on anyone and everyone.

But that's life and the whole 'we've got to look after the children' mentality. Look, it's like this - if I happen to be out at a shop or restaurant or wherever, I don't think it's too much to ask ro not have a wailing kid giving me a sore head. I don't impose my life on you - I thank you to extend me the same courtesy.

Much as with a dog, if you can't control your brat, leave it at home, or make other arrangements. I didn't put a gun to you head to get knocked up. And if you can't manage your child without forcing its out of control behaviour on others - DON'T BLOODY HAVE ONE!!!

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