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Sunday, May 20, 2007

Further to my previous post regarding underage drinking and the 'drink parties' in parks, the head of a drug hotline has warned that there will be an 'epidemic' of alcoholics in the next decade unless measures are taken immediately to curb the rise of such.

This report is on page 39; avert one's eyes just a degree or so to page38, and one's faced with a FULL page advertisement for guess what? That's right - piss. All sorts of it, all being offered at low prices. Wine, beer, vodka, whiskey, bourbon - it goes on and on. And they wonder why they have a drink problem.

The old Australian paradox again. Drinking as an almost rite of passage against society's attempts to reduce the prevalence of alcohol fuelled incidents.

Hey, good luck with THAT one!

And as you may be expecting, at least they're...Heh heh

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