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Sunday, May 06, 2007

Gun crime's up in the city of Sydney again.

I'm not really sure what to say to that. I could I suppose, complain about there not being enough police on the beat (I think there are enough - however the majority seem to be sitting at the sides of roads with their hair dryers or slowly cruising the highways like sharks looking for prey), and I could accuse the Pollies of mismanagement (of which they are unquestionably guilty, but hey - fair's fair, with one's nose in the trough, one can't be expected to keep an eye on things!)

But unfortunately it's a problem not easily fixed and it began with the invention of the firearm. That there are almost as many weapons as people in the civilized world, is the guarantee that they will continue to be used illegally in robberies and assaults.

I have always said to those espousing man's greatness at inventing benign weapons in the fight against illness - we also invented the gun!

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