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Saturday, May 19, 2007

Funny story, this time involving Scoob, one of my boys.

I was sitting in my lounge this morning with the boys when all of a sudden they heard something. Must have been with their super duper hearing cause I didn't hear a thing. Nevertheless, THEY did, and reacted as they normally do - with an explosion of activity. Mutley headed for the front door to investigate and Scoob, knowing there was little chance of fitting beside his brother at the front door, immediately leapt for the bay window for his prime seat.

These windows have the obligatory 'seat'; storage space underneath with an MDF sheet covering. MDF for those not in the know, is very smooth therefore slippery. Scoob, apparently, is one such dog and as he landed on the foam covering with his front legs, they completely left him, sending him into a sprawl.

Funny enough in itself but there's more; his rear left leg missed the seat completely, instead stretching down the side of the wall leaving the dog virtually spreadeagled half on half off the window seat.

It's just as well the big fella had been neutered, coz he'd be very sore now if they'd still been there!

Man, I tell ye, I laughed so hard.

Dogs! Loyal, friendly, courageous - and wholly entertaining at times. Ho ho.


mutters said...

Thanks for stoppin by, Missy. Hope you enjoyed your stay.

Yeah, poooor Scoob - the butt of my jokes, heh heh. He's right here beside me. Seems to have recovered okay. Lyin on his back, legs akimbo, proudly displaying his nob. Attaboy, Scoob, don't you hold back. Lol.

The bike pic? It's a beaut isn't it. Let me tell ye, Missy - there is nothin on God's green earth to compare to it. Words can't do it justice. There's a post entitled Temple 100 with which I try.

mutters said...

I'll leave it here for ye, Missy.

mutters said...

Missy. Scroll down to blog archive and select Temple100. Easy. Actually, there's a few good articles on that page.



mutters said...

oops, sorry - select 2006 first.

mutters said...

Hey Missy, did you ever read the Temple 100 article?

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