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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Today was just like any other day really - doin m'thing, listenin to the radio as the fodder ring in to air their views. Thrilling stuff!

The program started off with a segment on child abuse, and as is the normal reaction, it was unsurprisingly disturbing.

This led to a mother calling in to describe how her 16 year old son's female school teacher had 'abused' him. Also known as, 'having a sexual relationship with', in deference to the fact that it's only barely abuse and only within the terms of the law.

My first thought was - lucky, lucky bastard!!

And it reminded me of the case some time ago in America when the pretty blonde teacher was jailed for having a sexual relationship with one of her students - a 16 year old also.

Maybe the young lad was warned not to showboat under the threat of some kind of prosecution or some other such order, and that's why he remained quiet and silent throughout but let me tell you something, on the sly - he was 'high-fiving' every one of his (jealous) peers. "Heyyyy, look what I was nailin".

When you're 16, bedding an older woman is the thing fantasies are made of.

Now if this was inverted and it was a male teacher with a female student, then all hell'd break loose as he would be classed almost a peadophile. And nobody would have a problem with that; it just illustrates a point I've been attempting to convince women of for years.

Fundamentally, the male is seen as the aggressor. And the female, slightly subservient - passive even. This is, always has been and always will be, the fundamental difference between the sexes.

I didn't make it like that - it just is.

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