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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Well ladies, get the bras off and throw them in the fire. Stand atop that mountain and scream at the top of your voices, "I AM WOMAN, HEAR ME ROAR".

Because it turns out, ,an Australian poll just released says 60% of MEN agree with the claim that women are 'tougher' when they are sick; that men by comparison revert to babies.
It further claimed that while men would expect to be looked after by their mummies, oops, I mean wives/girlfriends, the mighty woman would perservere and carry on regardless.

The radio talkshow host who made this revelation, a Steve Price, known for his tiny-ness, objected half-heartedly in the way men have become prone to doing. His guest, Ms Chris Bath, a TV newsreader, replied in a nicely condescending way. I could almost hear her pat the wee man on the head with a calming "there, there, baby, it's alright".

I switched the radio off after that as the male of the species was castrated a little more.

And this isn't chauvinism or anti-feminism; I know strong women, many of them and frankly I don't put much stock in such statistical information. It's really an individual thing, I think. I, for example don't whine when I'm sick - just see it a an excuse to spend the day on the sofa under a blanket, looking after myself. Or, more often, I'll biff some drugs into me and ignore it.

But this weak and pathetic modern man?

Thank GOD I'm not one of them!


Unknown said...

Ever since Adam and Eve some men think they are the stronger sex.

They haven't changed.

They still keep their brains in their trousers!!!
Men can only think of one thing at a time(no reference to the previous sentence by the way.

Women have to be adept at -----

mutters said...

Men are the stronger sex, G - physically - that's a matter of physiology. The fact that men do 'keep their brains in their trousers' is the result of that irresistable motivator, testosterone. A chemical women don't have and the fundamental (however slight) difference that gives the male the edge.
In all other areas I would consider the two equal.

Men are permitted to weep - by themselves.
There are never permitted to openly blub - especially in front of other men.
A man showing open affection for another isn't strong, M - it's gay!

For example, I'm a very sensitive man (with body hair, scars, unplucked eyebrows and no face cream!) and I'm in touch with my feminine side.
But I'll have my eyes poked out with a stick before I openly show it to other men (unless of course we're talkin about the dreaded metrosexual Hoho - in which case I'd be concerned he may try to jump me).