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Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Another funny for you.

If you want to have fun with people when they ask directions?

"Excuse me, could you tell me where such and such is?" the lost person asks. You then proceed as follows:

Okay, see that street there, you go down it to the end, take a left, drive onto the next roundabout...proceed to explain various lefts and rights with certain points along the way. All the while the unfortunate 'victim' is struggling to keep all these details so he won't get lost.

Finish with - "okay, y'got that?"

The man will reply with a nevous yes or I think so.

You then reply - "Well, it's nowhere near there".

Hoho, or should that be heh heh.


Anonymous said...

I always new you were a prankster boyo!!!! Shame on you if you have done this lol.


mutters said...

Hohoho - it's a whopper. Y'wanna see the face on them when I do it.

It's okay, Missy, I give them the correct directions afterwards.

morgetron said...

As someone who just spent five days relying on directions from strangers with thick accents, I'm not laughing.

Okay ... yes I am. That is funny ... just don't do it to me.

mutters said...

Don't ask me directions then lol.