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Monday, May 07, 2007

And in another screaming example of the degradation of the English language, and similar to the 'vor' pronuciation of 'voir', the latest offering from the dull, lazy, and ignorant is, wait for it...amb-bul-ance.

Yep, the articulation of the 'u' (phonetically, 'ewe') has been reduced to the rather brutish and mongol-like 'uh'. So amb-uh-lance. The same way Americans now refer to the big cat as a 'pooma' instead of 'pyooma'.

Is it just me? Tell me it isn't - please. This dull-witted utterance I heard on national bloody radio from someone who really SHOULD know better - a newsreader for God's sake!

Far out! I mean, far FAR out!!

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