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Saturday, June 16, 2007


A recent report from Australia claims there is child sexual abuse in every aboriginal community in the Northern Territories of Australia.
Lack of education and easy access to alcohol are held as the main reasons.

Okay, I'm not afraid to say it - most are, but then most are weak.
These indiginents live like animals. They are a hybrid race, caught in the netherworld between living in caves and civilization. They live in buildings, they appear to do laundry even (I'm certain only the females do though) and they aimlessly wander around the dirt roads in the community. So in much they are alike to any unemployed people with nothing to do with their time.
And like some, they abuse alcohol, and if that can't be obtained, then the sniffing of petrol.

However, what differentiates them from the common or garden bludger (to use the Australian vernacular) is that they sell their children to others for their habits; they prostitute them out for petrol they can sniff. Reports tell of 10 year old boys being passed around groups of up to 10 men as they abuse and rape. Five year olds with std's. Children being forced to watch pornagraphic films the made to act them out on each other.
Don't fucking tell me they don't live like animals.

And yet, there are successful members of this community; Aboringinees who have assimilated well with civiliztion - indeed, excelled in such. Think, Cathy Freeman, the olympian; Anthony 'the man' Mundine, the ex-rugby league star, now turned successful boxer; Ernie Dingo, the television presenter. There are many other examples of such success. Men and women who have become members of society and who contribute.

But those who choose to live as their ancestors did - off the land and separated from mainstream society are obssessed with 'their land' and feel like the white man somehow, having 'stolen' said land, owes them a living.
Look pal, lose the face paint and jungle clothing, get your hair cut and tidy yourself up, then join society and get screwed over like the rest of us but while you continue to dance around like a wild tribe and bugger your children for a sniff of petrol you will never be able to assimilate.

If you choose to live 'a la natural' as it were - then fine, I have no problem with that and in fact, I would probably have more interest in your kind if you stuck to that way, but when you get into the firewater (with all it's ramifications) provided by my tax dollars that's where I draw the line.

A proud race they may once have been. Now they're just more victims of...themselves.


Deirdre said...

Hi M, i caught this story on my news today, albeit not explained as well as you have done here. Very sad M. We have the same types of problelms going on here with some of Canada's native Indians. Deirdre.

mutters said...

Yeah, D, all indigeonents have been treated the same way by the white man but one has to get over it - in the most recent cases (Red Indians/Aboriginees) it was three centuries ago. The world has changed whether they like it or not.

Deirdre said...

I wonder if we would get over it, it they took over and we had to live as they do. lol Deirdre

mutters said...

Hey D, how's my fav Canuck? Ribs healed up okay?

Sit down, my friend. Prepare yourself for an essential truth.

They're a race of the past, D, and just like your (almost) Red Indian, they were conquered and cast aside by the white man.
Primal races were never any match for 'civilization'.
What do you want to do, D, Give Australia back to them? Don't know if you read the previous posts on this, but fundamentally it says, we can't mix the primal and civilization. So what to do with 20 million people?

Moreover, depending on how this Middle East thing plays out, the white man's reign may well come to an end as hard as that may be to believe, then it could very well be the turn of the brown or yellow man.

And the essential truth...?

It happened, this is the result - period. It is (or was in those days at least) man's nature to explore and conquer - and peoples got trampled. Course it's distasteful, but...y'know...atrocities and is what it is.

Over to you, D. You think they have a valid umbrage?

P.S. We all get screwed over, D, by the man - in ways of which we're not even aware at times!