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Friday, June 15, 2007


Ho ho - listen to this:

A new law has been passed in the state of Louisiana in the US. It concerns those who wear those baggy pants that ride so low one can see the underwear.

And right enough, the mere sight of such youths normally fills me with the desire to hand out a slap with an additional "get a hold of yourself, idiot". Course, if I did that I'd be sued!
It's funny too, the level of disrespect in the wearer of such 'pants' seems to directly correlate with the amount of 'bagginess'.

I have an amendment to the law. How about this? Anyone who shows their underwear has no recourse when I give them a 'grundy' (grundy's an Irish word that describes the act of pulling someone's underwear up from the waistband - the intention being to get said undies over the wearer's head and provide some discomfort as the material tries to work its way up their arse).

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