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Sunday, June 24, 2007


It HAS been some time right enough, since the anti-smoking lobby raised their nauseating heads. Obesity being the runaway train that it has become, I thought (hoped?) once it surpassed the weed as the costliest habit to society, it would remain so because over-eating is even harder to quit than smoking.

And the pissheads have been getting it lately too with all their debaucherous (sometimes downright criminal) behaviour. That's not going to stop either - especially here in Oz, where as I've said before, is almost a rite of passage.

But no, it appears obesity and public drunkeness aren't enough for the critical eyes of the holier than thou set.
Like the accusation coming full circle it's once again time for the maligned smoker to get another serve of condescending sanctimony. When he's told once again that, "those nasty cigarettes are bad for you, don't you know that?"

Cue the plethora of stats and figures from around the world of how various countries are stamping down on the filthy habit - not just indoors but ANYWHERE public. After the lepers are forced outside they now get more abuse from those who claim to be upset by the 'clouds of smoke' that hover above the shivering smokers.

And in an indication of how it really IS a woman's world (at Joe Public level), the adjoining picture is of three cigarette butts in an ashtray with the telltale bright pink lipstick smears on the filters. The whole article is aimed at the females, because the average weak-willed man (pun) only smokes now if he has permission from the Lady and Mistress.

Think I'll have a smoke - it's a shame they can't see the finger I'm holding up!


mutters said...

Oh I do, Missy, be under no misunderstanding, I'm a very proud smoker but frankly it goes way beyond the humble rollie.
The interference in my life is what really shits me. And the whole passive smoking/smoke free public areas thing being used to slowly force a section of society into corner is deeply offensive.

In the piece written, there was not one mention from a smoker who was happy with their habit; there was mention from A smoker, but she showed the correct level of contrition with a self-flagellating attitude (bad girl! bad girl!). This one-sided lack of debate renders the piece nothing more than mere anti smoking propoganda.

Ask me, arsehole, I'll explain the attraction. Least you'll then have a fair article!

Head Cookie said...

Hey there Mutters I sure do miss you.

mutters said...

Hey back, Jadey, 've been waitin for ye. How've y'been, mate?

mutters said...

Weakness, Missy - the reluctance, nay, downright fear, to stand by one's words is another pet hate of mine.
If you're not prepared to stand by your words - then shut the fuck up!
(The collective 'you', Missy so there's no misunderstanding) :)

Darlin_Jo said...

Mutters...I completely agree with you my dear. In Arizona the law just passed banning smoking in any public establishment within 20' of an entrance. So instead of being able to relax at a bar, enjoy your drink and a smoke you are banished to stand outside in 120 degree heat to smoke.

I have a light of hope though...the owner of my little local waterin hole has proudly proclaimed that if her customers want to smoke, then smoke they shall!! She charges $3 for an ashtray and that is put into a fund that is used to pay people's tickets and her fine if the cops do happen to stroll through. Genius I though and I gladly hand over my $3 when I get there.


mutters said...

It all starts in America, Darlin; the rot started there too (no offence to you personally or any of my American visitors whom I've come to grow rather fond of thank you very much!)

Word is in LA, that one isn't allowed to smoke within (x amount -don't really care what the figure is) of metres of a bus stop.

And there's talk in Oz of banning smoking in one's own car - they went on to add "when children are inside", I suspect because of people like me who are of the opinion "y'can get fucked, pal, if y'think y'can stop ME smoking in MY car". Like his home, a man's car is also his castle.

I've news for ye - never mind anyone else, I as a smoker, am being discriminated against to the extreme. Imagine ANY other group being treated this way. Then imagine the outrage (in the US, followed by lawsuits).

It's all connected to the bigger picture of a society unravelling, whilst its rulers desperately clutch at straws in an attempt to arrest the decay.

That's it in a nutshell, matey.