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Monday, June 11, 2007


The little girl snatched from the Portugese seaside town has still yet to be found. The McCanns, during their tour of Europe to raise awareness of the child's abduction have been shocked to hear from a German journalist that they themselves may be suspects.

That's quite an accusation - though...the McCanns do seem to be reacting to this in a very controlled way. From day one they've appeared to be stoic, perhaps not what one would expect from a family whose four year old daughter had been snatched.

The general concensus is that she's been abducted by a professional paedophile gang. What can I say to that - what can anyone say?

It beggars the mind that such people exist.


morgetron said...

Who is to say what parents SHOULD act like if their child is snatched? I can't imagine how I would act, and by the grace of God, I hopefully never will know, but I sure as hell wouldn't want some journalist or anyone for that matter telling me how I should or should not act.

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view – until you climb into his skin and walk around in it." - Atticus Finch from *To Kill a Mockinbird* by Harper Lee

mutters said...

You're right of course - how could anyone know how it feels unless they've suffered the same fate. It's just they seem to be handling it almost clincally - emotionless. But that could be just the reaction of an educated mind.

Some woman in Helium came out with the classic "have to go through me" to which I replied - lemme tell ye somethin love - if I want to snatch your kid I will. And there's nothing short of you havin your kid tied to you 24/7 that's goin to stop me. And even then...

This wasn't a crime of opportunity - these people had watched and planned.

Just hope and pray it never happens to you.

morgetron said...

I do pray for my children's safety every single day ... In this world ... praying is one of the most important things a parent can do, in my opinion.

mutters said...

Yep Missy, I agree wholeheartedly - except that won't happen cause some prick'll come out with "oh no, human life is sacrosanct - we can't take a human life"
What about Maddie's life - who's gonna stand up and defend that? I despair at the level to which so called civilized man will stoop. When they're caught (if ever) send them to me - I'll kill them - and won't lose a second's sleep over it, nor will I hesitate.

We all pray it'll never happen to our children but what use prayer. I've no doubt the McCanns have spent the last months on their knees - even going as far as visiting the Pope. Hasn't helped. My heart aches for that little girl and the horror she must be facing - I can only hope her young age prevents her understanding the true nature of her predictament but oh how she must be missing her mother and father.
As has been voiced by many - why doesn't God step in?

morgetron said...

It's hard to say.

mutters said...

Well - have a go. Blind faith's cold comfort for Maddie. I'm sure she's wondering why He's forsaken her

morgetron said...

I don't have blind faith. I question my faith constantly. Some times on a minute-by-minute basis. But that doesn't stop me from praying. I do have faith that there's something bigger than me out there, but I did not come by that faith blindly. I have seen proof with my own eyes.

mutters said...

Own eyes eh? Do tell!

morgetron said...

Will do when I have more time. It will be in the form of a post on my blog. I'll let you know.