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Thursday, June 07, 2007


Usually, I'd be inclined to start such a piece with "Only in America" and while this does fit in the realm of people with too much money, I find myself thinking at the same time that it's not actually a bad idea.

One of the more endearing of our qualities is the way we can treat our animals. These camps are like summer camps for dogs. A place where they can run and skip and jump and just have a rare old time. I know when I see my dogs running, skipping etc. it never fails to raise a smile to my face. The therapeutic benefits are well known so it would seem the benefits aren't just for dogs.

The guests get to run through tubes and jump over fences; jump into pools of water and the in-out pole exercise. All great fun.
They even get the chance to dance with their owners. This I find a little strange though. A sure way to get yourself locked up is to go to a local park at begin waltzing your dog around the place.

I wonder what my two would make of it however. They have an attention span of a gnat and would be more inclined to chew things rather than jump over them.


KB said...

I can't get the image of you and the boys waltzing around together out of my head. I'd pay money to see that Mutters. Do you think they'd sell tickets? Dances With Wolves - The sequel.


mutters said...

Hoho - that's for my eyes only, KB, (and those of my physciatrist).

morgetron said...

I have a friend who takes her dog to doggie daycare twice a week, even though her boyfriend is home all day. She says she wants to socialize her pooch. The boyfriend also cooks fresh meat and vegetables for the dog every night ... and they pretend to eat first so they can maintain alpha dog status in the "pack." Then the boyfriend feeds the dog off of a fork. I shit you not. I love my dog, and they clearly love theirs too, but we apparently have taken different routes in how to show affection to our animals. Cant' wait to hear your thoughts on this Mutt.

mutters said...

Well, for a start, cooked meat and vegetables as the norm aren't good for a dog's constitution - they eat raw meat and no veg.

My boys are my family - period and as such are treated like so. On the furniture, bed, wherever.

But to pay to take them to a doggy social club - well, that's for people with money. Hoho - mine are happy just being in an open space where they can chase things.

morgetron said...

Edgar has a permanent spot in the bed as well. The only thing we don't let him do is sit in a chair at the table with us when we do eat, but even then, he's close at hand.

morgetron said...

Edgar has a permanent spot in the bed as well. The only thing we don't let him do is sit in a chair at the table with us when we do eat, but even then, he's close at hand.

mutters said...

Is there an echo in here? lol.

When I eat, so do my boys. A wee snack so they feel like part of it. All this 'keep them outside' nonsense? If it's a pet and not an actual wotking dog then it belongs inside.

morgetron said...

Definitely. I know someone who has two beautiful labs who never come inside ... ever. They are completely out of control too -- unsocialized, jumpy, attention-starved beasts. Poor girls. It doesn't take much to get a pet license, does it? In Nebraska as long as you provide shelter, food, water, and vet care, you can be a proud pet owner. What's the use of an outdoor dog? I've never understood that.

I know someone else who used to be a firm, "a dog belongs outside" believer. Then the dog got sick and she let him inside for the week or so it took to get him well. Sure enough, he's been an indoor dog ever since. He's happier, obviously, but the family is reaping the benefits of having another family member as well. Luckily he only suffered the hardships of an outdoor dog for the first couple years of his life. He's lived an awesome 13 years now inside. My friend now regrets those two years that her dog was outside. She said, "My dad always had an outdoor hunting dog, so I thought that was how you raised a dog. I'm so sorry that I did that."

Anyway ... Edgar says hi. He's waving his paw at you as we speak.

mutters said...

My girlfriend's mother had a dog she kept outside all the time. On the few occasions she let it in the wee dog was so excited to be included in things it went absolutely apeshit and the mother was "oh no, I can't handle this dog goin off that that".

Tried telling the dopey bint that if she let it in more often it would calm down. As per usual she didn't listen to me (no-one ever does - story of my life hoho).

If I was in charge I wouldn't let some people have animals, frankly - especially man's best friend.
There's a few posts on this subject.
Anyway, Mutley and Scoob say hi (while givin me the evil eye cause they want to go out hoho).

Deirdre said...

Waltzing with collies, sounds completely normal to me my dear m. ready one two three four, and again. lol deirdre

mutters said...

"Waltzing with Collies"? Is that the sequel to dancing with wolves? Hoho