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Wednesday, June 06, 2007

More Brownshirt arbitration

Meantime I shall continue with my searing observations here while I build my mighty empire.

Well, I see the Nazis at the uncontrollable RTA have been at their insidious work once again. This time they've risen to a new level of sleakedness.

"Secret RTA speed vans" the paper's headline announces. Around the state of NSW, unmarked vans will target unsuspecting speeding motorists. Sneaky, sneaky bastards!

So sneaky and considered underhand it is, that in Victoria where it's been in place for some time, some of the operators of the hidden cameras have been attacked by irate motorists.

If I'm to be objective (which I like to think I am), this is actually a very efficient way of reducing speeding right enough. If one thinks there may be a camera van around every corner, one is more likely to behave. It worked for me - I drive around like a sloth!

However it won't work for everyone because speeding is like sex - people can't not do it. From the judge down to the lowly camera technician and everyone in between - they all speed so regardless of how the powers that be may claim the benign 'saving of life' justification, the simple fact is that it's all driven by money. And the hypocritical.
Which is bordering on unconstitutional almost and a violation of yet another right, frankly.

And there is one simple truth that will ensure the application of such measures. Look at the figures.

Revenue from speeding fines last year:

NSW---$33.4 million
VIC---$81 million

Yeah right, like that carrot isn't going to be snatched!


mutters said...

It's about 5 bucks a gallon here - what you say is right re fuel consumption.

Ther's a phrase the nazis here use often - "there's no such thing as safe speeding". Bollocks - I sped around like a bullet from a gun all the time during my youth - I'm still here -kinda blows their theory out of the water.

mutters said...

Yep - and I'm neither. An expert am I - BRING ROSSI TO ME!!!