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Sunday, June 03, 2007


Ha ha - remember the whole 'donor game show' thing? Turns out it was an elaborate hoax.

Ho ho - suckers! (That includes moi - I believed it too!)


KB said...

Yikes, I fell for it too. Another publicity stunt to make money no doubt. Arrrgggg. What's happening to the world M!!!!!!

mutters said...

I think it was probably to highlight the falling rates of donors in Holland.
Actually, they did say that - I assumed it was just to justify it but maybe that's all it was. It's hard to see how they'd make money from it - it would cost some to even nearly produce what was shown. Hmmm...

KB said...

It would do probably do both, raise awareness and make money for the network from the publicity.


mutters said...

Yeah, I suppose someone, SOMEwhere would be makin out of it...

Unknown said...

As a hoax -- it was not very funny.

Perhaps someone who really needed this organ was hoping that this might be the answer.
It's like hoax calls to the ambulance or fire service --- while the hoax is being attended to,someone could die because of it.
I can't say I appreciate that warped sense of humour.

morgetron said...

This was quite a way to get attention, but they've got it now!

mutters said...

Y'know - that's a fair point, G, false hope is VERY distressing.

It IS like a hoax call right enough. Suppose it needs to be weighed against how much awareness is that's their claimed motivation.
Raises the issue of obligatory donation and all THAT entails.


Well, at least here! hoho...