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Thursday, June 14, 2007


Yep, it's happened again.

Except this time a woman was found dead in her home after being attacked by her own dogs. Apparently she had a large number of them - it's not said how many, only that 11 of them have been impounded, so we can assume more than 11.
And it also transpires that many of the animals were cross breeds which is always a risk.

Look, when are people going to learn that dogs, no matter how domesticated, are ultimately ruled by nature. True, we can train the majority of it out of them but there will always remain a part of any animal (including human by the way) that's determined by a genetic, almost primal natural response.

Dogs in that amount are considered a pack and pack animals do what nature tells them. It's unfortunate but who in their right mind has 11 dogs in a normal sized house? I have 2 and even only 2 demonstrate a viciousness on occasion. No-one short of superman would be able to control 11 dogs once they get the taste of agression.

And surprise surprise, the 11 were destroyed.


mutters said...

Look, I love dogs but I would never consider having 11+ of them. This woman, as unfotunate as her death is (to those emotionally involved - doesn't bother me at all) has a responsibility for this herself. I have written of this often - that being that animals - all animals - are driven by nature no matter how much we try to train it out of them.

And to keep them in such a confined space...?

Was just a matter of time!

morgetron said...

My husband runs into animal collectors in his line of work ... it's usually cats though.

Please explain your comment on cross breeds.

mutters said...

Certainly Morgy.

When we cross breeds, we don't just cross the colour, or hair length or snout size etc - we cross the animal in its entirety.
This includes the personality traits.
A split personality in an animal is no less unpredictable as that of a human.

The dog doesn't know; the dog just does, period. Remember my oft quoted 'nature' motivation?
WE, however, SHOULD!

Could come under the heading of 'fuckin with nature' actually.

Good enough? I've more if y'want it :))

morgetron said...

I have a mutt and he's smarter than sin.

All "breeds" started out as "crossbreeds" if you really think about it.

So, to clarify -- correct me if I'm wrong (I probably don't have to tell you that) -- we should only breed dogs of similar personality traits? I'm confused.

Besides, we shouldn't be breeding dogs at all, at this point in time because there are too many unwanted dogs to begins with. We should be adopting existing dogs instead of making more!