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Friday, June 15, 2007


The Palestinians are at it again.

The Hamas and Fatah factions are fighting hard for control of the Gaza Strip in Palestine. Actually, to be more accurate, Hamas is over-running anything Fatah occupied in the whole of the Gaza strip and before too long will occupy all of the strip, the poorest piece of real estate in the region. What they'll do with it seems to be anyone's guess.

But as Hamas are Islamists, it's another sign of the growing power of Al Qaeda throughout the world. The Hizbollah faction in Lebanon are also becoming ever stronger, still launching attacks periodically into Israel. This on top of Israel's intelligence service warning of a 'summer' offensive brewing from its neighbour, Syria.
Meanwhile Iran quietly and determinedly continues its uranium enrichment program in violation of the UN's instruction to cease and desist.

So you have this land of violence, it inhabitants fighting furiously against one another like as many rabid dogs. And the Allies stick their hand right in between in order to separate the opponents. Are any of us surprised when that hand gets bitten?

America, if not worried, SHOULD be; this is an enemy the like of which the world has never seen, and it's more than a match for any one country and despite her envoys travelling the globe in seek of support as Cheney did recently in Australia when he spoke of America's appreciation (whilst knowing at best it was only moral), the USA is the Islamists prime target.
Whether it's because America symbolizes all that's wrong with the west or that her collapse will shake, and reshape even, the world, only they know.
But they're very involvement in the propaganda side of warfare adds another dimension to their strength - and they have a lot of support.

And in a benign move inspired by their victory against Fatah, Hamas has offered to work with the opposing government to ease future problems. They have also publicly announced that no-one is to kidnap foreign journalists as they are only there to help them. More propoganda which is already gaining a lot of support

To this add America's image of being...let's say not squeaky clean, and you have a balance of support that teeters.
Furthermore, the one thing Al Qaeda has in their favour and America HASN'T as every day another soldier dies, is time. Islam has existed for centuries, and has fought with its enemies for virtually the entire time; as a protagonist in a war of attrition, with a seemingly indefatigueable army of volunteers, they very much have time on their side and are prepared to forward any amount of martyrs to achieve the goal.

And when America collapses it will rock the world to its core. Upheavel won't do what follows justice as nations fight for the scraps of this once mighty nation. The rich will have left long before; only the poor will remain, nomads in a dead land.

China is most probably the nation who'll take over. And although China is less encumbered by the same ridiculous political correctness as the US is, and therefore more likely to stomp on at least some rights, they still won't be powerful enough alone to withstand the onslaught of an inspired by victory Islamic force.

And then it might actually affect me directly as the Islamists force THEIR way of life onto me.

Nothing ever changes

1 comment:

Deirdre said...

Hey M. maybe they should send you and i over to route out the evil doers. Hamas and Hezbollah, there has to be a way to knock sense in to those evil crazy bastards. Deirdre.