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Saturday, June 30, 2007


Al Gore is still riding his self-professed wave of importance. He has been urging millions of "Live Earth" (the mega-concert styled on the 80's Live Aid one) concert-goers to commit to the "7 point Call to Action" to arrest climate change.

It goes like this:

(Actually, I was going to write it out but it's too long and predominately nonsense so I'll just bring your attention the points that illustrate Gore's hypocrisy).

Point 2:
To take personal action to help solve the climate crisis by reducing my own CO2 pollution".
Does this mean, Mr Gore, that you're going to cease and desist flying all over the globe on your personal crusade in the world's most pollutive form of transport?

Point 4: (excerpt)
"To work for a dramatic increase in the energy efficiency of my home..." Would this be the home, Mr Gore, that uses as much energy in ONE MONTH as the average Americans' does in ONE YEAR?"

This man is dangerous and he should be ignored.

For the record (and for the last time):

Whilst there is AN effect on the atmosphere by human life, the actual effect is so insignificant as to render the eradication of such effect (at a small nation-bankrupting cost) almost pointless.

He's making fools out of you lot; sitting in his extremely environmentally UNfriendly home after returning from his air polluting jet-setting travels, he's laughing all the way to the bank!


Deirdre said...

Hey M, I am no fan of the deceitful Al Gore, and may an unending case of painful shingles infest him. ho,ho,. And M maybe you should visit me or perhaps write mate. Deirdre.

mutters said...

Hey, it's your turn, D - I sent the last one (not counting these ones, but I've been away).

Give me your blog addy and I'll be right there.