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Sunday, June 24, 2007


Further to the short report on the atrocious slaughter of the elephants, it got me too thinking about the type of man who'd commit such an act of annihilation.

I wondered if they could feel, these men whose only raison d'etre was killing - man or beast. I wondered if any uplifting thoughts ever entered their minds or if they were, were they chased away like intruders?
Were they unable to feel anything of that nature anymore, so used to the violence their hearts had become?
Or is it an indication of something more sinister; a blackness of heart that has existed since birth. Perhaps they pulled the wings off flys as children. Maybe it was pre-ordained by a bigger power that they would find their way to violence. Who knows.

Mental "experts" will (and do) line up to offer their considered opinion, each claiming to be the one 'holding the water' as it were. The truth is no-one can accurately and with any semblance of proof explain why certain men do certain things.
But it's a simple fact that such men exist. It's a fundamental truth and it will always be.

At least the men they undoubtedly kill (based on the no smoke without fire theory), must have been prepared for such an end being as they were, involved in that way of life. In a sense, these men fight other similarly armed men and so is, while understandably disagreeable to some, just another conflict.
But to decimate animals as they did, just for the tusks and the reward they provide, takes their brutality to a whole new level and makes one wonder, surely, if these men ever have ANY feelings of anything other than terror and killing.
And if they're prepared to live this way then they surely must have entertained the fact that they'll most likely die that way too.

I'D sure like to wield THAT power!


KB said...

People like that don't see animals the way we do M. They think animals are put on this planet for sport and for man to take and use them as he wishes. Human beings are the real animals M.

mutters said...

It's the nature of man, KB - they say human life is above ALL else, at the sacrifice of ALL else.
And to go as far as killing for sport...? Not sure what's worse - the militia, whose motivation is provided by ultimate power, or the sport shooter who's driven by a kind of bloodlust.

Civilized? Yah!