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Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Those of you who have been visiting for a while may well have seen my post in which I discuss puting the same sort of offensive images found on tobacco products' wrappers, on alcoholic beverages and fast food wrappers.

Well, some supposed 'scholar' has chirped into the subject with that very suggestion and all of a sudden it's news. Don't know who it was and don't much care either, frankly as I've been saying this for months, nay years and no-one has listened.

I'll say it again - bloody put me in charge and I'll soon sort things out!


Darlin_Jo said...

Mutters, is happens to all of us. I swear I started using the term Cougar to describe women years ago but now it is famous because someone else wrote a book on it....

*puts arm around Mutters*'

Lets have a drink...


mutters said...

I'm tellin ye, Darlin, I'm light years ahead of most if not all of these 'honourable members'.

If they pull their fat snouts out of the trough for ten bloody seconds...aaaargh!

morgetron said...

I have often said that if I were Supreme Ruler of the Universe, the Universe would be perfect.

mutters said...

Haha, Morgy. God help us were that the case.

There isn't room for two supreme rulers (and I was here first just quietly heh heh).

Plus, women are much too vindictive to be fair and benign.

morgetron said...

Oh no ... Here we go again with the generalizations. I knew this peaceful existence could only last so long.

Trust me, if I were vindictive, there'd be a trail of destruction behind me. I've been crossed more than I care to admit, yet, here I am living in love.

Peace Muttars ... Peace.

PS: When the Universe made you, it didn't know about me yet. :)

mutters said...

Yeah, yeah - I am woman hear me roar. I know.

Women exist to perpetuate man. Even the good book agrees.

God made man - then needed somethin to ensure procreation, hence women.
(Cept he screwed up when he gave them mind - shoulda made them like a dog. Hoho.

Now, back to the bedroom wi ye!

That enough for ye, Morg? Heh heh.

morgetron said...

Oh there we go. That's more like it.

The Good Book, eh? Didn't know you were much of a follower. I got the impression you felt that we were living in godless times, with all of the bad bad stuff going on? So, you revert to the Good Book when convenient? Please produce the verse or verses to which you refer -- make sure to check the context, because as those of us with minds know the Good Book has been twisted time and time again to suit the needs of those quoting it. If you'd like, I'll ask my pastor tomorrow after church.

I'll address the rest of your response later. Right now I have to go darn some socks, clean a couple of toilets, bake some pies, attend a quilting circle, and give my hubby a bj. Be back soon.


mutters said...

Not so much a follower per se anymore, though I DID do a stint as a Sunday School teacher as a young man.

The reference to the good book was for your benefit as you clearly won't (or can't - I am woman hear me roar) take my word for it.

While you're quite correct in claiming the bible's teachings can be twisted to suit almost any opinion, there is no twisting the beginning...'and in the beginning God created MAN'. Pretty unambiguous. Shoulda quit while he was ahead hoho.

Don't remember any mention of bj's in the Good book either...

Bad girl!

morgetron said...

You're missing my point completely. I am not roaring. I don't think I'm better than you. I don't think women are better than men. I just think we are both important ... neither no more or less than the other. No better or worse than the other either.

Did the Good Book mention quilting or darning socks? What the hell does "darning" mean anyway?

And ... just because someone or something came first does not make it better or more worthy!

Down boy!

mutters said...

I speak from a fundamental point of view - when ALL aspects are covered. But let's not get into THAT again.

I'm sure the Bible mentions housekeeping or chores of some sort - maybe not darning exactly (mend knitted material by interweaving yarn across it - yarn is defined as spun thread) but I'm sure chores are mentioned.

We are all equal, Morgy - some are just more equal than others hoho.

morgetron said...


Hoho. Heehee. Hooohoo.

morgetron said...

RE: Comment Above

And I mean some men, some women. We all need each other. We are all vital.

PS: Why are you quoting *Animal Farm*?

mutters said...

Wasn't aware I was. What part's from Animal Farm?

morgetron said...

The Original Seven Commandments from the Animal Farm's Constitution:
1. Whatever goes on two legs is an enemy.
2. Whatever goes on four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
3. No animal shall wear clothes.
4. No animal shall sleep in a bed.
5. No animal shall drink alcohol.
6. No animal shall kill any other animal.
7. All animals are equal.

Here's the revised version of the Commandments:
1. "Four legs good, two legs better!"
2. No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets.
3. No animal shall drink alcohol to excess.
4. No animal shall kill any other animal without cause.
5. All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.

I guess I'm referring to #5 on the revised list.

morgetron said...

PS: The revised version came after the pigs and humans became indistinguishable from one another.

mutters said...


1/ Nah, 4 legs are better - and more honest of heart.

2/ My boys are never of my sheets.

3/ Well, the piss...(he spits out with disgust)

4/ Right on.

mutters said...

Jesus - hit the wrong button!

All men are born equal - they never remain that way. Society is built on inequality - and the exploitation and manipulation of the stupid.

Much like what Gore is guilty of currently.

morgetron said...

I definitely agree with your number 1.

Gotta love the four-legged ones.
