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Saturday, June 16, 2007


A procedure whereby the child is conceived 'sans coitus'.

The egg from the womb is deposited in a bank where it's held on ice until the would be parent feels the need for a child. She retrieves said egg and pops along to the local sperm bank (where the father in waiting has also previously deposited his seed) and collects her share of the goods.

Then to, I suppose, to have the components made one.

No mess, no fuss, unless of course, like in the sit-com, Will and Grace, you get the bags mixed up and try to fuse the egg with your cheese and ham sandwich.
The whole procedure is a little detached and well, one misses out on the fun part - the naked part.
Or is that to be combined with computers a la 'Demolition man' where it's all in the mind. Actually, considering the ever increasing obesity problem, it may be difficult in future to find anyone whom one would want to see naked so maybe it's forward thinking.

Still fancy the 'nailin' part though.


morgetron said...

I like the nakey part too.

I don't want any more kids, but if I did, I'd want to make them the old-fashioned way. I've never had infertility issues though.

I am Fertile Myrtle.

mutters said...

Well Missy, I fear it is more about the ability to control a thing more than the actual result. Another example of man's attempt to circumvent nature.
Someday the penny'll drop. We are no match for her.

Fertile Myrtle...hoho, all these pseudonyms.
However, I have to say, as an expert in the matter, there's more to life than great sex - white hot as a matter of fact. It' one of the 3 things at which I excel (not to blow my own trumpet). So maybe the postponement isn't necessarily a bad thing.
It has to come with risks, though.