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Monday, June 04, 2007


This urgent topic crossed the editor's desk just recently: digital insertion in the nostril area, or, in layman's terms - picking one's nose.

Now, no-one (except yours truly) will admit to taking part in this practice but I say to you readers, everyone does it. There are two types of people:- those who do and freely admit it, and everyone else (easily the majority) with the exception of one girl I knew whose nostrils were so incredibly small a childs finger could barely fit - wonder what she did to 'clean house'?

So according to research, the VAST majority of people claim not to pick. Well...

One just needs to observe whilst sitting in one's car at traffic lights to see a multitude of bored drivers indulging in the 'insertion'. The fingers tapping with impatience; the approach to the face, maybe scratching the nose first, tetsing the waters as it were; the quick sideways glance either side to ensure no audience (unaware of the average truck driver's vantage point) and then - whammo! Straight in, dig around for a bit and exit.
What is more hilarious is the surreptitious way in which they inspect the toils of their labour - usually with indifference but sometimes with pride in their achievement. And how they dispose of it. Hoho

"Not me, I don't pick my nose". Yeah right, mate, whatever you say!


KB said...

I guess there are worse things you could be caught doing in the car.

mutters said...

Y'sure y want me goin there, Missy? hoho - could get disturbing :)

Anonymous said...

(shakes head)

I use a q-tip!! Its cleaner that way!!