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Friday, June 08, 2007


There was an ad on TV today from an electronics supplier flogging off all manner of goods from plasma TVs to DVD players, stereos to GPS systems.

It spurred a memory from not long ago of a chap on the radio who was espousing with great enthusiasm the benefits of such toys, specifically the GPS.

"It has speed camera zones...amm...(he was struggling at this point to fulfil said espousement) speed cameras (he repeated)..."

Must of been the pressure of live radio threw him. He went on to tell of his wife - "it's even good for the wife, y'know, if she misses the first turn, the GPS tells her which next one to take". Ha, wait till she hears that! Hoho, chappy's in for a slap.

It got me to thinking:

For those types who cant seem to follow basic instruction AND drive a car simultaneously, there should be a second facetious prompt - sortof, "I'm sorry, which part of turn left didn't you understand?", or, "shall I speak slower?" (and for the truly vengeful, you could program the voice to launch into a complete diatribe resulting in the highly strung's temporary emotional collapse; have them pulled over boo-hooing at the side of the road at the horrid lady! hoho).

Instead of the greeting, you could have the computer remembering past disgressions such as last time you forgot your phone. "Now", it would say, "are you SURE you've got everything?", perhaps muttering under its breath "bonehead".
A GPS with attitude!

GPS indeed - I have a UBD, does that count?

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