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Sunday, June 03, 2007

I know...let's cull the roos!

Mudgee, Australia.

Where kangaroos have existed for milenia; we decide to invade with our kit homes and when the roos don't move on we simply kill them. That's it in a nutshell and another glaring example of how EVERYTHING must give way to the comfort of humankind.

Just exterminate them all! Doesn't matter that they were there first. We're here now and we don't like them in such close proximity. Get rid of them.

Vermin, they're known as. Vermin? Considering how we treat this planet and all life therein, we've some balls calling anything else vermin!

1 comment:

mutters said...


Fuckin people shit me! It's all about them. I know, let's exterminate all life except what we can use - we'll put them in zoos.