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Monday, June 25, 2007


I haven't covered this for a while. Really, there's not much to report; the country's still in turmoil; people die on a daily basis. While the reports still continue, interest is (and has been for a while) on the wane.

Does this work for or against Bush? Does it benefit the insurgents?

On the one hand, the lost public interest means Bush doesn't have to listen to the anti-war protestors and their 'bring the troops home' cry. Nor does he spend as much time defending his actions.
On the other, he finds replenishment of troops a little more difficult to obtain as his congress tires of bodybags filling returning transport planes.
And the once staunch support for the cause from allied nations also diminishes as they too take their hands of the wheel and begin to look inward at their domestic concerns.

Meanwhile, Al Qaeda and its martyrs quietly plans. Because no traditional rules of war apply here. This a new breed of enemy, unaffected by public opinion of the infidel. The latest reports that the, considered to be safest/most secure hotel in Bagdad was yet another victim of a suicide bomber. So much for the 'push'!

And so it goes - and will keep 'going' interminably. I'll be reporting on this from time to time for years to come!

To quote a character from Black Hawk Down, "Theese eese how eet ower world!"


KB said...

I find it amusing that most men I know can remember quotes and rugby scores but not birthdays.

Hubby has seen BHD so many times, I'm sure he could rattle off quotes left, right and centre but ask him his daughters bdays, and he mixes them up every time.

"Y'know what I think? Don't really matter what I think. Once that first bullet goes past your head, politics and all that shit just goes right out the window. "

You know who said that M?

mutters said...

Ah - just as well I'm not 'most men' then.

Though it's just like a woman to take an article on war aand turn it into a bloody Mars/Venus thing.
Yah! Good one KB.

Chopper, KB, aka Eric Bana; he played a sensational role in BHD.

Interesting times ahead, KB, when Bush leaves office. I've said it til I'm blue in the face - I'll say it again - there's no 'without price' option. Good work George - nice legacy.

KB said...


You should know by now - going off on a tangent is one of my many talents...lmao.

You already know how I feel about the war anyway.

Swap Shop. I remember waking up early on Saturday mornings to watch Noel. See, I did it again.



mutters said...

Focus, KB, for goodness sake!

I remember Swap Shop as well; it spawned a plethora of imitation (none quite as good though).

KB said...

Well, you did mention SS on your blog so I'm kinda focused. Erm, maybe not.