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Thursday, June 07, 2007

Oxy the ice man

A group of italian scientists have conducted an autopsy on a 5000 year old man they've named 'oxy the ice man'.

They have deduced from the autopsy that he was murdered - with an arrow. It's not new that man has waged war against man since man began (another nature thing - 2 men in a room plus indeterminable time equals disagreement and extrapolates to violence), however it's a grim reminder when the ancient cadavers found confirm it.

Its...notable though; that our history is so determined by violence. This is at a very fundamantal level, genetic, and can't be altered unless we're prepared to put eveyone, eveywhere on Prozac.

All this peace on earth and goodwill to all men while commendable is a pipe dream and can never, ever be.

1 comment:

mutters said...

Jesus was a determined voice - look how he was listened to.

You're dreamin Missy. Those with the power will never listen - never have and they won't change. All that concerns them is the advancement of their powerbase. Time will prove me right (if you'd rather not take my word for it).