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Monday, June 11, 2007


And it transpires that Ms Hilton's billionaire grandfather donated money to the election campaign of the sherriff who released the heiress from jail.

The paper reports the payment as maybe being a "quid pro quo".

May be? Tch! - IS, would be more accurate methinks!

Money eh? Nothing more to say really.


Jayne :) said...

It stinks!

And now she has graciously announced that she will 'do' her 45 days - as if it was her choice?

Maybe her lack of popularity over this whole thing has shaken that rich brat self absorbtion at last!

mutters said...

Hey Jayney,

First - " put your left leg out..."

Look, she tried to wriggle, then buy, then weep her way out but because of the furore surrounding her it was never goin to be.
But like I've said before - jail isn't jail when one's filthy rich!

mutters said...

Yea-ep! The true definition of man. It's tragic.