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Thursday, June 07, 2007

Don't y'just hate that?

Here's a funny...typical really.

It's been raining here all morning, quite hard at times and through it all I've had some firewood lying out in it. So after a while I decided I'd better bring it under cover (it was soaked through by this stage but I thought at least I'd get it out of the rain so it wouldn't get any wetter and give it a chance to dry out a bit).

So I did just that.

It stopped raining...almost as I carried it under cover.

Hasn't rained since.

Bastard! Hoho...just effing typical!


mutters said...

Yeah, that's it hoho

Unknown said...

That's why they call it a weather report Mutters...

mutters said...

And of course, we all know how accurate THEY can be...

morgetron said...

Now you'll have a nice smokey fire ...

mutters said...

As a lifetime pyromaniac, wet timber's not a worry. I've seen me light a fire with wet sticks outside in the rain!