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Thursday, June 07, 2007


Isn't there supposed to be a separation between the two? Well someone should tell that to Cardinal Pell, the Archbishop of Sydney, Australia, because he seems a little confused.

There is a bill already that allows stem cells to be created for the purposes of research. Right? Well, an amendment has been proposed to allow the cell to be created with a given DNA inserted. This has the obvious advantage of ensuring acceptance by a given body. Because oft times the cells from which the 'cure' for certain ailments is taken, are rejected.

Seems fair enough to me - I mean the cells are already being created, it's just some of them are rejected on occasion therefore are rendered useless. So 'customizing' a cell to a particular body seems a smart thing to do, yes?

No! Not according to Pell, who has threatened virtual excommunication from the church for anyone who backs the bill.
And Tony Abbot, the good little rebel he is must be shaking in his shoes. From day one he's been abusing his position in parliament in favour of the Catholic way (attempting to block the abortion drug RU486 - unsuccessfully thankfully, and handing an abortion counselling service to the Catholic church - when is someone going to get rid of this awful little man?)

Back to Pell. Let me make this perfectly clear. This is outrageous coercion aimed at people who typically follow the Catholic church's orders like they were from God himself (and not someone who rides about in a vehicle called a 'popemobile'. This is a serious issue so I won't rip into that with my acerbic wit - at least not here, I'll get to it later - I mean, really, popemobile? Hoho there's fun to be had with that).

So a minor change to an existing law which would result in easing, at times completely negating, suffering to those with serious afflictions is being blocked by religion.

Tell y'what Pell - you keep ordering your subjects to attend mass and confession (and not use contraception) while you get your jollies off the power; and let the scientists come up with actual ways of helping unfortunates.

Bloody Catholic Church!


mutters said...

It's more malignant than simply 'crackerheads', Missy. The damn catholic church has been manipulating the population from day one - under the guise of God's love. This is another example - I mean, "do as we order or get excommunicated"?

Y'know what y'can do with your f**kin church...

mutters said...

Bloody rebels!

Unknown said...

There is too much religion and not enough Christianity -- and by that I do not mean"Bible Thumpers".

Think of the trouble it has caused --- the CRUSADES the Spanish Inquisition -- to name but two!

As the masses are becoming better educated and aware,the Roman Catholic (Catholic means universal)
Church is losing its grip and is becoming worried -- hence the much needed publicity -- any publicity is good -- detrimental or otherwise.