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Sunday, June 03, 2007

Gay only bars.

And finally from the weekend papers, this little nugget.

A bar in Melbourne has been turned into a gay only bar. That's right - no straight men or women allowed.

Good, I say - maybe the fairies'll stay out of mine then. Bloody shirt-lifters! Last time I went into the city some poof touched me up.

*Not that there's anything wrong with that! (cpyrght Seinfeld - jic).


mutters said...

Y'know, it seems that the straight, white Anglo-saxon male/female is becoming the minority these days.
Everyone else has their

mutters said...

Really? That makes two of us then, because by Christ, they broke the mould when they made me! (Isn't that right, Ma - just in case she pops in)

KB said...

Some poof touched you up? Was it the gay fairy?

Gay only bars? Imagine the outcry if we had straight only bars!!!

I think you should visit this bar Mutters. For research purposes only of course. Just remeber to remove the sock beforehand.


mutters said...

Is there any other kind? Hoho - a hairy bloke in a tutu doesn't really work!

Yeah - exactly - that's my point. "We" (normal people with no particular affinity) are barraged by clicks of minorities all around and it transcends all facets of life from religious to preference.
So there! I'm not afraid to say it!

Hahahaha, KB, your sense of humour just tickles me, mate.

Anonymous said...

Good words.

mutters said...

They always are in this blog.