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Saturday, June 09, 2007


She's back in again - wonder how long for this time?


mutters said...

It raises an issue tho - that given the overcrowding in jails, perhaps it isn't appropriate to incarcerate people for violating something as insignificant as a petty driving charge.
I mean jail! Driving while suspended is hardly a violent criminal offence. Pretty much a victimless crime actually.

mutters said...

Well, you know what they say - you can't legislate against stupidity!

Though this seems to have become more about making the rich face their resonsibility than the actual crime.

Moreover - how much is it costing you to house Paris? It's not cheap - something like 250 bucks a day, out of your tax dollars.

How about this - instead of jailing offenders, simply put a wheel clamp on their vehicle (of course, in Ms Hilton's case she'll just go out and buy another car - but for normal people who have only 1 car it would be effective and relatively cheap - just the cost of a clamp).
Anyway - just a thought.

mutters said...

Thanks Missy - though no-one'll listen to ME. Tch! Story of my life really.